This Week in Comics (My Pull List 6-26-24)

Not much going on this week… Mostly getting the house and the boys ready for our trip out west for MINI Takes The States. Yes, I’ve blogged about various MINI things it shouldn’t be a surprise to you. I’ll be taking a hiatus for the blog while on MTTS since I will be without a computer and my phone isn’t as reliable as I would like for blogging. If you want to keep up follow Cecil’s Adventures on Facebook and Instagram. I’ll post recap once I’m back.

With my older brother’s birthday I’m feeling a little bit older too. Fortunately he’s still older than me and for a few months TWO years older! I’m realizing that I need to focus bit more on all the stuff I have in the house that serves no purpose. So upon my return from MTTS I hope to redouble my efforts in going through things I haven’t touched in over a year. Is this stuff bringing me joy, or making me a bit overwhelmed? With Gen Con and New York Comic Con coming up, I need to do some serious thinking. My current plan is to just enjoy both Cons, but not really buy that much at either. We”ll see how that works.

This Week’s Comics:

Action Comics #1066 – The Battle of Hastings? (Sorry inside joke) The Fight with Brainiac is coming to a head with Brainiacs Queen online can Superman and his allies possibly defeat Brainiac? Who will make a sacrifice to help change the tide of the battle? The second story goes through Lex and Lena Luthor’s father/daughter issues.

Star Trek Defiant #16 – Can the crew of the Defiant survive against the evil hive mind that has taken over Starbase 99 and hopes to take over the universe? Again with the ultimate sacrifices… and then a bit of a twist once you think everything is over “and they all lived happily ever after.”

No/One #9 – In the penultimate issue- Pittsburgh holds a referendum and decides that you have the right to defend yourself if you think you might be in danger. That’s right- deadly force if you THINK someone might do something, sometime to hurt you. So after multiple bloodbaths because with great power there must also be great responsibility and people aren’t known for being very responsible… what will happen next? Sadly this is getting pretty close to reality, but comics are just silly and don’t have anything to do with social commentary. 🙄

Primer #4 of 4 – The conclusion of what seems to be the first arc of Primer’s story. Can Ashley save her foster parents from the crazed villain who wants all the superpower paints for himself? Will Ashley be able to get through the “Heroes Journey and become a real hero? Only reading this issue and a really cool costume can reveal the future fate of Primer.

The Department of Truth #23 – It looks like I missed issue #22, so I’ll need to go back and get it to see how that arc ended. This is a great starting point for those unaware of The Department of Truth. It’s a history lesson on how the department was set up and who started it all. It’s a Wonderful Story… (Hint, not a spoiler). For those who don’t know about the Department of Truth, in this world, if enough people believe something is becomes real. UFO’s were’t real until enough people considered the possibility, Bigfoot? same thing. Basically a world in which if a conspiracy theory can get enough people to believe it will tip the balance of reality. So who would have been put in charge of this when it first came to light?

U & I #5 of 6 – Penultimate issue and knowing this world I’m concerned about how it will all end, because not all comics in the Resistance Universe have happy endings. U tries to get Isabelle to see the world the way he does, and Isabelle’s Uncle conspires with the bad guys to find and eliminate U. Will it work? Next issue with tie everything up one way or another.

The Flash #10 – This arc is leading to the summer mega event Absolute Power which may be why I’m just kind “meh” about it. Are the speedsters actually the problem? What does math have to do with it? Will Wally finally join in? Will I be doing reviews that say “Absolute Power. ’nuff said”?

Detective Comics #1086 – In Batman the Zur En Arrh arc seems to be neatly finished, leaving Bruce Wayne with a clear new beginning and I’m happy about that. Detective Comics, Bruce is still fighting the Orgham’s and their control over Gotham. Let’s add in his Rogue’s Gallery to make things interesting. Which side will they take?

The Spectacular Spider-Men #4 – SO last time we dealt with Miles and Peter things were… weird. Miles was in a relationship with Kamala Khan, and Peter was married with kids to Gwen Stacey?!? Yes, I know, Gwen is dead on this Earth, then again so are a lot of the people Peter was dealing with. We get to peak behind the curtain and find out who has been responsible for Arcadium- Arcade and Mentallo. along with their mysterious (until the last page) funder. Fortunately, thanks to Shift and Peter’s psychological issues (aka the Parker luck) the veil is removed and you have two very angry Spider-Men out to take care of whoever made them happy.

They’re More Like “Guidelines”

Once upon a time… When I first bought a MINI Cooper there were only a few of us and MINI catered to the idea that a small car was unique. During that time their ad folks came up with a bunch of advice for MINI owners all part of the “MINI Book of Motoring” which was handed out at dealerships to prospective owners so they would understand what they had gotten themselves into by taking that “first step into a larger world” by just looking at a MINI. I keep a copy of one in my glovebox as a reminder of those simpler times.

MINIs marketing was irreverent and dry, never being too serious and had advice and new vocabulary like “Farking Spot” which was when someone parked and was hidden from view by other cars making it seem like the spot was empty so you would get your hopes up and think you could park there. The idea was as a MINI owner you should keep this in mind and not pull all the way in, line up your boot with the surrounding cars. Other things like wear dirt as a badge of honor and Miles = Memories were ways to say “Have fun, drive and don’t worry.”

Owning a MINI meant you were off to adventure and mostly fun. I do my best to follow this holy scripture, better than many people follow the rules set forth by their organized religions. You wonder where the concept of “Whimventure®” came from? It adds the MINI concepts to times when you can’t Motor. These are just some highlights from the holy book:

The car, besides being small, was quirky and there were things you had to get used to- like the switches for the windows and locks were in the center column, not on the door. Then executives decided that they were being marked down on all important surveys for these quirks and started changing things- making MINI bigger, and moving things around so it was more “normal.” One of my favorite advertising campaigns was one of the last pushing the uniqueness of the MINI- “Not Normal.” Sadly, while MINI is still unique in some cases, the newest models are just like most cars on the road. As I have stated elsewhere, I do like the current interior with the ginormous round screen, but I really can’t tell from the outside that it’s a MINI unless I see the logo. You can’t miss the logo- it’s almost as big as a classic Mini!

