A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1796

1796Say Ahhh! Now cough… OK according to the Interwebs you have ebola… or a rhinovirus hard to tell at this point. Just take two aspirin and call my office in the morning. When I returned from my trip out east I ended up catching something and lost my voice for a day or two or three. Fortunately, I got into the school’s clinic and was given something to make it so I could properly keep order in my classroom, sorta.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0032

0032I was either an orthodontist’s dream or nightmare… I started in braces when I was in 3rd grade and finally had them removed in 9th grade because (as the story goes) my parents told the orthodontist that they had enough of it. You see I was a rebel, I rarely wore my headgear (especially when it started to get really complicated around the head and on the neck). I would ride my bike to the orthodontist appointments and (sadly) there was a candy shop along the route and I would end up there either before or after my appointment. Gummi Bears or chocolate caramels were my weakness. Mmmm… candy. When all was done I think I lost my retainer within days of getting it. Oh, and all that time was destroyed when my wisdom teeth came in and squished my teeth in my lower jaw together. So kids- don’t be like me, follow your orthodontists directions and it will take less time and your wisdom teeth will never form since you are already wise beyond your years.  Happy International Smile Day! Find something to smile about and hold onto it for as long as possible.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1939

1939BOO! Welcome to October! There’s a chill in the air proving that Fall has begun. As I was heading home from School today I said to myself “Self, you need to come up with a really quick and easy idea for a MINIon today” because it had been one of those days. Not necessarily bad, just kinda herding cats exhausting. Hence the traditional Halloween ghost.

A Year in MINIons- MINIons # ???

Friday I left on one of those “Family Trips” the kind you really don’t want to talk about. The nice part was seeing family, and spending some time with my brother Mike & his family. This includes my wonderful niece & God daughter! I brought two of my favorite books (Just Only John by Jack Kent & The Wuggie Norple Story by Daniel Pinkwater) and her first set of Duplo! Yes, I’m spoiling her. So while there I was without computer, or scanner, but not a sketch pad. So I drew MINIons each day. No they don’t have that nice finished look, but They are pretty close.
Ask a Dumb Question Day September 30
Star Trek: The Next Generation Premiered on Sept 28… I sense feelings of great joy and happiness.
Did you hear? The Pope visited the U.S. and… stuff happened.
September 29th- National Coffee Day. I don’t drink coffee (Tea, Earl Grey, hot- because of 9-28)
While visiting family I was pretty close to Sleepy Hollow.
Why do they complementary check your bags because there’s no room on the plane anymore because they charge a fee to check luggage? Seems silly. But make sure your tray tables, and seat backs are… you know the drill.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1817

1817I remember fondly my first bike… it was metallic purple. growing up I remember riding my bike everywhere, to school each day, to the grocery, to the dentist, to work, pretty much everywhere.  Since then I have had a number of different bikes all with the same result. I get rid of them when I realize that I really don’t use them as much as I should, or I could. The last one was a mountain bike with big tires and a whole bunch of gears, it has been probably 15 years since I donated that one away. I just realized that where I live, there really is very little bike friendly places. So I would have to transport my bike to a trail, or park… riding it there was either too far, or too dangerous.  Indianapolis is becoming more ‘Bike Friendly, but most of that is downtown, out in the burbs we’re still out of luck for the most part. We have a lot of nice roads leading to nowhere, but you can take your life in your own hands riding on them.  I’ve gotten the itch to get a bike again, this time I’m thinking of a folding one, that fits in my MINI, so I wouldn’t need a bike rack… maybe someday, but not real soon.