A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0094

0094You should know better than to pick up a duck in dungeon… So, as I said, I wasn’t feeling well. I got up on Sunday and was feeling well enough to keep a promise to table at the INDYpendent Show which this year was part of the Who’s Yer Con, which sadly, I was unable to check out since I was drawing at my table all day.  I decided to draw something from one of my favorite games that I never play – Munchkin. I have been fortunate enough to fund the LEGO minifig accessories and even had my game board signed by Steve Jackson.  Never heard of or played Munchkin (in any of its variants?  Here’s the Table Top play by play of the game-
  Full Disclosure: While this was drawn on Sunday, it was not posted until Monday (and backdated), because I crashed after getting home from the Con.  I hope to make it out next year to do some gaming, teach a little about comics and sell some stuff! 🙂

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0006

0006There’s that immortal question- “Star Trek or Star Wars?” I tend to tell people that I fall into the Star Trek camp, but then I remember the excitement I had for Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi… During that time in my life I was definitely a Star Wars junkie. I even tell the story of getting a bootleg copy of Star Wars for Christmas in 1977. Two betamax tapes of grainy awesomeness. As for the new stuff, I tried, I really tried to like them, I even went to the midnight shows for all three, hoping each time, it would capture the pure amazing experience I had as a 12 year old. – no comment. I have played around with various Star Wars games and do really like the X-Wing Miniature game when I get the chance to play it. Today they released the second trailer for Episode VII, I think they should call this one “A New Hope” because I really hope it is good.   Sorry for the multiple posts and redactions – I’m tired.  

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0080

0080Every so often a comic book publisher comes up with an utterly amazing title… At the beginning of one of those “Ultimate Final Crisis Wars” DC Comics decided to try something weird. They took a 1940’s hero and reinvented him for a more modern age (at the time it was the mid 90’s). This had been done before, but there was something about this character and what they did, the homage they paid to the past, made it something special, and something I really liked. Maybe it was the fact that Jack was an artist and junk dealer who never wanted to be a hero. Maybe it was his relationship with his father, maybe it was the wonderful cast of characters, the annual “Talking with David” issues, Shade’s Journals… I don’t know, but I know I shed a tear when that last issue came out, not just because it was a wonderful ending- but because it was an ending, something you don’t normally find in comics. You knew after reading that last page, that Jack Knight wouldn’t be back- ever.  No matter what Starman was something special.  80 of (in my opinion) some of the best comics out there. People always ask me what my favorite hero is… It’s easy to say “the Flash” but I think it might actually be Starman.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0076

0076One time, at band camp…   OK so I never went to band camp, in fact I can barely play the ukulele. My musical knowledge extends to things like: My favorite song? You know that one with the singing in it, the person who sings it is a guy- although it could be a girl… My favorite band? That one that does that one song…  I’ve been to a few concerts in my life, but while I do enjoy music, I just haven’t loved it enough to be a geek about it. As for MINIon #0076, I understand he graduated from the Gary Conservatory of Music, and relocated to River City, Iowa where there was some trouble, with a capital “T” and that rhymes with “P” and that stands for prune tarts… oh, such a disaster.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #????

StigSome say that on really warm days, he sheds his skin like a snake, and that for some reason, he’s allergic to the Dutch… Some say that he invented November… Some say that he sucks the moisture from ducks… Some say that his breath smells of magnesium, and that he’s scared of bells… Some say that his ears aren’t exactly where you’d expect them to be… Some say his droppings have been found as far north as York. And that he has a full size tattoo of his face, on his face… Some say it’s impossible for him to wear socks… There are so many things people say about MINIon# ???? including some say that he doesn’t even remember his own MINIon number… All we know is- well actually we don’t know much about him at all.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0012

0012a“Wait a second!” you say… “There already was a MINIon #0012. Are you messing with me?” Yes, and No. You see when someone requests a MINIon # sometimes they have a change of mind, either for the number, or the design. in this case a little of both. The original MINIon # 0012 wants a change of number, and a yet to be done MINIon wanted to be #0012… so it all worked out. As for the design- I’ve said it before, everyone is a geek about some thing… Those who know me know that I am saying this with the most excitement I can muster… “Gooooo Sports Team!” 😉