A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1928

1928Please don’t get me started on sports, especially sports in an academic setting… wait, let me find my soapbox, I know I left it around here somewhere. Kidding aside- You know, “coach” is a word that is really overused.  Everyone is now a “coach” we have life coaches, and in education every kind of coach imaginable. In schools it’s just another name for a master teacher on special assignment- but calling them “coach” sounds better, I guess.  Fortunately when I was special assignment I was a “specialist” trust me you never want to see me in gym shorts… I mean it.  It’s really scary. Let’s just remember that when the going gets tough… go out there and win one for the Gipper!

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0919

0919Ahoy there me hearties! This be MINIon #0919. While ye might be thinkin’ I pulled a fast one… Yea, there already be a pirate MINIon (MINIon #1883 if you be wantin’ to know). So what could I be doin’ on this grand an glorious occasion?  The only thing possible (since I canna draw bilge rats as MINIons)! So this be what ye gets!  So while ye be “talkin’ like a pirate” this day, remember- comin’ up with something to say in pirate speak ain’t as easy as ye thinks.  So God speed and may the wind always be at yer back. oh, and “Arrrrrgh!”

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #7000

7000School fundraisers… each year they get more and more extreme. Once upon a time, people donated to their schools and they was no spectacle. Now, schools have to have an event and each year they get more and more strange. This year the trend deals with duct tape. Basically, duct tape the principal to a wall somewhere in the school. For many kids the principal is the most powerful person they have ever known. Having them do something silly is a great motivator. Many principals forget that  we work with kids and ignore any suggestions to do something embarrassing. Fortunately, my principal isn’t one of those types. So tonight after celebrating raising a bunch of money for the school (and therefore the kids) he had himself duct taped and left hanging for a few minutes to the cheers and giggles of the students. It was the nice end to a great evening with families and kids. Oh he also secured funding so that every kid was given shirt with the school logo on it.  Sometimes, my job, isn’t that bad.  Although the highlighter yellow shirts were a bit bright for my old eyes, then again, the kids loved them.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #5682

5682Some things just become part of you… for me, one of those things is “Little Shop of Horrors.” Here are my foggy memories connected to it: Seeing the stage play in Chicago as a gift from my in-laws – wonderful night, simply wonderful I can’t thank them enough. Loving the film version of the musical and memorizing all the songs… I guess the silly thing was that Sue and I would sing the duets, which is another happy thought. I guess I really could identify with Seymour… but then again, I’m a geek. Then going back and finding the original source material- and falling asleep every time I try to watch it. 🙂 Like I said, some things become a part of you… and a musical about a man-eating plant, seems to be a big part of me.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1892

1892You know I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel when I result to American Football. Most of my friends know that when everyone is going wild about football, I tend to joke about “soccer” just because. I was once a football fan- I was 8 and Sears was selling “official” football gear at Christmas. My parents wanted us to grow up as good American boys.  My brother (who liked the ocean) picked the Dolphins. I picked the Raiders (we lived near Oakland) . Not much to say, as the years went by the Raiders followed me south, won a Superbowl, moved back north… and I moved east. Now I’m in “Colt’s Country” with everyone spending every cent of their disposable income to support the local team… I won’t go into my thoughts on this, I’ve upset enough people in person. That said, I really tend to support the team that plays well (without cheating- sorry Patriots). but I will always post about European football scores as people in the U.S. spend way too much time and money on bread & circuses. I wonder what would happen if everyone spent just as much on schools (no, not the high school football team, actual education), or infrastructure, or their own community.  Funny thing, in Indiana they don’t complain about tax increases to support millionaire football players, or billionaire owners, but stutter and stall at supporting local initiatives that actually help “real people.”  No, I don’t own an official “jersey” for Colt’s days at school… I know I’m just a bad person. Oh, and I believe this referee call shown is “I’m innocent, don’t shoot” which sadly so many football players need these days.