I do apologize for last week’s hiatus while unexpected I do hope you enjoyed at least a sneak peek at some of the other bits of artwork I worked on.

I thought I should celebrate a bit today since this comic marks the start of my third year.  I’m amazed that I have lasted this long, but this has been so much fun and exactly what I love (& like the kids, I’m looking forward to Summer’s start).  I did go back and look and some of the older comics (I do not recommend it) I do see some growth- this summer will hopefully give me even more time to grow and build.

As for today’s strip it was brought to you by the rabid need for accountability in today’s educational system… where creativity is crushed by highstakes tests that only test for- well, not much.  While kids tend to like testing weeks because of limited homework.  I’m sure I’m not the only teacher who would love to embellish the directions to add that special something to an otherwise boring morning.  I’m just looking forward to when my salary is determined by how my kids do on a test this one week-  so, anyone want to buy a t-shirt?

Seeking direction…

I do apologize for last week's hiatus while unexpected I do hope you enjoyed at least a sneak peek at some of the other bits of artwork I worked on. I thought I should celebrate a bit today since this comic marks the start of my third year.  I'm amazed that I have lasted this long, but this has been so much fun and exactly what I love (& like the kids, I'm looking forward to Summer's start).  I did go back and look and some of the older comics (I do not recommend it) I do see some growth- this summer will hopefully give me even more time to grow and build. As for today's strip it was brought to you by the rabid need for accountability in today's educational system... where creativity is crushed by highstakes tests that only test for- well, not much.  While kids tend to like testing weeks because of limited homework.  I'm sure I'm not the only teacher who would love to embellish the directions to add that special something to an otherwise boring morning.  I'm just looking forward to when my salary is determined by how my kids do on a test this one week-  so, anyone want to buy a t-shirt?

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