Mystery Shawl – Complete!

It’s done! After a couple of months, I’ve finished my first big lace project – the Mystery Shawl project through Stitches and Scones! In my last post, I previewed the yarn I used – Happy Feet Sock Yarn in red! Knowing I wear a lot of black, I thought red was an appropriate choice. It was a mystery because every week or so, a clue was posted to the user group.  And, in most clues there was a choice of two different patterns so it was almost a ‘choose your own adventure!’   I was on track for about the first clue and a half but then we went away for Spring Break and got behind.  Actually this turned out to be a good thing as I realized that I wanted to increase the size of the shawl! You see, as part of the project, the shop also held a session on blocking – something I’d not done before!  While at the class, I saw the finished size of several shawls (pre blocking – but more on that later) and decided I really wanted something larger.  So, after seeing what the magic of blocking can do, I went home and knit and knit and knit.  Because each row of the shawl added stitches, it took longer and longer to finish a row and I started to regret this decision but am really glad I stuck with it! Fourteen extra pattern rows later it was time to do the border – another place I could choose between two different options.  I was again glad I was behind because I had been able to see both options complete on other people’s work and made the appropriate choice for my shawl. Finally it was time to bind off and I was very lucky – after adding all the extra rows I ended up with a mere 5 yards of yarn left! Now, about blocking: In a nutshell, it consists of getting the project wet and pinning it out into its final size and shape to dry.  What it also does for lace is to provide stitch definition and opens up all the little holes that took so long to do!  My shawl was 21 x 48 inches at the widest points when it came off the needles.  After blocking, it’s 31 x 63 inches! But, what you really want are photos so no more typing . . . here it is!
Here it is just off the needles - pretty scrunchy!
At the end of blocking - had just removed the blocking wires and pins!
Having its 'official' photo taken at Stitches & Scones to prove it was done!
And, finally, a little detail of the lace!

10th Anniversary of Geocaching

All of the crazy people in Oak Ridge, Tennessee celebrating the joy of Tupperware in the woods.
While attending MINIs on the Dragon last weekend (more on that later) Sue, Cecil & I had the chance to attend a 10th Anniversary Event Sunday in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. It was great to take a little time from the drive home and meet with fellow geocachers. This was one of the many events close to the Dragon, but due to US129 being closed it was the most convenient. If you have never been to a caching event you should try one (next weekend is the Spring Picnic here in Indiana). If you don’t know what I’m talking about (geocaching) check out some of the geocaching links here, then again you should have attended the Geocaching event at MINIs on the Dragon… I was there helping out new cachers to find joy in not only motoring, but also getting out of their MINI an looking around.

Project Pinewood: Released out into the wild

After a quick coat of lacquer and some small details, this morning I released Project Pinewood out into the world at GC1VQ8H. I wish it well and have tweaked its’ mission slightly since the Boy Scouts of America added a bit to the requirements for their Race. While I would love for it to make it to the Jamboree (something I never did as a Scout), I think just traveling around is a better plan. I find that Travel bugs with specific goals sometimes stay in one place for a while. Project Pinewood is large enough that it I didn’t want to hinder its’ progress any more than I have to with a convoluted mission. If you want to check Project Pinewood’s progress look for TB29YY9 at and see where it is.

IWG Anthology Release Party Tonight!

I’ve posted this in a wide variety of places but neglected to announce it here. The Indy Webcomics Groups Anthology is going to be released tonight at a mega event here in Indianapolis. Here is the information straight from the IWG website: “It’s hard to sum up our art show happening April 23rd at Local’s Only Art and Music Pub. There’s so much going on at this event. We of the Indy Webcomics Group are releasing our anthology, a collection of comic art and short stories entitled: Welcome to Indiana. The show also launches our display of comics and art which will stay up at Local’s Only through the end of May. Lady Lenore Evermore and The Creme De Les Femmes Burlesque troupe will be hosting a Dr. Sketchy’s Anti-Art School event, anyone can participate in. The Femmes models will be dressed in super hero garb, and prizes will be given out, donated by Hero House Comics. Three local bands will be performing after the Dr. Sketchy’s event: The Dirty Thirty, Beta Male and Destination: Earth! The show will be $6 at the door. Free goody bags will be given to attendees courtesy of Hero House Comics. This kind of event is a first for us but most likely not a last. There’s something in the mindset of local artists and local musicians that both groups share in common. They occupy overlapping circles of creative energy and interests. The combination of the two, with live art models and costumes and prizes is a no-brainer.” The book is great (two pages from this comic) and the show has some great pieces in it including 6 drawings the I happen to have produced.  I’ll be getting today’s strip out before I leave but I hope to see you there.