During the early days MINI set up some rules, created by marketing and cobbled together from various local clubs. They also were shorthand for those found in the “Book of Motoring.” These have kind of stuck. Unfortunately, many owners don’t have a clue about them (kind of like many church goers haven’t a clue about what their religion actually is about 🤪). MINI has become successful enough that most owners think of it as a car. Something to get them from Point A to Point B (See the definition of Motoring in the MINI Book of Motoring). The concept of “motoring” has vanished. If you adopt a pre-owned MINI you may never know about the community. For those in need here are the Official Rules as presented at MTTS (MINI Takes The States) in 2022 (Cecil was added for clarity):

  1. Always park next to another MINI. Notice it doesn’t say “Back into the spot.” I don’t understand the importance of backing in, but to many that is also a rule. I think since back up cameras became standard it became more of a thing. Originally maybe it was to be able to drive off quickly… I’m sure there is a reason, but not compelling enough for me to participate. I just think of the times when I’d go see the Indianapolis Symphony and all the old folks would slowly and laboriously back their cars into spots… 🙄
  2. Wave, dammit. This can be disheartening since so many owners have no clue about the “rules.” Either that or they are on their phones. The other issue I have found is I wave to cars and then realize that it wasn’t a MINI! MINI has done such a great job making sure that the design doesn’t get dinged in surveys that I can’t tell a MINI from a Hyundai, from a KIA.
  3. Give your MINI a name. I have always done this, but then again my grandmother did this with all her cars. When you name your MINI it starts to develop a personality and becomes your partner in crime and one of the family. Yes, it’s “Not Normal” but that’s what MINI was all about. My first MINi was Penfold, my classic Mini is Tink, my current Roadster is Alfie although he prefers to be called Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All. Sue’s MINI is Poppy.
  4. No two MINIs should be alike. The MINI term is “Youification” you want your MINI to stand out in the crowd. I once owned a black Honda Civic sedan… do you know how many times I came up to the wrong car in a parking lot?
  5. Treat SUV drivers with compassion. This rule was before MINIs started to be as big as some SUVs. We are supposed to feel sorry for the SUV owners because they can’t possibly have as much fun as we do in our little cars zooming around them, and gas mileage. I know many Jeep Wrangler owners would argue this point.
  6. Put away the middle finger. “Carma” be nice to people, there is no reason to be in a bad mood if you are driving a MINI. For many of us this is so true. We get in our little car and smile as we hit the road. Every trip is fun, even if it’s just to go to the drug store to pick some aspirin.
  7. Embrace the MINI community. This can be difficult, but learn about the MINI groups around you and online. When my brother bought a MINI the first thing I told him to do was find out about the club nearby. I recall my first experience with a car club. It was Sue’s Honda S2000 and everyone involved was a guy, and all they talked about was their cars. They wouldn’t talk to her, since she was a “girl.” I had to keep pointing them in her direction since I rarely drove the car and knew very little about it. My first MINI club meeting we talked about life, (and our MINIs) but everyone there was treated the same. It was right before the first Mickey & MINI and we were all excited to head down to Florida. Now it has to do with online groups and MINI events around the country. Yes, I missed MINIs on Top to go to a comic book convention.😱
  8. Find a copilot who’s ready for adventure. For the most part I have Sue, but when she thinks what I’m about to do is too silly, or she has other things to do (work) I have Cecil. Yes, my copilot is a stuffed monkey, but that monkey has been on more adventures than most people and having a stuffed monkey as a copilot is definitely “Not Normal.”
  9. Admire your MINI. I like to add – admire other MINIs too. It’s all part of the Youification thing, your MINI is yours, and someone else has made their MINI uniquely theirs. I have seen a multitude of MINIs and each one is different and amazing.
  10. They call it #37. Always be ready to rally. This is the core of whimventuring. Since the Monte Carlo Rally in 1964 Mini (the car was #37) has had a “Rally Heritage” that we should embrace. Be ready to hit the road at a moments notice, you never know when an opportunity my come up.

Are there other “Rules”? Everyone has added or changed them. Unfortunately, like having a large menu, at a restaurant it gets confusing. Sometimes it’s hard to remember which ones to follow, and we sometimes forget. Gordon Ramsey’s first act when he swoops in to save a failing restaurant is usually to make their menu smaller and easier to navigate. So 10 rules is fine, if we all know and follow them as best we can. If you go to a large MINI event you’ll see most people following these and other obscure rules.

I know, I know… What about ducks? There are some MINI owners out there who like to put ducks on other people’s MINIs. This is a way to say “Hi!” “I like your MINI” “quack” or whatever. While it is a Jeep thing, according to many, a MINI owner started it. Ummm… sure, fine, whatever. Even if that is the case Jeep is doing a much better job at it, along with the Wave (See Rule #2). While driving home from North Carolina I saw multiple Jeep Wranglers with windows filled with ducks… I didn’t see a single duck on a MINI. Should we stop? No, you be you. If it makes you happy, go ahead. If you get mad because people say it’s a “Jeep Thing” maybe MINI should invest more in PR, but I don’t think they really care. People might get angry over who started it (See Rule #6). In a time of “Alternate Facts” the winner writes the history books (or bans them). This is a battle I don’t choose to fight, but I find it amusing to poke the bear when people start getting really serious about it.

The best response I heard from someone when it comes to ducks was “Google it!” Like the Internet is ultimate proof. You google “Ducks on cars” and every link and AI assist gives you stuff about Jeeps and some person in Canada who “started” it. I don’t know, like I said and I don’t really care. I know there are many who do, which is why I bring it up. Yelling about it won’t change the fact that Jeep seems to do the duck thing better.

Next Steps?

I suggest we all start with a personal focus on one rule that we can do without worrying about anyone else. I don’t care which rule it is… For me, It will be #2 Waving. I have a friend who always gives a peace sign ✌️. For me I will do my best to give the Vulcan “Live Long, and Prosper” sign 🖖. I know I will forget sometimes, but with MINI Takes the States coming up I should have a lot of practice. Of course the sad part is not getting a wave back. There’s nothing I can do about that, just be happy I spread the joy, the “logical” joy of owning a MINI and not being normal.

Mostly, You should make friends along the way. It starts with a simple wave. You may find people who you wouldn’t normally hang out with who are awesome people and the only thing you have in common is MINI. Just remember there is probably only one thing that doesn’t fit in a MINI- that’s politics, especially in this day and age. See Rule #6. One thing all MINI owners can agree on is that the MINI (no matter how much bigger they make it 🙄) is an awesome car.

MINI Takes The States 2024 is coming up and if you are attending it’s a great time to get into practice following the rules and becoming a better Motorer. People will wave, people will park and gather, people will duck, and button, and sticker, and whatever… MTTS is uniquely MINI and an awesome opportunity to motor with other like minded “Not Normal” individuals. If you happen to be along the route… look out for us- “We’re all mad here.” 🤪

This Week in Comics (My Pull List 6-19-24)

Well, you’ve already sat through my gushing over HeroesCon, so what else can I say? If you haven’t go back the read it.

