A Year in MINIons- MINIon #8689

8689I grew up without many cares or worries. I was lucky that way. Being rather introverted I could disappear into my room for hours and never really need to talk to anyone. When I was put into a strange situation, comics tended to be my escape. Third grade, my parents send me to overnight soccer camp in hopes that I will become athletic… my solution was to spend any off time in my room reading “Hagar the Horrible.” First day of college, I move into my dorm room and immediately go to the campus bookstore. There I buy a copy of a collection of a strange comic I’d never heard of before… “Bloom County.”

A Year In MINIons- MINIon #6910

6910Yes, I finally did it, a MINION MINIon. I hope you’re all happy now. Cecil has had minions since his first appearance years before a certain film came out, so he doesn’t like his MINIons being confused with those MINIONs… but if can’t beat them, join them. I hope everyone who attended San Diego Comic Con had a great time and a safe trip back to where ever you call home. It looks like the one studio in particular pulled out all the stops. If you have not read about the STAR WARS VII panel in the infamous Hall H you should. Also the trailer for the Superman v Batman film looks interesting, I’m sure we’ll get more before the film actually comes out. Most of the trailers shown seem to be posted on YouTube almost as soon as the panel is over so head over to the second most popular search engine and hunt your favorite down.

A Year In MINIons- MINIon #0022

0022I read comic books, as if you didn’t know, when I was a kid about once a year we’d visit my grandparents, They had a ginormous house and my older brother and I would sleep in my uncle’s old room. I remember it had a mounted fish on the wall. The other thing I remember was a small pile of comic books and a couple of them were Archie. I never really got into the shorter story/gag related comics, but they did stick in my mind after all these years. And this week (since almost all the other comic companies have done it) Archie Comics decided to reboot their universe. They’d had zombies and alternate reality stories(Archie marries Betty, Archie marries Veronica), even killed off Archie, so I guess it was time. My only thought was “How?” How do you reboot a comic that really in my mind was just a bunch of short stories or long gags? DC & Marvel reboot because their continuity gets too much for an average reader to take. Archie, has no continuity as far as I remember, nothing really tied issues together. I’m not an expert but when I think of most comics that I have read, if something happens in one issue, it becomes a part of the canon. In Archie, one story he’s dating Betty, the next he’s dating Veronica it just happened with the turn of a page in the same issue. Archie was a “player,” I guess. So they rebooted Archie and brought in some great writers and artists to do it which made me interested. So I happen to be passing a comic shop and picked up a copy of Archie Issue number one… and I think I’ll be back for issue number two. I had read some of the story online and decided I wanted to try out this new Archie, and I think they’ve got me hooked for now. I like character driven stories and try to avoid the silly event comics unless I can’t avoid them (Convergence and Secret Wars -ugh!). This wasn’t the Archie I remembered, it was a little more mature, and frankly… good. So MINIon #0022 is my salute to the relaunch of Archie, if the storytelling and artwork stay at this level, you might have a convert. As for Saturday of San Diego Comic Con… When I’ve had a 4 day badge, I try to avoid it like the plague.  The crowds are… nightmarish.  If you like being around the hoards of humanity, then I’ve got the place for you.  I saw this morning a photo of the line for Hall H… for tomorrow. People camping out already to get a seat in Hall H- TOMORROW.  A quick explanation for those who don’t follow the San Diego “Comic” Con, except for the quick reports that make you think (as a geek) “I must go there.”  Hall H and Ballroom 20 are where the panels for movies and TV shows happen, so this is where all the “fans” line up- for days.  It is not pretty.  See, they don’t clear out the hall at the end of each session, so once you get a coveted seat you don’t give it up.  You become Gollum with his “precious.”  You sit through panels and previews of stuff you could care less about so you can get that one glimpse of the actor/director/celebrity you care about.  I’m lucky.  When I go, I scope out the comic book related panels and those are usually empty.  I remember the last time I went I was waiting outside a room for Robert Kirkman’s presentation, happy that I was first in line.  The security person asked what I was doing, and then looked at me befuddled and told me to just go sit down, there’s no waiting. The same thing happened for Jeff Smith, and David Peterson, and I’m assuming any comic book creator (OK, maybe not Stan Lee).  I do regret in all the times I attended San Diego Comic Con (three if my memory hasn’t failed me) I never attended the Eisner Awards or the Masquerade.  There’s alway’s 2017 (if I can keep my professional badge).