What was I thinking?? Mystery Shawl Project!

My LYS (Local Yarn Shop), Stitches & Scones, sent out an e-mail back in February announcing a mystery knit-along lace shawl project and, of course, I joined in. What was I thinking? I have plenty of yarn and projects – not to mention work, travel, etc. etc.  Yikes! This is my first bigtime lace project and have to say, while not done, I’m learning lots!  So, while not the best timing, it’s probably a good thing that I took this on.  Counting and ripping out have been a big part of the process and I’m finally to the point where (knock wood) there’s been no ripping in at least 20 rows! Right now I’m about 1/2-way done with clue 3 (of 4) with the deadline for completion being May 6.  But, not being able to leave well enough alone, I’m altering the pattern just a bit which is adding 14 more rows to the whole shawl. This is the yarn I’m using – but you’ll need to wait until it’s done for more photos! There’s lots more going on, too.  In fact, there are about ten things I’ve noted down that I’d like to chat about but that’s all for another day!

Testing your limitations (part 2)

If you can’t tell I’m having trouble getting to sleep so I thought I might as well ramble here for a bit.  Yesterday I was able to get the drawings I had promised for the Indy Webcomics Group finished and sent off.  One more thing to check off my list, and having pushed myself to the point that I snapped back to my comfortable style.  While trying to draw what I thought was needed (posted earlier) I finally decided to give up and just draw the way I like to draw.  This has happened on projects before this one where someone is very specific about what they want and I try to meet their request and finally just say “enough!”  I tell my students when they ask for drawings from me, the more detailed you are in your description, the longer it will take.  This was one of those projects.  I draw goofy stuff (even had Art professors scoff at my style) so drawing people can sometimes be challenging… I can do it, but it takes time… a lot of time.  When I’m done I still won;t like the final result.  So last night I started drawing the two panels I needed to, not trying to emulate any style other than my own.  Do I like it?  yes & no.  There are some things I’d love to go back & change, but I decided it was “good enough” As for the pin-up- I drew it over… and this time colored it on the computer and actually liked how it ended up.  Would I change some things given time? Sure- but it is a start and it did push me out of my comfort zone.  What did I draw?
Pin-up Artwork for Indy Webcomics Group
A character Lee Cherolis came up with for the Anthology Party.  I know I still have a lot of growth-  but I have to remind myself I haven’t taken myself seriously as an artist ever… and I’ve only been doing the comic for a year.  So here is brief look at part of my contribution-  I learned a great deal in the process and I do appreciate Ben doing the colors for me on Sundays.