This Week’s Comics:

Helen of Wyndhorn #3 – I’m really liking this story and am interested in where it will go from here. We’ve been dealing with a series of flashbacks as Helen learns that her father’s fantasy stories weren’t fantasy stories. Her grandfather is pretty much a fantasy hero and she’s now learning the family business. The thing that get’s me is the present day piece and figuring out how it will tie in… more to come.

Batman # 149 – Wait a second! After everything that’s been going on… and on… and on… This arc comes to a conclusion? Loose ends are tied up and amazingly enough it only took the death of Bruce Wayne. 😉 I’m curious as to what will happen next now that a new “normal” is being created and Bruce Wayne, is more in touch with his feelings and what is really important to him.

Titans #12 – The Titans against Vanadia- a super fan given powers and made to believe the Titans are in danger… from the Titans? But just as victory has been achieved she is destroyed. The Titans confront T.O. Morrow and Nightwing gets a little surprise too.

Ultimate Spider-Man #6 – Peter finally tells his family about what has happened- something about confronting Wilson Fisk and not being prepared for it… “Gee Dad? Did you get hit by a bus?” That and May just can’t keep a secret… although she was doing a pretty good job for 4 months. Yes, we finish the issue with Peter finally being called “Spider-Man”! 6 issues in and he gets his name!

Man’s Best #4 – Who’s a good boy? Our friends are off in search of Doc and the Captain, once they find them… we learn more than we had bargained for.

The Displaced #5 – How do you not disappear? stay together with the others from Oshawa… but that doesn’t always work, it seems Emmett is “The Special.” Which obviously means something, but we don’t know right now, what we do know is this isn’t an isolated experience- it will happen again.

Star Trek #21 – The Sisko takes the pan dimensional Gods head on as he tries to correct everything that happened during his fight with Kahless. Will he be able to save the Oregonians? More importantly, will Beverly be able to see Wesley?

The Amazing Spider-Man #52 – Peter Parker is the Green Goblin-Man?!? Can Peter be saved? Who will help peter and what do the Sinister Six and J. Jonah Jameson have to do with it?

Captain America #10 – Cap is still searching for change agents to save them from Death. I’m still kinda missing him fighting fascists. Here he comes up against one the change agents who is fine not being saved, and her reasons are enlightening.

Eureka! An an Actual COMIC Con!

You’ve heard me complain (and complain and complain and complain) about supposed “Comic Cons” that focus almost exclusively on stars of stage, screen, and TV not a whole lot about comic books.  I heard a lot about HeroesCon being a comic focused Con. It was started and is still run by a local comic shop owner in 1982 and has stuck to a vision of what the term Comic Con means. All I know is next time in Charlotte, I want to stop by his shop which I have also heard is amazing.

Day 1 (Friday) Welcome to Valhalla, Mecca, Heaven, Brigadoon, Shangri-La, Neverland… you get the idea:

After driving in and picking up my badge on Thursday, I woke up ready to take on the Con.  I had a few specific goals, mostly dealing with getting something’s signed by artists who I don’t get to see that often. I brought some books out of my library and collection to get signed.  I also had some commissions I was hoping to get.

Lugging around books can be exhausting and with my hotel a half mile away I was already adding to the aches & pains that come with being old.  I decided to only bring half, focusing on those artists listed as only being at the con Friday & Saturday. 

I waited in line to get in (I had not paid for the VIP badge that would let me in early) and overheard conversations.  Conversations about COMIC BOOKS!  If people bc were talking about who they saw it was a comic book creator, not some guy who played that one guy it that show.  Jim Steranko seems to get around because most sighting were of him, at breakfast, at Whole Foods…

Once they started letting us into the hall I tried to orient myself.  I had written down the table numbers of my short list and just wanted to lay eyes on each location.  I stopped by David Petersen’s table to get on his commission list.  I was hoping for a Rocketeer Mouse, but David sadly informed me that he no longer was doing mice as someone else’s character.  I completely understand.  Especially after having drawn over 365 different monkeys.  While I own a page from Mouseguard Winter 1152 I had my heart set on a commission.  I asked him instead to do a science fiction mouse- and as with all my requests, that was it besides a “have fun.”  I had no idea what I’d end up with, but knowing Dave’s skill and artistry it will be awesome.  I then went over to see Tony Harris who I had asked about a commission once he announced opening his list online.  I checked in and as best I could do chatted with Tony & Becky (after missing out on talking to Dave Stevens so many years ago, I embraced my inner “Bob” and tried to get over being an socially awkward introvert) it was awesome because Tony also had back issues of Ex Machina and I was missing issue 7 (How could I be missing one issue from the entire run?🙄).  Then I wandered still looking for certain people while checking out each booth.  The numbering scheme was a bit weird and table numbers tended to be covered by art, or just the normal table set up. What I noticed was the large number of comic sellers who had… comic books!  Not just any comics, but really cool ones.  Then I started to see so many… weird comics?  Not weird, but ones the regular “Muggle” wouldn’t understand.  For example almost every booth had a row of comics with Dave Stevens covers!

When I think about going to a con I’ve always imagined walking up to a booth, flipping through a long box and finding one of my grail issues. I’ve always been disappointed. Booths usually have the big titles, those popular with the general public. Here I started looking and was face to face with comics I had never seen. Now I had to actually think about which issues I’m missing and what I want to actually buy. So many holes that could be filled. I was good, and probably overwhelmed so I didn’t buy that much.

Then you have the artists… so many amazing artists (over 400). I know I wouldn’t have time to see everything and everyone the first day and was , of course, carrying around books I wanted signed by artists I either couldn’t find or weren’t going to arrive until two.

I headed up to my first session, a presentation on Dynamic Figure Drawing by an anatomy professor from SCAD.  It was great!  While I won’t completely change my style I learned a lot that will inform my approach to drawing.  I hung around for the next session which was a focus on character building.  We went through an exercise dealing with creating an antagonist and protagonist for a story we haven’t really worked through.  I focused on a science fiction story I’d been thinking about and was very pleased with what I came up with.  Will this become something I do more of?  Maybe… I like the concept, but it still needs a lot of work. 

Upon returning to the hall I wandered some more, a lot of the usual suspects at cons this size were noticeably missing.  There weren’t that many places selling props, or t-shirts.  Yes, there was a booth selling foam swords, and another with martial arts weapons, no one exclusively selling light sabers.  The art was tame compared to some of the gore filled, soft pornography that will be the focus of many booths at comic cons. Again I was blown away by the shear number of people selling comic books.

At the end I checked in with Tony and saw my almost finished Rocketeer ❤️❤️❤️.  Then headed out to see about dinner and maybe an Adventure Lab.  Dinner won out and I headed next to the Drink & Draw.  

Drinking and Drawing: a perfect combination especially for a good cause.

