A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0018

0018I like golf, just not playing it, you see like many things Sue enjoys, I tried golf (I also tried cross stitch and knitting). There’s even one of the early comics is about the experience. I tried, wasn’t very good (wasn’t good at all) and didn’t have the time to invest to get better. After enough time, I put my clubs in the basement. Golf on the Nintendo Wii is much more forgiving.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0015

0015Excelsior True Believers! This month (yesterday actually) marks the anniversary of one of those “comics that changed it all” except this one actually did change a lot. As I post this I must remember that with great power comes great responsibility.  With apologies to Steve Ditko. I had a “Spider-man” MINIon on my first short list, but then, (like Batman) after I tried it a couple of times I realized that the ears just don’t work… So as I was trying to figure out what to draw I saw that it was the 53rd anniversary of Amazing Fantasy #15.  I felt I should give it one more try and then realized what I could draw.  After some research to see the exact style and colors really liked the end result.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0808

0808Meow! Happy International Cat Day!  Cecil decided to honor the “Best Cat in the World” aka Hemi on this auspicious occasion. He was thinking of maybe doing a Broadway show all about cats… but he thought “Who would go to a musical all about cats?” Most people in America seem to be dog people, but having the entire cast lick the audience might be a bit much.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #8703

8703Remember when you were a kid and they used to show the old National Geographic films in Science class? Jane Goodall & Louis Leakey seemed to be the stars of most of the ones my school would get. I can still hear the whir of the projector as the teacher sat back to grade papers and we learned about  the discoveries of field scientists uncovering the secrets of man.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0538

0538So it begins… Tonight is the first Presidential debate for the Republican candidates. I am looking forward to watching some of it just to see what some of them will say, it should be amusing. I figure they will have to cover all the hot button issues while never mentioning how neither party could work together to actually solve any of the countries problems. All I can say is- this is a bit early for politics. I remember in third grade our school held elections for student officers. One speech stuck in my mind this sixth grader gets up in front of the whole school and promises everything that a kid could want – longer recess, less homework, soda fountains instead of drinking fountains. All the young kids bought it hook line and sinker. Cheering and clapping and, as kids, not even knowing if he had the power to do anything that he promised.  Both parties are to blame for our current mess, but I will still vote in the primary and the general election… If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have the right to complain.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1959

1959Today was the first day of school. So I figured an apple for the teacher was appropriate. I know many of you might be saying “First Day? Isn’t it still summer?” Yes, but many schools have moved up their start dates for a bunch of different reasons. Limiting “Learning Loss” is a big reason, Adding more days before testing so kids have as many days of teaching as possible before the high stakes test. “Balancing” the calendar so there are longer breaks throughout the year, we have a week at Thanksgiving, and a week in October. Does any of this work? Research is mixed, but while it is painful right now, it is nice to not have to rush somewhere in November. As for the drawing I am playing around with a new pen given to me by my friend Jim McClain. It handles a lot differently than what I have used in the past, but I see a lot of promise if I can just figure out how to use it, and that takes practice. Oh, 1959? That’s the year my school building opened.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #761.5

7615I figured I’d let you peek behind the curtain since the new school year starts tomorrow and I’m really tired. Today’s MINIon shows you what the original draft looks like before I ink it and color it. I use a non-photo blue pencil to draw, ink it in and scan my finished drawing in “line art” mode which takes off the blue and only deals with the black ink. so while I have been drawing these enough that my arm hurts, this is how it is done. The original can be as sloppy as I like since only the ink appears in the final.  This was drawn using a normal #2 .5 mechanical pencil which I really dislike since I always break the lead.  I actually use a Prismacolor Verithin pencil when drawing because they don’t break as easily as a normal Prismacolor pencil.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1319

1319So, this weekend, as you probably heard, a bunch of MINI Cooper owners headed to the upper peninsula of Michigan to break a world record and the MINIons were a part of this effort. From the four corners of the Earth people drove in hopes to create the longest parade of Mini cars… We needed 1451 we ended up with 1319. Sue and I (thanks to a friend) were able to bring all of our MINIs up for the attempt. While it ended up a failed attempt the best part was getting together with friends we don’t see that often. Here’s the thing, Sue and I arrive and are handed unique MINIon shirts- dark, dark grey with “Obey the Monkey” on the front and “MINION” on the back. I am humbled by the friends I have made while driving around the country. These “MINIons” are such amazing people that I really don’t know what to say. Being an introvert, and not really socially adept (I’m probably on “the Spectrum”). I am amazed at how many friends I have gathered, especially those who embrace “the monkey.” So many people look at me funny and walk away… “He’s that guy who carries around that monkey everywhere.” I appreciate the people who smile, nod, and look behind my attempts to keep people away… and just laugh at the joke. I really don’t deserve these friends, but I learned a long time ago, from my grandmother, to just politely say “Thank You” and be quiet… So “Thank You MINIons.”
Yes, I'm weird. (Photo by Dee Quon)
Yes, I’m weird. (Photo by Dee Quon)