Leaving Las Vegas…

So another vacation comes to close and once again learned a bit while enjoying myself.  First of all Sue & I headed out to experience AMVIV (A MINI Vacation In Vegas) and with only a full day at the event I again think it was great.  I understand that there are some who can compare it to AMVIVs of old, but as a newbie it was well organized and definitely a nice event, but that was only two days of a week’s vacation. Some vacations have a purpose- visiting family, seeing some exhibit, etc.  This one was just to relax and explore.  Sue and I had not been to Las Vegas in over 20 years and while it had changed so had we.  The first time we went to Las Vegas to attend the wedding of my brother & sister in-law (yes, they are still married)… but that is a story for another day. Descriptions that popped into my head were things like “EPCOT with Adult Content” & “A Fort Lauderdale for college students in California.”  It seems that many people embrace the “What happens in Vegas- Stays in Vegas” and that does create some interesting scenes.  As for layout there are some wonderful hotels along the strip catering to various tastes… playing “Hotwire Roulette” as Sue put it we ended up at Planet Hollywood for a couple of days.  While a nice hotel I will not miss trying to avoid the people assaulting any couple that walked in about timeshares.  Yes, we could have gotten tickets to a show, or gambling credit, but I would never get that 90 minutes back. Enough about that-  Sue and I did have a great time we explored Las Vegas, not only yhe strip but beyond a bit.  Monday thanks to some friends we dropped by the Tropicana to see what I think was an undiscovered gem- Santa Fe & the Fat City Horns.  A great group that only plays there on Monday.  If you happen to be in Vegas on a Monday look them up- it was great.  We also drove to Utah, saw the Hoover Dam, and got married.  Yes, Sue and I are celebrating this year 20 years of marriage so while getting a geocache in a drive through wedding chapel we decided to renew our vows.  Cecil came along (when doesn’t he?) and ended up getting his 1,000th find hours before we headed to the airport.  I’m uploading picture to Flickr so check them out if you are so inclined. Wait… you didn’t gamble? or go to some adult show? or stay up all night in a bar? You didn’t experience Vegas! Some people are shouting at their computer, right now.  While some might label me “conservative” or even a wet blanket you need to understand something… as a school teacher I never… never know when I might run into a student or parent of a student.  I’m typing this from the plane and I have a family from my school sitting next to me.  While some people can let their hair down on vacation… not really possible for me, but then again I had a great time and can remember every minute.. And the comic didn’t skip a beat, although I’m hoping the next time I leave some place I won’t have to bring along my “portable studio”… but a buffer is a discussion for another day.

Project Pinewood: Paint

Once I started this process I knew there was no turning back… So I thought about the goals: finish a Pinewood Derby Car to honor the Centennial of Scouting in America, do it in as thrifty a manner as possible, turn the Pinewood car into a travel bug to hopefully travel the world. So after many starts but more stops than starts I have reached (after my initial deadline) the painting process. I had ideas plans, schemes but I finally decided on starting with a pretty basic color scheme that I’ll add to after Spring Break. including the detail pieces that I really want to have.
I decided to go with this idea. The base car is "oregano" which is the color my scout uniform was. The red, white & blue back end comes from the colors of the Eagle Scout badge/ribbon.

Project Pinewood: an overdue update

I decide to start working on a pinewood derby car for the centennial of scouting and then things get in the way. While Sue was away (geocaching) I decided to go back to the project and work on it. I had wild ideas as to how it would end up and I still am deciding what else needs to be done.  After looking at what I had for months I finally decided to simplify the design and just get something done.  Remember my goal was to only use tools that I already owned (fine- I bought a pocket knife) and see if I could create something cool.

Well Used

It’s sad, over the weekend I discovered that I’ve worn through one of my green handknit slippers!   A while back I broke the thread that held a seam together and that was a quick repair – just a couple of minutes my feet were back to being toasty.  This is a real-live, worn out hole. Now to decide what to do.  I could try to darn the hole – in issue #50 of the Gift of Stitching, that just so happened to arrive in my in-box today, there’s an article by Danielle Tebb about darning – complete with instructions about how to correctly do it!  There’s definite appeal in learning a new skill! However, this could also be seen as an opportunity – I could make another pair! Hmmmmm, have think about that one for a bit. This does bring up the interesting point of usage.  I find I have very different thoughts about using items I’ve knitted and ones I’ve stitched.  Knitted items get used and stitched ones tend to be displayed and I have no idea why I have this bias.  All I can think is that I’ve always been taught that needlework must be done in a clean environment – wash my hands before I start, work on it in controlled environments, etc. etc.  Knitting, on the other hand, gets tossed in my purse, my briefcase, or luggage and is worked on in the car (no, not while I’m driving), on the lunch hour at work, or when I’m in ‘waiting’ situations.  Another point to ponder. I’ve got one of my mitts done and have just cast on number two – very, very pleased with how it came out!  Look for photographs once I figure out how to best get the cabling to show up!