Drink & Draw is a an event in which attendees get coasters and then draw on them.  Coasters are $1 each and 6 for $5.  Supplies are available and you drink (cash bar) and draw.  The coasters are then sold. All proceeds go to Parkinson’s research.  Coasters (and other art) are divided onto tables $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, and if you have to ask you probably can’t afford it.  You were supposed to turn your coasters into a table where their value would be determined.  I didn’t know and just dropped mine on the $5 table.  While drawing, I had a great conversation with an AP Science teacher and felt sorry for the guy she was with.  Get two teachers together and all we they talk about is school.  It was great to think -” “not my problem”, but sadly also how bad things are around the country and how education is just the “Peter Principle” in action. At the time I didn’t buy any coasters, the ones I looked at were a bit out of my price range.

Day 2 (Saturday) but wait, there’s more: 

After a nice breakfast at the hotel I walked the half mile to the convention center and got there a little over an hour before the show started.  Waiting in line listening to people talk about this being the only true “Comic” convention. The idea seemed to be that Heroes Con is 100% Comic Books, Baltimore Comic Con is about 90%, Mega Con in Florida is the next in line according to these folks, and everything else has evolved into a star studded photo-op con calling itself a “Comic Con.” I was amazed at the number of people who did podcasts, and had YouTube channels greeting each other and talking shop while I listened in.

I decided once I got in, to see about the line for Skottie Young. I had been a fan since he had done the art in Marvel’s The Wizard of Oz adaptations. I even have a flying monkey drawn when I first saw him at C2E2 and picked up a page from an Oz book at another Con. The day before, I saw the line and tried to jump in, but was told by a volunteer that they were marking the end. On Saturday, there was a nice family in front of me that made me realize more than ever that this isn’t a hobby for everyone. I had three comics I wanted Skottie to sign. Basically the latest issues of Spider-Boy, Miles Morales: Spider-Man, and Amazing Spider-Man. Marvel had put out Skottie Young variant covers of pretty much every comic this month and I figured I had these open my pull list- why not? The guy in front of me was an online reseller, he had brought 50 comics (the limit announced online) for Skottie to sign. These were multiple copies of various issues. From what I understood talking to them they had driven from Michigan for the day. These were strictly for resale, and I kept hearing about how much they would be worth. Now when you get something signed it used to be free. Now it costs something. If you buy something at the table, whatever you buy usually comes with a signature, if you bring something in… it is about $5 or more per book and some artists will limit the number of books you can bring. To me I kinda feels like this is turning comic books into Beanie Babies. I’ve been collecting comics since I was in 3rd grade. I don’t care if it’s popular, for me it’s the character, the art, the story. Just because Wolverine and Deadpool are the latest big thing, doesn’t mean I running out to buy them. So I had to chuckle at this guy and his poor family waiting in line. Will he make a killing? Probably, I hope so. Trends will shift and popular artists will stop being popular as new artists move up the ranks. After an hour or so in line, Skottie did sign my three issues, since I didn’t have the signatures witnessed, and the comics graded and bricked, thy probably aren’t worth anymore than they would be normally, but…

I spent a lot of time trying to hunt down certain creators and once I figured out how end caps were considered in the grand scheme of things it made it easier. One of those was Howard Chaykin. Funny thing was I had run into Howard a couple of times, but couldn’t find his table. I had my copy of American Flagg #1 and The Scorpion #1 I wanted him to sign. Fortunately he was doing a presentation in the afternoon so I started there. Howard Chaykin is one of my crazy heroes. He’s blunt, honest, and has done some amazing comics that definitely aren’t for kids. I was introduced to him in the 1980’s with American Flagg which has sadly gone on to foretell some of the crud we deal with now. The artwork was unique for time and it was (for a kid in high school and college) just a wonderfully dystopian view of society. Howard’s session was wonderful but filled with enough adult content and words, I won’t quote anything here. It was amusing when someone with a family tried to sneak in towards the end (probably to get a seat for the next session) and Howard and the moderator both told them they needed to leave, this was not a kid friendly session.

The second session I attended was on lettering. I recall my first New York Comic Con when Webcomics were just hitting their peak and I attended Webcomics Boot Camp. They critiqued my comics and the biggest issue (besides me not monetizing the strip) was my lettering. The exact comment was “Lettering is an art” with the insinuation that I did not have those skills. So they recommended I just use a hand writing font, which I have done ever since. This session was very educational in that I learned so much about what I didn’t know when it came to the history and importance of role of Letterers in comics. I’m still soaking it all in and will try to improve what I do. Will it actually work? Probably not, but I have the time to try.

I kind of rushed around after that trying to check out tables, and booths I had missed. Found some really cool stuff and even bought a page from JL8, a webcomic I had followed for years. When I buy an actual page, it is for two reasons- first I like the art, but secondly I want to see the process the artist goes through. In this case, it’s the end of an arc, but what I got to see was how the page was put together, and (after a session on lettering) how Yale did his lettering. The blue line, the layout, everything is on the page for me to see.

The Auction

The day ended with the Auction. The proceeds go to charity and to help offset the cost of the Con. A three day badge for HeroesCon costs the same as one day at New York Comic Con. Some artists also asked that the proceeds from the sale of their piece got to Heroes Initiative or to Parkinson’s research, so It isn’t just for the Con. A number of these pieces of art were actually created onsite, there was a stage in which artists would come up and create artwork in front of everyone. There were so many amazing pieces of artwork and the hardest part was just time, I’m getting old and tired out to too fast. I also looked at all the pieces and I kept thinking I just purchased three original pieces of art.  Did I really need another one? Was there anything out there that was just calling out to me, the Chris Giarusso Spider-Man was amazing.  I had Chris on my list, but he was busy drawing when I walked by. Scottie Young’s Deadpool and Wolverine was cool, but they aren’t characters I really have an interest in. They may be popular, but… There were a lot of pieces there that made me think “Wow I’d love to have them,” but I had to think where would I put these? I decided that maybe I didn’t need to bid, so I wanted to just see what the prices are going for, I left early, around 10 o’clock. They were trying to get through as many lots as possible with that happening, things went a lot cheaper than I thought they would. While I was there some pieces went for a couple thousand dollars, but the majority of pieces came in between $250-$500 each which really, for original art, isn’t that much. I now wish i had hung around a little bit longer and would love to have known when they actually closed everything down, but I’m old and my inner introvert needed time to be alone and recharge.

