A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0561

0561Happy Winter Solstice! Yes, today is the day when (in ancient times) folks would take a picnic and travel to Stonehenge to watch the sunrise and druids dance and frolic. There’d be clapping and hugs and aliens moving the stones around. It was a festival where everyone was overjoyed that the days would get longer.Because the aliens were adding minutes to the day giving back those minutes they stole during the first half of the year. We believe these minutes their fuel for when they time traveled (warning: may be historically and scientifically incorrect, please check other sources before quoting) So as the Earth goes around the Sun on its tilted axis, sometimes the top of the Earth is pointed more towards the Sun, and sometimes the bottom. When the top is pointing towards the Sun a bunch of that solar energy warms that half and for the US it’s Summer. When the bottom part of the Earth is pointing, the people on that part get that energy, so it is winter in the U.S. (energy kinda = heat) The Earth doesn’t slow down to make the “days longer.” Days are always around 24 hours. It’s just which side is getting more light. The days are “shorter” because we have less daylight. In the Summer the days are longer which just means we get more daylight and more solar energy. This ends your Science lesson today, boys and girls, make sure to do your homework…

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1221

1221Let’s see today was the last day the US postal service could guarantee that whatever you’re priority mailing will make it by Christmas. Also, there are only 3 shopping days until Christmas. What does this mean? Stay away from the post office and the mall. Gift giving has always flummoxed me.  When I was a kid you gave the people you cared about something you made.  Everyone smiled and the ceramic ash tray in the shape of Michigan gets put away once you leave.  As you get older you start realizing that you really need to know people well to be able to get them something they would like… I’m an introvert, getting to know people well takes decades.  So as you try to figure out if your should buy your second cousin, Ingmar, a fondue set or matching dish towels… Just remember there are only 369 shopping days until the next Christmas!  Oh, and go with the dish towels, nothing says I care like dish towels.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1935

1935When my little brothers were growing up, for much of that time I was in high school, college and then out of the house, on my own. I still regret not really being there during these years, and sometimes feel that I have missed out on some important times. I understand how people who travel feel when they see their child’s first words or steps via video. That said, I recall coming home one Christmas and seeing on the whiteboard in the kitchen the lyrics to “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” written in childish printing on it. My brother Michael’s work. The thing was this wasn’t just a few lines, this was a large portion of the song… including the “figgy pudding” part that most people don’t remember. Now when I hear that song this time of year, and all I see is that childish printing… SO I wish you a Merry Chirstmas. I’m expecting figgy pudding in the mail.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon # 0016

0016Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree… Those of us who have Christmas trees I think all have some rules (ok more like guidelines) as to how they should be decorated. When I was growing up, we usually had two Christmas trees, one with family ornaments- aka the kid’s tree. Then there was the formal tree. It was in the formal living room, usually flocked and always had one type of glass ball ornament in a kinda orangey red with gold accents. We weren’t supposed to go near the formal tree under threat of Santa notification. For those times when Sue and I actually decorate (which is very rare) we have a very nice fake tree (not aluminum) that we cover with ornaments that have to meet one requirement- they must have a memory attached to them. Basically when we look at that ornament we can connect it with a happy thought. The majority of our ornaments are hand made (usually by Sue, but I have a few plasticine ones that have survived the years) there are some we’ve picked up along the way, including a few created by former students. The tree is usually a sight with a mishmash of everything from crystal to cross stitch, to who knows what. The great part is when we put it up we get to remember all the wonderful things that we have been fortunate enough to do. It’s a sad day when we take it down – mostly because Hemi (the bestest cat in the world) has gotten very used to hiding underneath the tree and will wander the house days later looking for his hiding spot.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0519

0519No, I haven’t seen The Force Awakens… so quit asking me. I had to work today. I am planning on seeing it now that Winter Break has started, I just haven’t decided when or where.  What did I do today, the proclaimed “Star Wars Day”? I wore that unlicensed “Calvin & Hobbes t-shirt” with Han & Chewie, cleaned my classroom, and I did something very scary. I put in my VHS copy of Star Wars (Episode 4) that was the “enhanced version” which means the sound was brought into THX standards, and some of the specials effects were touched up… Nothing as drastic as the “Special Editions.” I saw the film pretty much just as I had seen it in 1977 (btw: Han shot first). Why was that scary? I hadn’t played that tape in probably over 15 years. I was afraid that it would disintegrate half way through (right before ‘Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid”) and it would be lost forever. I lucked out, and the school VCR along with our projector did a fine job. I keep going back on Star Wars or Star Trek and there are days when I’m a trekkie and days when the Force is with me. I’m in that in-between age range that was influenced by both while growing up. Just as the prequels kinda soured me to Star Wars, I know there are Star trek films that were horrible, or worse. So all I can do is embrace the science fiction fan in me and get lost for a few hours in a galaxy far, far away- next year I’ll get lost where no one has gone before. On a side note, I did pick up a BB-8 Sphero thanks to my sister Nancy.  OK Sue’s sister, but we’ve known each long enough she’s my sister too.  Now i watch it charge with Cecil watching and look forward to what tomorrow will bring.  Isn’t that what Science Fiction is all about anyway?

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1903

1903I was raised by a frustrated pilot… My dad always wanted to fly, but due to bad eyesight, he was never able to pursue his passion. We went to air shows, he subscribed to Aviation Week & Space Technology, He retired from working at a defense contractor (shhh… it’s a secret) while working on a… you guessed it, plane. My first few years of teaching I really tried to get parental approval, just like many people of my generation who were not constantly told they were wonderful, and get participation trophies. I worked at a school and ran the Young Astronauts Club, took yearly trips to the Space and Rocket Center, was named a NASA distinguished Educator (through NEWEST, a long defunct program). I even helped guide my school into a curricular focus on Aerospace. Did it help? Not really. Recently I finally had the opportunity to visit one of those landmark sites when it comes to aviation, Kill Devil Hill. I was amazed at what Orville and Wilbur put up with that December. We were there just after Christmas. While I still don’t like to fly… I can be in awe of the accomplishment.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0192

0192When you ask Siri “How many days until Christmas, you get “one week and one day” When you ask how many hours until Christmas, you get “one week and one day” I did then did the math…  which translates to- I really need to get my act together if I’m going to ship anything to my relatives.  Sue’s family is easy, a few years ago we all decided we were old enough to not give gifts.  Instead we all gather someplace and spend time with each other.  No pressure, no stress, no anxiety, just some time together.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #9999

9999Now with only days to go before winter break, classrooms are an exciting place to be. You see kids have certain things that make them excited: toys, candy & cookies, staying up late, and for a few not going to school. So winter break as it is now called combines a number of these into one massive reason to forget how civilized people act. Sadly, school is where a lot of this energy is expelled.  While at the same time many teachers are now trying to convey that last bit of knowledge before everyone leaves and the standardized tests loom closer on the horizon. The school staff is left trying to survive as the kids get wound tighter and tighter and tighter… basically my day job this week is like herding cats.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1875

1875Mmmm… Gingerbread, a taste and smell of the season. Whether it be gingerbread houses, pepparkakor, hermits (my grandfather’s recipe), or whatever gingerbread seems to sneak its way into the stressful holidays. It’s there and for many it’s one of the things that make this time of year special. Stress relief tip: line up a bunch of gingerbread folk, one by one, bite off just their heads. Once your done that to all of them, eat what’s left. I think it’s something in gingerbread that helps. Strangely , it doesn’t seem to work if you just eat them, you have to follow the direction exactly. Go figure!