A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0224

0224This was one of those MINIons that was actually pretty easy to capture (after a few attempts).  When I first drew MINIon #0224 I made the illustration hobbit size.  After looking at it, and discussing it with the actual MINIon I resized the image because it just didn’t look right.  There are few MINIons that I go back and do some research on, most are just whatever pops into my head.  This one, I went back and forth between websites to get the hobbit clothing and gear just right.  The first version was also missing Sting, so I added that in (and glowing layers). What happens in Vegas… I first met MINIon #0224 at AMVIV (A MINI Vacation in Vegas).  Sue, Cecil & I had flown out for the event and had a rental car, so instead of going on any of the drives we hung around the hotel a enjoyed the car show.  MINIon #0224 had their MINI in the show and we started to chat.  After that we met again at various MINI events including the Dragon, and numerous MTTS. That’s what happens with MINI ownership- you start with a car and you end up with a new family. While one does not simply motor into Mordor,  MINIon #0224 has probably driven enough miles to go there and back again.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #221B

221bSome days I would wake up and have an idea for a MINIon- it really didn’t matter if anyone liked it, or wanted it… I wanted to create it.  In high school I was introduced to the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and have read many of his stories including the exploits of an opium using violinist who solved crimes. I even owned a deerstalker once.  So I worked on this MINIon as an homage to Holmes, the first consulting detective. If you ever were to watch me draw you’d notice a couple of things- first, I’m quick.  I tend to get a drawing out rather quickly.  Second, you’ll see me look perplexingly at my hands when I’m drawing hands… I want to make sure the right hand is on the right arm.  I’ve made this mistake too many times, and still make it.  Most people wouldn’t notice, but I cringe when I see stuff like that in my drawings.  So if MINIon #221B is holding a magnifying glass, be sure that I held something in my hand to make sure the fingers are in the right place. As for MINIon #221B this is one of those MINIons I never had the chance to meet in person, but I’m looking forward to seeing them in 2016.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0177

0177I keep saying its all about the numbers… sometimes I need to ask for help, because the MINIon in question has given me a favorite number, something that means something to them, and no one else. I listened to a Radiolab broadcast dealing with favorite numbers once… it was very interesting since it started off with a mathematician confused over how anyone could have a favorite number- numbers are just numbers… except when they aren’t. In the Mini Cooper Community the number 177 is almost as important as the number 37.  So when this MINIon said they wanted #0177 I knew exactly what I wanted to draw- and old school rally driver to tie back to the 1967 Monte Carlo win. I really need to stop trying to talk about each MINIon, because I’m going to mess up and hurt someone’s feelings (if I haven’t already).  MINIon #0177 is one of those MINIons who is always helping out to the point of spending a day in Salt Lake City, waiting on our MINI to get some repair work, even when she could have rejoined the group, we did at least get a double double animal style and played around with an F56 🙂

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0156

0156OK so when I first came up with this idea all I was going to do was draw a series of generic MINIons (clones of Cecil with fezzes) something simple, easy, and would take very little time.  Change the number and everyone’s happy.  A few rules, MINIons don’t smile, they always wear a fez.  changes would be slight, fur color, skin color, but nothing else.  Then I got, bored and started breaking my rules. MINIon #0156 was very accommodating (like I said, every MINIon is just happy to be a MINIon- except #4238).  When asked about adding any thing special “nope.”  Are you sure?  “Yes” so he stands out from all the other MINIons by being one of the few MINIons that is just that, a MINIon.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0147

0147 I’m not sure if 0147 has anything to do with the Space Corp Directive: “Crew members are expressly forbidden from leaving their vessel except on production of a permit. Permits can only be issued by the Chief Navigation Officer, who is expressly forbidden from issuing them except on production of a permit.” but I doubt it.  When I first went to MINIs on the Dragon I had the chance to become good friends with MINIon #0147 we talked about everything and when it came time to create a MINIon badge I knew I had to do something tied to “Red Dwarf” since that was the name of this MINIon’s first MINI.  If you have not had the chance to watch Red Dwarf, it is classic British comedic Science Fiction, I highly recommend it. I feel like I am constantly repeating myself when talking about MINIons, maybe its just the kind of people I hand out with at MINI events, maybe it has something to do with the personality of people who buy MINIs and become part of the community.  MINIons are all upbeat (except for MINIon #4238), and positive.  They are kind people willing to lend a hand whenever needed.  I owe so much to MINIon #0147 who has helped me in so many ways.  I just wish we lived closer so we could see each other more than once a year. Update from MINIon #0147: “Level 147 appears to have been the nerve centre of the vessel. It contained the Central Drive Room, the navigational control centre of the ship, where Kristine Kochanski used to work as well as the other top officers. The Central Drive Room also contains the Navicomp, the ship’s navigational computer, and several computer monitors which Holly used to project his/her image and communicate with the crew. The Captain Frank Hollister’s office was also on Floor 147, next to the Central Drive Room. The stasis booth in which Dave Lister was frozen in suspended animation for three million years was also on Level 147. “