Day 3 (Sunday) on the road again: 

While I have a chance to head back today is also a travel day.  While I love cons, I also love being home and taking all this creative energy and doing something with it.  Usually, if it is a travel day I just want to get from point A to point B.  While I enjoy traveling, I miss my cats.  I’d also say I miss Sue, but I know she’s out caching and even though I was about 9 hours away, I thought I might just beat her home (for the record she beat me home by 30 minutes- if only I hadn’t stopped at Buc-ee’s!). My whole thing, which annoys Sue, is when it comes down to a travel day that’s what I want to do – get home or to the next destination. So while I considered going back to the con on Sunday I decided instead I would just go home and at about 8:30ish Sunday morning I popped in the MINI and started heading home via a different route, which was through Asheville, North Carolina instead of going back through West Virginia. The thing I found is, this is Sunday and this is the South so it gave me a reason to not stop. Since when I hit Asheville most of the places that I would want to stop wouldn’t be open until long after I pass them so that it makes me just go straight and deadhead home. Note: the Sevierville Buc-ee’s is a zoo with horrible traffic and bigger crowds or at least more people squished together than I saw at HeroesCon. The Richmond Kentucky Buc-ee’s was better, but still had numerous people thinking the gas pumps were parking places. 🙄

Overall Impressions

It was amazing, I’ve been to many Cons over the years and this was by far the best when it comes to Comic Books. Early on C2E2 and San Diego were great, but they have morphed into pop culture cons. HeroesCon was exactly what I, as a comic book fanboy, need. The fans are just that, fans. They love the medium of comics and it shows. I haven’t mentioned the cosplayers, not because they weren’t there or they weren’t great, but they weren’t “Professional.” They were fans who loved a character enough to dress up as them. You could see the love put into their costumes, not the perfection (although some were amazing), but the hours of love. These are people who if you asked about their character would be able to tell you their favorite story, not that it came from a video game they like.

(Right) Squirrel Girl cosplay for my friend Janet

My “haul” from HeroesCon 2024 – from tea to art supplies to original art from some of MY heroes.

I loved the fact that unlike a lot of Cons there were no media stars, no wrestlers, no towers of t-shirts, no one calling me to their table to give me a hard sell about their comic or whatever they were selling. There was an understanding, a mutual respect between the participants that you know what you wanted and would stop and look if something caught your eye. If you had questions you’d ask. It was a small town comic con- the kind that is usually housed at the VFW, on steroids. Those cons might have the local comic book creator at a table, here you had over 400 creators.

Will I be back? Most definitely. Although this tends to fall the same weekend as A2CAF, and Brickworld, along with numerous other events I like, I see myself making HeroesCon a priority. While I like A2CAF and Brickworld, both are more tied to my past life as an educator. So as I look at the calendar, HeroesCon 2025 June 20-22 has been penciled in.

Sue and I talk about retiring to someplace when the time comes… We’ve considered North Carolina for decades now. We started to create a rubric of what places needed and HeroesCon ticks the “Geek” box for me. Unfortunately every place we look at then gets mentioned in some magazine or website as a great place to retire and the prices shoot up. Next time I go, I’ll still come in the night before, but I think I will get a hotel room for Sunday also. Maybe in Asheville on the way home, just so I don’t have my typical travel day anxiety and a reason to stop by some of my favorite places the area.

Last Week in Comics (My Pull List 6-12-24)

I’m going to make this one quick with no pre-banter (except this) because I have an entire entry on HeroesCon (spoilers- it was AMAZING!)

This Week’s Comics:

Batman: Gotham by Gaslight The Kryptonian Age #1 – A long time ago DC decided to open up the multiverse with Elseworlds. This was their way to tell unique stories about classic characters. Basically DC’s Version of “What if?” with the exception that What If? usually would go back and retell a marvel story changing one thing – What If Wolverine Killed the Hulk? kinda stuff. Elseworlds would do something like create a world in which Little baby Kal-El lands just outside of Gotham City and is raised by the Waynes, not the Kents. Lot’s and lots of Batman (very popular character) stories… One was Gotham By Gaslight. Take the Batman story and move it back in time to the Victorian Era. Dc has returned to Elseworlds, this time continuing the Gotham by Gaslight story and by the title it seems that Superman might play into it. As of right now, we are being reintroduced to the world of Victorian Gotham City and the issues plaguing the residents.

Spider-Boy #8 – Can Bailey save his friends and make everything right again? With a little help from his friends… anything is possible. But will his mother remember him? The issue is full of fun and games and puzzles as Bailey tries to keep a lasting memento from happier times from being destroyed by a fourth Wall breaking villain.

Lawful #1 – Imagine a world… First issues tend to try to lay the groundwork for the world in which the story takes place. Unless it’s already in an established universe (DC/Marvel) this can be interesting. In the case of Lawful the world has magic, and if you break the rules bad things can happen. first it might be something simple, but as you break more and more rules, you end up changing into something not quite human. We have Sung who as a young boy follows the rules, and his friend who doesn’t (isn’t that always the way? I enjoy seeing how a new series starts and this one has got me waiting for issue #2.

Miles Morales Spider-Man #21 – Sadly, If Marvel keeps going with these crossover stories, I’m going to end up dropping a number of titles. We just finished Gang War, so now we’re in Blood Hunt. ’nuff said.

Strange Academy Blood Hunt #2 – Hey! Vampires! and The class tries to track down Darkhold and try to save the world. Who’s the good guy who’s the bad guy? Who is going to end up saving them- yes, plot twist and surprise guest!

Spectacular Spider-Men #3 – OK- Color me confused… Miles going out on a date with Kamala, Peter married to Gwen (with kids)?!?! Something is going on that makes me want and need to reread the last issue.

Batman and Robin #10 – The conclusion to this arc with Batman and Robin trying to stop Man-Bat from destroying Gotham. While the loose ends form the arc are nicely tied up, new questions are brought up and a new adventure awaits on Dinosaur Island! (play dramatic music)

Ultimate X-Men # 4 – This is one of those comics that i think is going to be amazing, once I have a chance to binge the entire run. Right now (for me) its a bit confusing, and I’m trying to figure out it it is the sale of the storytelling, or just that Haven’t really read X-Men since the Claremont/Byrne days (not including Ultimate X-Men).

Planning a Whimventure®- MINI Takes The States 2024

I know I’ve posted about this before, heck I spent a year drawing monkeys based on MTTS badges. So this is a pretty big thing for me, but it’s also just another Whimventure.
In 2006 MINIUSA, back when they did some amazingly innovative things, decided to put together a cross country roadtrip to celebrate the MINI JCW GP the end of their first iteration of the new MINI. It ran from Monterrey, CA to Limerock CT. They had no clue what they started. Over the years it’s changed into the current version. Every two years MINI owners get together and rally. With the exception of COVID this has been the case. So how do I plan for this? Like any other Whimventure, with a few subtle changes.