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #2007

2007Today would normally be “Star Wars Day” at San Diego Comic Con, so you would think I’d do a Star Wars character, but I really don’t think I could top MINIon #0006.  So I decided to go with another cosplay that you’d see wandering around San Diego this weekend.  To all those folks dressed as characters from cartoons, I hope you are having an adventurous time! Enjoy your pizza!

Cecil’s Top Ten Things to Do While Waiting for #MTTS2016

mapYesterday, as many MINI owners know, MINIUSA announced the dates for MINI Takes The States 2016 (or as Cecil likes to call it “MINIons Take The States”). This would have caused the Interwebs to explode except that the San Diego Comic Con was also going on and it exploded because of various things happening there. So now it’s 365 days (thank you leap year) until people get together for this amazing event. What are you going to do until then? Cecil has some ideas: 1. Practice how to drive in a line following other MINIs by attending MINI on the Mack in August or other MINI related events. 2. Wash your MINI (If you have one.  If not buy and MINI and then wash it) because you’re going to want a clean place to put all the MTTS graphics you are going to buy so you can be like the cool kids. 3. Create a Kickstarter Campaign to help fund your trip. (Funyuns don’t grow on trees ya know!) 4. Watch “the Italian Job” at least 365 times (both versions) so you can quote them verbatim – “You’re only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!” You could also go back and review some of the My Geek Odyssey Comics dealing with MTTS (shameless plug) 5. Change your oil.  No really you should, every 5,000 miles.  You might also want to rotate your tires too.  Getting your MINI into service and checked out before you head out is a good idea. 6. Post how excited you are on every form of social media – twitter, facebook, ello, periscope, tumblr, vine… Sorry if I missed any important ones, I lose track, there are so many. 7. Learn to pack 14 days worth of clothes into a small suitcase.  Remember you can never have enough black t-shirts! (unless you’re Dallas and he can never have enough tie-dyed shirts) 8. Start a blog to tell the world how excited you are (make sure to post on social media about your blog) 9. Learn to say “I’m going all the way” without giggling. 10. Complain about not knowing the route. When the route is posted, complain about where it goes, the cities, the hotels, the venues.  Come up with new and different reasons to complain- the more unique the better. 10+. Listen to White Roof Radio, since the podcast is awesome and the guys will be reporting along the route, and keeping us laughing (groaning) every morning! Anything Cecil missed?  Add it in the comments.