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0129

0129I keep going back to the significance of numbers… In various communities different numbers have different meanings.  If you are a car enthusiast, 129=318/11. I know the math doesn’t actually work out but this isn’t math class so let me explain.  US 129 between North Carolina and Tennessee (the Tail of the Dragon) is a stretch of road that is on the bucket list for most motorcyclists and car people.  318 turns in 11 miles.  For me, it is exhausting and after doing it I need to take a break. During the first weekend in May MINI owners descend on this area and drive, and drive, and drive, drive, drive, drive. They also socialize, but their are drives all over the area on some beautiful roads to some great destinations. You can find MINIon #129 around this road, helping people out… teaching them how to buzz around the corners and not cross the double yellow lines.  While just a worker bee, MINIon #0129’s mission it get people to understand the joy of MINI ownership, the MINI Community, and safe driving on the Tail of the Dragon.  Thanks to his positive attitude The MINI community is a better place, with happier people.  

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0107

0107While I continue to work on these in preparation of MINI Takes The States 2016 I come up with new ideas and new badges.  Today is one of those.  I kept trying to come up with a way to do this MINIon and finally time ran away from me and I had to leave this idea on the table.  It’s funny, it wasn’t necessarily the design, but more the number.  I couldn’t find a good number to attach to this design.  finally I recently settled on 0107- although Firefly had only one season the number denotes o1- first season, 07- episode 7.  The episode was Jaynestown which focused on the “Hero of Canton.” MINIon #0107 will never be seen without his rather cunning hat. #0107 tends to prefer the more direct approach to problem solving that isn’t for everyone.  While they can be rather gruff they have a soft side that no one is allowed to see or comment upon.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0069

0069There are numbers, and there are numbers. As I have said before when I first started this project I asked people to come up with their own number, some people gave me multiple numbers. I just drew what came to mind, or after discussion what the person requested. This one seemed like a natural keeping with a family friendly, all ages outlook, but yes, the adolescent boy in me giggled a bit. Like Jimmy Buffet said about one of his songs “It’s a love song, from a slightly different point of view.”  MINIon #0069 has that different view of the world, and it always seems to be positive (I think its caused by the blood rushing to his head).

A Year of MINIons- MINIon #0061

0061As I’ve said before GP owners are a special breed… I’d have them all in white racing suits with white helmets (Darn! Why didn’t I think about that earlier!) but instead decided that I would draw GP MINIons in a similar manner, using the colours of the GP- silver, red and dark silver (of various shades, tints and tones). In the case of MINIon #0061 he definitely knows how to drive in a manner that makes life more… invigorating. Having been passed by him in on a lonely road in Nevada in 2014 when my “thermometer” was reading well over 100, I know he was having fun with the GP.  Soft spoken and always positive, MINIon #0061 is great to be around and always someone who who will help a MINIon out in need.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0042

0042I think this may have been the first MINIon I drew… there’s another in contention since I am old and forgetful. Don’t Panic. When you surround yourself with wonderfully geeky people there are some givens, one of those revolves around the number 42.  If you have no idea what I’m talking about stop right now, either go out a read The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, or find the BBC version online.  While it was nice I would avoid the newer remake (film), it  just didn’t do much for me and somewhat escaped the silliness of the book, and BBC TV and Radio dramas. So when I asked about numbers I knew from the group that 42 would vanish quickly.  I think I had it on my original list ones I would just make- NO MATTER WHAT. I would brave readings of Poet Master Grunthos the Flatulent’s famous work “Ode to a Small Lump of Green Putty I Found in My Armpit One Midsummer Morning” to get this MINIon drawn. All I can say about MINIon #0042 is that he is definitely “a frood who really knows where his towel is.”   His MINI is so black, it makes black look white (actually I don’t recall his MINI being black, but it seemed like a nice quote to put here). He has his towel, he has his babel fish (small, yellow, leech like, and probably the oddest thing in the universe), and I hear he mixes a dangerous Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster.  Try your luck with the Hitchhiker’s Guide, I hear it was developed by the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation 🙂 Sorry, but if you can’t tell, while all of these pull various heartstrings, some are definitely from the dark part of my brain that polite society requires me to keep bottled up unless I wish to be locked up in a rubber room in one of those lovely white jackets that buckles in the back.