There might be an app, we’ll know closer to the start. People have been on the various groups in Social Media asking questions, trying to sell things to help offset the cost of the trip. Some people get sponsors. Some people take it way too seriously. Think of it this way, it’s like going on a cruise where you know where all the ports are, but you are captain of your ship and decide how to get from port to port. Online, be nice, but right now, I’m doing a lot of ignoring, there are “experts” out there, I’m not one of them. Your mileage may vary. I’ve been doing MTTS since 2006. I’ve been on all or part of every single one. My favorite, was probably 2012 (I know it was my wife’s favorite). I’ve seen the event evolve into what it currently is. Do I miss somethings from the past? Sure, but I also understand things change. I’ve learned a lot over the years, and forgotten even more than I’ve learned. As I get ready to head out next month, here’s what I’m doing. It’s your Whimventure® you do you.

MotoringFile does have a nice report on MTTS although it is is filled with ads (somebody’s got to pay for it) You can also go to the MINI Takes the States website for the official word along with so many groups in social media, many being set up as I type this to grab your information and sell you shirts, stickers, magnets, hand knit socks and other stuff. Caveat Emptor.

The Route

This year the route starts in Albuquerque and ends in Seattle. So there’s the first part- getting to the starting place. Some people ship their MINI, I prefer to drive. It will be a drive in which I’m playing some of it by ear, not knowing where I will stop for the night. I do know I am planning on arriving a day early to just take a breath.

In the past only the stopping locations were known. It looks like they have announced a basic route along with host cities. The thing is now, the morning event is pretty much the only mandatory thing each day. So once you get into the city you have time to explore before getting up the next morning and starting all over again.

In the past there were morning events and then an evening event. People really had no time to see where they landed for the night. Making sure you got into town on time added a level of stress to everyone, although some of those evening events are the most memorable parts of the experience. One of my favorites was Washington D.C. in 2012 and watching fireworks over the Mall from the Newseum.
How do so plan for the route? I don’t. I will check Atlas Obscura and Roadside America for quirky place between point A and point B. I also will see what cool places are at the destination. Sue will check things like geocaches with massive favorite points, and stuff like that. We will use the Geocaching and Adventure Lab Apps for ideas as to where to make that left turn instead of right. Now we are on the look out for Thomas Dambo’s Trolls. We will deviate from the route when needed or just on a whim.


It’s one night, so it isn’t that big of a deal. Early on MINIUSA had set host hotels with room blocks. Usually these were boutique hotels and a bit pricey, now it’s every MINI owner for themself. Some grab hotels the second the host cities are announced, others wait until the morning venue is announced. I waited until I had time, there is no rush. You could do it on the road if you really wanted, but some cities the number of hotel rooms may be scarce. Should you be close to the morning event? How about downtown? It’s up to you. There will most likely be a line to get into wherever the morning event is happening so just how far do you want your drive & what do you want to spend? We’re kinda all over the place. I just didn’t want to be in a hotel that would smell of antiseptic or so loud that I can’t sleep. It’s only one night. I just finished booking my hotels, and it’s a mixed bag of types and locations. Some cities were really expensive, others, not so much. I’m from Indiana so my idea of expensive, might not match yours.


They have stores throughout America (it’s called “capitalism”) and while corporate greed has been driving up prices if I really need something I can stop by a store along the route. I understand that there are Dollar General Stores every 200 yards in some communities. So while I do pack, I also don’t worry too much if I forget something.

This is the opportunity to wear all your MINI t-shirts! If you’ve been doing this as long as I have, you have a bunch to choose from. One thing I will guarantee is that you will come back with more shirts than you had when you left. I used to bounce between not wanting to be like everyone and wanting to fit in. Which means wearing a MINI shirt everyday and not wearing one. This time around, I’ll pull out some of my classic shirts (mostly black, because… classic MINI shirts were ALWAYS BLACK) I figure I don’t have a chance to wear these much, so why not?

As for anything else, I pack some jeans maybe a pair of khakis, socks, underwear, my meds (since I am old), a toothbrush, and some toothpaste. I may have time to do a load of laundry since there is a break between Salt Lake City and Bozeman, but who knows what I might want to do instead. It is only 9 days on the road with MINI so I should be able to fit most of my stuff in a carry-on. You may need to plan more if you own a MINI Convertible and are traveling with someone. I know my Roadster is more than capable to take on the task of lugging Sue’s and my stuff around. I also pack at least two pairs of shoes. I learned that wearing the same shoes every day for more than week can get uncomfortable. Also, some shoes are better for driving while others are better for walking.

Buttons and Stickers and Ducks… Oh My!

Here’s where it gets interesting. Originally MINIUSA would provide participants with lanyards and then each day you would get a button in the morning. It was a way to prove you had actually been to wherever they had stopped. Jim McDowell (then VP of MINIUSA) had his Bulldog button, which was coveted and only given out by Jim. You had to do something besides just ask for it. I recall the first ones were given out to those people willing to lift their leg like a dog near a fire hydrant… Cecil decided to make his own button the next MTTS (maybe some others, but I only remember Cecil’s). The next MTTS the floodgates opened and more and more people had buttons to exchange. There isn’t enough room on a lanyard for all the buttons! Then people started giving out other items, stickers, business cards, koozies, you name it. MINI still gave out things, but I think after The Great Thermal Umbrella Stampede it hopefully has settled down. What is the big item everyone wants? Who knows what will happen this year. In 2022 it was MINI Financial Services magnets from each destination. With people stealing them off of cars which is very unMINI like.

Why? Are these are ways to prove your existence? Like having 1,000,000 Facebook “friends” or followers or whatever. It gives people a sense of belonging, of importance. It’s nice that someone is tracking you down so they can have a complete set of buttons. At some point the question becomes, what will I do with all this stuff? My “collection” is in a tub, in the basement. I may do something with it sometime.

Do I have SWAG to give away? Yes, I’m a lemming. My problem is I get so many ideas and it is so easy to have things made now days. I have a button for MINIon 4238 (that would be me) I have a button for MINIons Take the States along with a sticker. I have a classic MINI Takes the States sticker. I have a “Start in the Wrong Place” button and sticker. I even have Whimventure® Stickers. My plan is to not have anything specifically MTTS related left before I get to Seattle. So I didn’t buy that much of any item – maybe 50. (It also makes my stuff a lot more “collectible.”)

What the duck?!? Yes, while the Jeep World (that has a much better PR department) has been overwhelmed by “ducking,” the urban legend is that it all started with MINI. I’ve seen news reporting both. Some people will place ducks on your MINI. I have avoided this, probably because I just haven’t found a duck I like, plus, I like things that are unique. Will I be putting ducks on people’s MINIs? You’ll know when the time comes. If I had a 3D Printer… things would get ugly.

