A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0399

0399I think most people would say I’m one of those “early adopters.” I love Kickstarter because of all the cool things people come up with and want to bring to market. I have a LunaTik- preprecursor of the Apple Watch- it was a watch band the you put an iPod Nano into (when the nano was square). I have a Pebble- the precursor to the Apple Watch- it wirelessly connected to my phone and would display, caller, and text messages. I could also select the music I wanted playing. The funny thing I don’t have an Apple Watch, and when it came to the initial iPod, I was kinda lukewarm to the entire idea initially. I’ve never really gotten into music so it wasn’t my thing. Why would you want to spend almost $400 for a computerized Walkman?  I did finally get one when the second gen came out and was sold from that point on.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0841

0841OK- I really like the Flash, I’ve been reading the Flash since I was in about 3rd grade. When I was a kid my parents tended to go to the same place every Friday for dinner. Those who know me, might figure this actually is part of my DNA. One of the cool things was there was a bookstore just across from the place we ate. My parents would buy us a book pretty much every week or two. I would run to the science fiction section and picked up many books, before I could really read them (the covers looked cool). I also ended up with a number of books dealing with olde tyme comic books. Secret origins, or golden age heroes. If I’d try to buy copies of the books I used to read.. well let’s just say “comic books.” One origin I remember reading about was Plastic Man (his was a somewhat comedic).  Now I actually kind of appreciate Eel O’Brian’s irreverent view of the world.  He’s kind of a goofball, and the world needs more goofballs.  IMHO If you are too serious, your life is probably miserable, you just don’t know it.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0022

0022There are many kinds of comics, not just the super hero variety. When I was growing up I remember meeting a kid who changed my life & gave me purpose. You see he had a stack of comics. there were over 80 comics in his stack and even though most of them were Harvey- – Richie Rich, etc.  I thought it was so cool that I knew I wanted a stack of comics that tall someday. After lots of work, many decades, and thousands of comics later, I’m still at it.  He collected Harvey Comics and When I visited my grandmother’s there was a small pile of comics in the room my brother and I shared… a mix of Marvel, DC, and Archie.  I never really got into Archie Comics until recently.  It wasn’t the zombie Archie comics, or the alternate history comics, or even the death of Archie that got me to buy and read them, it was the reboot.  I usually hate reboots, but this time around they had brought on some known writers and artists and actually some interesting stories.  While they are only 3 issues in they are surprisingly good and I would recommend them.  Much more serious that the Archie I remember, but really good stories that I can’t wait to see what happens.

Hey! Where Have You Been?!? MINIon Sketches

Thanks for asking… I knew you cared. This past week was my school’s “Fall Break” It used to be something called “Teacher’s Institute” when I first started teaching. Back then it was only two days and that was when all the teacher groups had their conferences. Later on someone realized that most teachers were going on vacation so it was renamed “Fall Break.” It got expanded to an entire week as more and more families would pull their kids from school to get a head start. This will be changing soon, at least for my school district. Enough technical stuff, so What did I do? I visited my parents and (shock) attended a professional conference! During this time I wasn’t sure what kind of tech I’d have available, so like the last time I traveled I just drew MINIons and now I’m uploading them.  As for the “vacation” it was fine, nice to see my parents and the conference was pretty good- at least inspires me to go back to school and work on some new things.  So here are the MINIons I sketched.  Someday I may turn these into completed badges, but for right now… nope.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1908

1908I tend to ignore sports… My older brother was an athlete so when growing up I just kinda learned to dismiss it. I consciously chose to head in other directions so we wouldn’t be in competition (especially a competition where I knew I would lose). So if I was invited to attend any sporting event I tended to follow the lead of the crowd. I cheered on the home team. When people ask me about baseball (basically the “so who’s your favorite team?”) I tend to answer in vague mutterings. When pressured I say “the Brooklyn Dodgers” (that was my grandfather’s favorite team)- I’m usually reminded that the Dodgers are now in Los Angeles at that point, I feign ignorance. If really pushed I say the Cubs- why, because they are my wife’s favorite team & and that’s what love is all about, isn’t it?

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1987

1987As you wish… “The Princess Bride” holds a special place in my heart. When Sue & I were getting married (a number of years ago) Since I was a teacher, the school threw a shower for me. It was, shall we say, “interesting.” One of the gifts I was given was a Princess Bride poster. It became even more significant when The judge arrived for the ceremony and (I kid you not) he sounded just like the impressive clergyman in the film… I know it sounds inconceivable but I swear he said, “Mawwiage. Mawwiage is what bwings us togethew today. Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam within a dweam. And wove, twue wove, wiww fowwow you fowevah and evah… So tweasuwe youw wove”  it was fantastic, and just made the day even more special. Oh, and why is he smiling?  Because he… is not left-handed.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #00d2

00d2I like to play games, I don’t do it as often as I really want to (I’m an introvert so even hanging out with friends can be a little much, then again- maybe I’m “on the spectrum” as the hip educators say nowadays).  In the group I tend to game with I’m considered “the Saint of the Unopened Game.”  You see I really like looking at games and the worlds they create, but I don’t play them that often (see introvert comment) so I go out and buy a game, and then I never play it.  Currently Star Wars Armada is leading the pack of “games I have yet to play.”  I bring this up because tonight was my class’s first “field trip” to the game store.  Our local game shop (Saltire Games) lets me have a room once a month so my students and their families can play some of the games we play at school.  Tonight I brought in: King of Tokyo, Hey! That’s My Fish!, 7 ate 9, Word on the Street, and The Three Pigs.  I figured the kids that came out would learn a new game and teach their parents some game they already know.  The results of the evening was, I won: Hey! That’s My Fish! – twice, and King of Tokyo once.  I don’t let kids win, if they actually win (and they do win), they deserve the accolades, no participation ribbons from me! For being the first time this year the turn out wasn’t what I had hoped, but with everything else going on, and my class being experts at not showing their parents anything, it was expected.  If you happen to be in the neighborhood on the first Tuesday of the month, drop by. Alumni of my class are always welcome- no matter how old you may be!  Remember: you win some, you lose some, so who knows how you’ll do? If you do want to win- play against me in chess.  My older brother was always better at it than I was, basically, I’m terrible.