A Year in MINIons- MINIon #K1,P1

k1p1While recently the “ugly Christmas sweater” has become a “thing.” To the point where companies are making fake ugly sweaters by screen printing on sweatshirts… Really? This attitude shows once again the commercialism of the holiday and the loss of the true meaning of the ugly Christmas sweater. People have forgotten the most important part of the ugly Christmas sweater, isn’t that you found it at a second hand store and knew that it would bag you first prize at the office holiday party. It isn’t that you really wanted a fake batman patterned sweater so you could hang out with the “cool kids.” The true meaning of the ugly Christmas sweater is that someone out there thought of YOU when they saw it and felt so strongly that they purchased it. Worse yet, Aunt Bernice knit the sweater for you thinking (once again) that you would LIKE it. The sweater reflects more on how people see you, than the taste of the gift giver.  Something to think about. Oh and going out and buying an ugly sweater just says you don’t have someone who loves you so much that they would see something hideous and think of you. 🙂

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1951

1951It’s about this time people start watching those classic Christmas specials and movies to get into the spirit of the season. I know “recently” there have been a few that end up with a few fart jokes and pratfalls. Then again sometimes all that makes it a Christmas film is that the story takes place over Christmas. One of my favorites is just that kind of film. It was released in the spring of 1951 (according to that repository of all knowledge Wikipedia) It’s actually a remake of 1934 film by the same name. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the original, but “The Lemon Drop Kid” is a classic. I know it sounds about as Christmassy as “Die Hard.” It’s based on Damon Runyon short story, so it has 1930’s gangsters. More importantly this is the film to introduced the song “Silver Bells” to the list of holiday music. Which is a great bit of holiday trivia to remember.  If you have a chance to see it sometime, I really do recommend you check it out.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon # 1957

1957One of my heroes has been Theodor Geisel, aka Dr. Seuss. Almost everything he wrote has been something that has influenced me. I find my drawing style has been influenced by Seuss, that and Robert Marble. As I look at my drawings I seem to see the influences, you may not. Somehow I remember reading Happy Birthday to You many times when growing up. I recall The Lorax making me rather anxious because of the ending, that wasn’t an ending… something I still don’t like very much.  The story of Grinch… well, that’s an interesting thing, since I don’t recall which I experienced first- the book, or TV Special.  Image my surprise when I found out that another hero of mine, Chuck Jones, worked on this.  Many thanks to my in-laws for getting me Chuck Amuck– Chuck Jones Autobiography for Christmas years, and years ago.  I use many things from that book when teaching drawing- aka cartooning. As for Robert Marble, my parents were a big fan of this artist and bought a bunch… a lot, more than a lot. They bought enough of his stuff to have him drop by our house and arrange a very large wall of his artwork.  As a kid, I had a few pieces in my bedroom- one was “How to Give a Elephant a Nose Job.” Robert Marble did a number of drawings of Rube Goldberg like devices with animals-  “How to Stripe a Zebra” along with a bunch a rather amusing pieces with cartoon animals.  When something sits on your bedroom wall for years,  (“How to Give an Elephant an Nose Job”) it kinda influences you as an artist…  I’ve been lucky enough to now have a couple of originals from my parents- they actually hang in my classroom. Seuss, Jones, & Marble… I wonder what my life would be like if my parents had Albrecht Dürer, or Van Gogh on my walls.  You’re a mean one… Mr. Grinch.  

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1209

1209“Sure Charlie Brown, I can tell you what Christmas is all about. Lights please? .And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night… on Earth peace, and good will toward men. That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.” Yes, I know I’m a couple of days early for the 50th anniversary of this special, and if you don’t know what I’m talking about- shame on you.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0165

0165I remember the first time I heard about Hanukkah, I was in elementary school, around third grade.  For an agnostic suburban kid I was shocked, I tell you shocked, that not everyone celebrated Christmas! How was the economy going to keep going?  Those poor kids didn’t get any presents!  don’t even get me started on Santa.  Then I heard the rumor that instead of having one day for presents, these kids got eight… at that point my elementary kid mind considered converting.  Frankly, as with any holiday (whether I celebrate it or not) I hope everyone has a wonderful time.  For the next eight nights: Happy Hanukkah!

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1201

1201When I was growing up my dad worked for a bank in the international shipping department. I had no clue what he did, but I knew he talked to people all around the world and worked in a very tall building near FAO Schwarz.  I recall one year someone who he worked with who was from England came to visit California with his family… he had a bunch of teenage daughters, I was in elementary school. I had no idea about teenagers, I was worried about riding my Big Wheel. They were into the “Rock Stars” popular at that time in England. At that time one of them was David Cassidy… At the time I just couldn’t understand anything about their geekiness. All I remember was going to record stores looking for posters and records from someone, for me was a part of reruns. I still don’t understand a lot about teenagers, or girls…