What should you do? Whatever you want. If you want to pass out ducks, or buttons, or stickers, or hand knit socks… do whatever you want and what you can afford. Owning a MINI isn’t cheap, going to #CampMINI isn’t cheap. Don’t feel the pressure to do anything you don’t want to. Some MINI Owners will do everything, others will do nothing. Don’t be surprised if you have some left over.

Past Experience – A Typical Day

Get up, get out of bed, drag a comb across your head. Once you check out of your hotel, head to the Rise and Shine. Wait in line and be directed where to park by the friendly and helpful parking staff. You’ll get to know these folks and everyone else working the event over the course the Rally. There will be people with ginormous flags marking their location because… I really don’t know, but it makes them happy.

If it’s your first time, have your paperwork in order. Be that printed, or on your phone, or tattooed to your ankle. When you are checked in you will get a lanyard and a badge for whatever you paid for. In this case, I’m guessing one day, will get a wristband, “Going All the Way” will get one kind of badge, if you are only doing half (Ending in Salt Lake City or starting in Bozeman) you’ll get another.

Check in every day this might be getting your badge scanned, it might be something else entirely, but check in. You should also be able to pick up a paper map for today’s route. They’ve tried a bunch of different technological solutions, but a paper map makes a lot of people more comfortable. There will be breakfast there (maybe even yummy breakfast burritos).

There should be a row of tables, and tents. One of the tables is where you check in. There will be a bunch of people looking lost (these will be the people just joining). Each table will offer something different. There will be SWAG, MINI Financial Services, MINI Service, a local charity, I’m sure I’m forgetting something, but basically like a comic book convention walk the tables, enter in the raffles they are having, pick up the SWAG. Throughout the morning there will be announcements, and entertainment, and the “Pocket of Doom.” Meet people, look at and admire everyone’s MINI and the You-ification they have done to make their MINI “Not Normal.” After the final raffle drawings and announcements (maybe even an auction of rare MINI related stuff) everyone will be asked to get ready to leave. This means, everyone will rush to the bathrooms. Once everyone is back to their cars, the lines will be sent off to much fanfare. After you leave the location, it is up to you as to what you do next.

Somewhere on the route, there might be a “Surprise and Delight” what is it? I don’t know, it’s a surprise. It usually is a roadside location or someplace cool. Sometimes there is SWAG there to pick up. This makes those folks who need it all (See the Great Thermal Umbrella Stampede) rushing to get there first so they don’t miss out! Other times along the route you might see a group of MINIs stopped for a photo op. Stop and see what’s so exciting. Maybe they just stopped on a whim, maybe for ice cream.

You’ll see a MINI on the road- don’t forget to WAVE. If you have a radio you might call out to them. Channel 7 sub 21 is typical for MINI, but some groups set their own so that they can avoid unnecessary chatter. When you get to your destination, check into your hotel. Explore the city if you have a chance. Eat dinner, got to sleep and do it all again the next day.

I have always said when you buy a MINI you get a new family… usually with an overwhelming number of weird uncles and aunts who your parents have told you to not follow their example. MINI Takes The States is a great way to get to know other people who love their MINIs as much as you do. If you didn’t why would you spend the money to register, and be a part of this adventure? Over the years I have sat with many of my friends who I would never have gotten to know if it weren’t for this crazy little car. I look forward to meeting new people and just having fun once I arrive in Albuquerque.

Something Will Go Wrong

Yes, as they say “The best laid plans of mice.” It could be something new they are trying like a map app, or breakfast, or they run out of whatever SWAG is in demand this year, or your hotel, or whatever. Be patient, be kind. Yelling and complaining will get you nowhere and it is the most unMINI thing I can think of. MINIUSA and the people working MTTS will do everything in their power to make sure you have a great time (kinda like staying at a Disney Resort) but they can only do so much and be so nice. If something goes wrong, DON’T PANIC, “It’s all part of the show.” To prepare ahead of time, I’m taking my 2012 Roadster in for a check up (Tire rotation, fluid top off, alignement check) and at least an oil change. Alfie (aka Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All) has been on every MTTS since 2012 when he went cross country on temporary plates, he’s not missing this one if he can help it. If something goes wrong, I know MINI will have people there to help and will schedule time at the nearest dealership if needed. It won’t be free, but it is a bit of piece of mind. Getting to Albuquerque and back home, I’m on my own (unless I win Roadside Assistance for a year in a morning raffle). but that’s all part of the adventure.

Troll Hunting Whimventure®

How does a Whimventure® start? What does it take to do something “On a whim?” Well to start off… not much. On Friday, Sue was finishing up a stressful week at work and we had discussed options for the weekend. Of course one of those options was to stay home and get things done around the house (the responsible ADULT thing to do). We knew that Thomas Dambo has just moved his traveling Troll Exhibit from Philadelphia to Nashville so we decided to head south and do some troll hunting. How long did it take? About 5 minutes. We knew the boys would be fine overnight, and all we needed was a change of clothes and (being adults) things like medications and a toothbrush. With a quick pack of our go bags we were on the road.

They say there is a season in the midwest called “Road Construction” and they aren’t kidding. In Indianapolis, currently one of the projects shuts down I-465 going south on the east side of town. Hmmm… guess where we needed to go? We did finally get on I-65 south and headed towards Nashville. We had thought about doing this in May, but Nashville hotel prices for that weekend were crazy expensive. This weekend, at least where we were looking were reasonable.

Always Complications & Maybe Some Beer.

“There are only four rules you need to remember: make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan.” – Leonard Snart. We pulled into Yazoo Brewing for dinner and enjoyed a beautiful view and nice food along with some pretty good IPAs. Unfortunately, when we got back to the car, we had a low tire warning light go off. Did I mention Road Construction is a season? The tire looked and acted fine and it was too late to do anything about it, so we headed back to the hotel. Fortunately? Sue had tire trouble in Nashville when she was at a convention and knew where to get it fixed. So we headed to Discount Tire in the morning.

Me, being anxious, had tire repair as my number one priority. They removed the nail, plugged the tire and we drove off to breakfast, getting a call that the tire place still had the cap for the wheel 🙄. Drove back and then headed off to the hotel, where I had left my wallet in the room 🙄🙄. You see how this day is going? Breakfast was nice, Sue wanted to stop at a franchise she deals with for work and play secret shopper. As we were there I tried to figure out how to reset the blasted tire sensor that still showed I had a low tire. Which I finally did reset on the way home. Today the low tire light came on again… 😱 I know what I’m doing tomorrow.