What I Did During the Off Season – So Far

Politicians and the Media have for years (decades) pushed the “summer off” aspect of teaching to belittle the profession and make it seem less than important. Most people have no idea what a teacher does during the school year, let alone over the summer. I have started a campaign to start calling “Summer Vacation” the “Off Season” because people don’t seem to complain when million dollar pro athletes get more time off than I do after a hard season. A season that is actually less days than the school year, but I digress. For many teachers the off season is a time to relax, to spend time with their neglected families, to recharge. I always tell my students that in the summer teachers go around gathering this stuff called “patience” and put it a big jar. Every time you disrupt class, do something inappropriate the teacher gives you a bit of that patience. So I’m sorry if by the end of the school year I’m scraping the jar to find anything and therefore might lose my patience with you. The Off Season is so much more than just a “vacation.” It’s a time for teachers to clean out and reorganize their classrooms. It’s a time to read more than the essays and papers needing grading. It’s a time to reflect on what happened over the year, the good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s a time to learn. This Off Season I did a bit of everything. It started out with administering the second go around of Indiana’s IREAD-3 test to those students who didn’t pass the first time. So my first day of vacation, I was at school working. That was basically the way it was for that first week. I was at school for at least part of each day cleaning out things and getting ready for new carpeting to be installed. Carpeting that as of early July has yet to arrive in the school. Once the classroom was somewhat ready I attended a two day technology conference to hopefully learn some new and better ways to incorporate technology into my classroom. It was interesting, I learned some things and hopefully will be able to do some new things with technology with my class. Next I attended Edcamp Indy, which is an “unconference.” For those not aware of what an unconference is – a regular conference had a schedule of meetings and speakers.  You walk in and are handed a schedule and pick what you want to attend.  An unconference starts with everyone in one room going up and saying “I’d like to learn more about…” “I’m not really good with ___ I know there are experts could we talk about it?” or “I did this really cool thing this year and want to tell you all about it.” Basically you get a bunch of people in rooms and talk about things and learn from everyone.  Which if you’ve ever gone out with a bunch of teachers is what we do when two or more of us are in the same room.  I presented on comics in the classroom and some basic drawing techniques.  I learned about cool ideas to motivate kids in reading, classroom libraries, #nErDcampMI, and some cool tricks for taking video on an iPad. Then I was completely blown away by Kids Read Comics in Ann Arbor, MI.  Again there was mention of #nErDcampMI.  I would go into detail about all I experienced, but I already did here. When I returned, I went back to school and helped set up STEM Camp. Then taught at STEM Camp for three days.  We did a lot of activities dealing with LEGO, coding, and even some geocaching.  It just showed me again that a child’s interest in a topic is so important.  Some kids could have spent twice the time in the activities we had planned, others could care less, and then became disruptive.  With around 100 kids you could really tell the ones who wanted to be there, and the ones who were there because they had to be. Since my grade level has a short unit on comics, and I am a proponent of comics in the classroom I attended “Indy Pop Con” right after STEM Camp concluded.  I had tabled there last year and had decided to attend this time as a fanboy just to experience the con for the other side of table.  It seemed a lot smaller than I remember from last year, and the focus was off for me. I’ve said that “everyone is a geek” and there are some geeks I don’t understand. It seemed that Pop Con is embracing it’s name and really covering all popular culture, this year it was YouTube celebrities.  Lines for what seemed like miles to see people I had never heard of.  It was a little sad since most comic cons now focus less and less on comics, I guess I was hoping there would be more dealing with comics, Artist Alley was nice, but not what I was expecting. As for panels the “Men in Comics” was probably the highlight for me.  It is a Pop Con and therefore it should have a wide focus, I guess I just wish comics were a little more prevalent. Then again, this was after attending Kids Read Comics where everything was about comics so… That takes us to July and nErDCamp… Two days for self proclaimed “Book Nerds.”  It’s an unconference, and not an unconference.  I won’t name droop mostly because there were so many cool people there and I’m horrible with names.  A quick overview because my mind is still processing everything. Day one had traditional sessions with great speakers.  It began with NerdTalks (think Ted Talks) to get us excited… I started off with a session about improving writing skills using art.  I then went to a session about Genius Hour- while I had done this with my class I wanted to see how other people managed it and how I could improve it for next year.  Finally I found out how bad I was when it came to encouraging independent reading with my students last year, and ways I can make this year better.  So it was a regular old conference for the first day… but wait there’s more. Day two was an unconference so anything and everything was possible.  So learned a bit more about maker spaces. Went back to the bane of my existence – the classroom library and how to better organize that hydra.  Played a game and talked about how it could personalized to work in a classroom setting. Finally I ended the day by learning about March Book Madness and how to participate. I wish I had gotten up and proposed a comics session, but then I would have missed something!  Hopefully next year. Still wrapping my head around everything and how I will be able to incorporate everything into everything I’ll be required to do… I’m creative, I’ll figure something out.  There is also nErDCamp Jr. for kids which I didn’t stay after to see, but need to. So that is the Off Season so far.  When you have your vacation from work what do you do?  I’m glad as a teacher I have the time to sharpen the saw and get energized to return to school.  I still have a few weeks where I’ll be helping to facilitate a Robotics Camp at the high school, attending a three day workshop at a University, and finally going on a vacation.  Oh, and hopefully the carpet will be in my classroom before I leave on vacation so I can actually get my room ready for when I have to return August 3. Oh, and I drew monkeys… had my yearly physical, went to the dentist for my annual check up, and the eye doctor. Why now? During the school year it’s more work to take a day off, so the off season is the only time I have to get things done.  Is this my choice? Yes, some of my colleagues do less, some do more, but I don’t know of any teacher who lounges around all summer, that’s just crazy talk. As for suggestions on what you (if you are a teacher in the midwest) should think about, I definitely recommend: Your local EDCamp just so you can take the day and brainstorm with other teachers. Kids Read Comics if you want to incorporate comics in your classroom, you are into all ages comics, or because you know a child who likes comics. If you like books – nErDCamp is a must.  So- What would you suggest?  Besides sitting on a beach with an umbrella ladened drink- remember I burn easily.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1943

1943Some iconic ideas I forget about until someone reminds me. I this case I was reminded about “Rosie the Riveter” from World War II and went about to make a MINIon in her honor. Yes, the MINIon is slightly different, but that’s OK, I do like the way everything played out.  Is this the final number for this MINIon?  I don’t know- the person who requested it hasn’t gotten back with what number they would like so for the time being 1943 (the year Norman Rockwell painted Rosie for the Saturday Evening Post) will have to do.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0021

0021When you think of the number twenty-one a few things come to mind. As an adult you think of turning twenty-one and finally becoming an adult in the eyes of the laws, although many companies wait to trust you until you are 25. For me it was an interesting dilemma. I was retained (held back, the kids called it “flunking”) in third grade. The reason – as it was explained to me as an 8 year old, was I wasn’t ready to move on, I needed time to mature. It had nothing to do with knowledge or being able to do the work, it was that I couldn’t handle the social aspects of school. SO I spent two years in third grade… one year being called a baby and the next year being called stupid. As for the maturation thing- let’s see how that worked out- I’m almost 50, I read comics, play with LEGO, and carry around a stuffed monkey… yup, that extra year helped! I won’t go into the retention policies in today’s schools… I was talking about twenty-one. SO I got my driver’s license before anyone else in my class, in college I was able to drink legally before anyone else… Did I take advantage of it? Not really. Most people didn’t know, and I really wasn’t the “go to guy” to run off to the liquor store, because most people had no idea I was twenty-one. By the time everyone in my class was twenty-one, I was twenty-two… so when an underclassman would ask if I was twenty-one, I could honestly reply “Nope.” MINIon #0021 has nothing to do with that, it goes more with the other way we see twenty-one, in black jack. I don’t gamble, I’m just not good at it, being introverted I don’t like being in the spotlight. I have been to a few casinos and I do enjoy the math behind it.  I recall being in Baden-Baden and visiting the casino (you needed to dress up to get in, so I had to buy a sport coat with my high school German skills- funny story).  I just remember hanging out in the back watching the other Americans complain about the lack of slot machines and playing, I believe it was black jack, using a odds card from a video game to help them decide how to bet, being very loud and obnoxious… embarrassing, but fortunately Sue and I always try to blend in so most people wouldn’t have guessed our nationality.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1970

1970Every MINIon has a story, MINIon #1970 is one of those designs that I had a few ideas for and then decided to just have some fun.  Based on what I know about MINIon #1970 it seems that this MINIon is never in the same place for long.  I think MINIon #1970 is on the run, being hunted by former My Little Pony voice actors, which is pretty frightening if you think about it.