Finally, we get to Cheekwood Estates & Garden, current home of Thomas Dambo’s “Save the Humans” exhibit. We paid for entry and started to walk around the beautiful landscaped gardens, hunting for trolls. Where are all the trolls in the world? Check out Thomas’ Troll Map. We’ve now pretty much seen all the Trolls close by, but look forward to future trips and the trolls we will see along the way.

Having now become seasoned troll hunters we enjoyed not only the trolls but the other art and landscaping throughout Cheekwood.

We picked up the Trash Trolls and Treasure Hunts book, but unfortunately, they were out of t-shirts in any “normal old adult” sizes- no troll shirts for me. On our way out of town we stopped into Antique Archaeology home of the TV Show American Pickers… While nice it seemed to be mostly branded merch for the show and not as many actual antiques as I recall from my visit last fall. We left empty handed and headed home.

One of the nice things about being in Indianapolis is it is close to many places so going on a Whimventure® isn’t too hard. I’ve joked about driving to Chicago or Columbus, Ohio for a sandwich. As for my carbon footprint- I’d consider an electric car brother ways to get places if the infrastructure in the U.S. would better support it.

inner ring 400 miles
middle ring 500 miles
outer ring 600 miles
While I don’t like driving really long distances in one day, on the way home isn’t that bad if I get an early start.

This Week in Comics (My Pull List 6-5-24)

You’ve heard me whine about “Comic Book Conventions” that aren’t really about comic books. The conventions that focuses more on the celebrities than comics. I think it all started with San Diego Comic Con when they started bringing in Stars from TV and Movies for panels and got boatloads of national press for the announcements made in Hall H or Ballroom 20. Every other Con decided that Celebrities were a draw beyond the comic geek and they saw dollar signs. Can’t afford to go out the SDCC, or can’t even get a ticket? Come to your local Con and see people who are sorta kinda famous. My most recent example would be Indiana Comic Con, in which almost everyone there solely attended to see someone who only tangentially was related to comics. I’m all for Cons bringing in stars, especially since for a lot of celebrities this is their way to bring in money charging for autographs and photo ops. As I have said before, call it what it is- which is not a “Comic Con.”

I have heard about a few select Cons that have stuck to being a “Comic Con” a celebration of the art of comics. A2CAF (Ann Arbor Comic Arts Festival) in Michigan is an all ages con that celebrates comics for kids and if you have the chance I highly recommend it. CXC (Cartoon Crossroads Columbus) in Ohio is also a fantastic con all about celebrating the Cartoon Arts, not specifically all ages, but still an amazing convention… both of these are free.

Next weekend I’m heading to another con that will be a new experience to me, HeroesCon in Charlotte, North Carolina. I haven’t attended this one in the past, because I usually would be at A2CAF or Brickworld in Chicago. For the record, HeroesCon is not free, but it is cheaper than many of those cons that have a bunch of photo ops and celebrities. Behold the power of MATH – 3 days at HeroesCon = 1 day at New York Comic Con this is before calculating hotels, and food.

I’m curious about what I will say in my post con blog, because right now there are some things I find rather exciting. First- I haven’t seen a single post, about a “celebrity” attending. All the announcements have to do with artists, writers, and creators of comics. There are a lot of them (around 400), most you wouldn’t know… but I do I currently have over 15 artists on my short list that I want to see. These are people I am in awe of what they have created. Some aren’t as famous as others, but to me… WOW. I usually get lost in Artist Alley at cons that have relatively small artist alleys- I’m afraid I may never get out- which is why I have a short list. Some are people I am picking things up from, others are people I really would like to get something signed by.

Secondly, the list of panels and presentations mostly deal with the process of making comics. Drawing, lettering, writing, an opportunity to listening to some of the best of the best in their field talk about the art of making comics. No sessions dealing with the last TV show or movie, nothing about reflecting on the last season of some show or or Anime. They have professors from SCAD teaching sessions on comics! Sign me up!

Finally, while it can be a big draw for many people, cosplay doesn’t seem to be a prime focus. I like seeing people dressed up as their favorite characters, but most of the time these come from media other than comics. At HeroesCon it seems they spotlight 50 cosplayers each day to walk across the stage and show what they have created, along with sessions on making things to enhance your cosplay. What I noticed (and was pleased by) was the weapon policy which includes vendors. Most “Comic Cons” have people selling various swords and martial arts weapons. You pass by multiple booths full of swords, throwing stars, and the like. My brother at New York Comic Con bought one (or two). I’m looking forward to walking through the exhibit hall and not having to deal with weaponry lining the shelves. Will there be light sabers of various kinds? I don’t know, probably, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. Again, the draw seems to be COMIC BOOKS and art, because it is a COMIC CON. 😳

This Week’s Comics

I Hate Fairyland #15 – Or should we just call it Gertzilla minus One? So After completely annihilating Fairyland with Gertlins, Gert decides to become part of the solution, not the problem? Will she succeed is wiping out the scourge of gertlins and save the world? Will science, magic, and technobabble combine to help?

Love Everlasting #15 – The story so far… Joan falls in love, and questions if love is really everything that it’s cracked up to be. Before she can discover the answer, she is killed by an unknown cowboy. This happens throughout time and really throws a damper on her relationships. We have learned so far that the cowboy is actually in love with her, but it’s a dirty job and someone has to kill her (over and over and over again). He kidnaps her one more time to save her from her fate only to… but there’s a twist… she’s French, which of course makes it all OK, because… c’est la vie!

Sons of Star Trek #15 (ok, it’s really #3, but I didn’t want to ruin the pattern we had started 🙄) – SO our heroes are caught in the middle of a war with the Breen, and QJ has somehow lost his powers. We discover more about the crew and how they are different from those that we remember. We also learn a bit more about this alternate universe what is different in the very fabric of the universe. Nog, Alexander, and Jake start to figure things out, but is it too little too late? Who will live? Who will die? maybe the next issue will shed some light on things.

Batman #148 – Winter is coming… OK, maybe not winter, but a storm of sorts. Batman and the Bat Family reunite to fight Zur-En-Arrh and hopefully save the psychotic villains from being reprogrammed into upstanding citizens. No psychotic villains then Bruce Wayne will need to find a new hobby! The army comes in to help with things. Thank you Amanda Waller- Hmmm… maybe I know which Batman title is part of the current DC continuity- then again on time and following the summer blockbuster

My Adventures with Superman # 1 – I’m old and don’t pay for every streaming service. Which that said, I haven’t been watching the Cartoon that has gotten some good reviews, so I when the comic came out, I decided to check it out. I’m sure I’m missing some connections to the cartoon, but the basic story of Superman/Clark Kent trying to save everyone and deal with a new villain that seems to be part parasite and part Amazo has got me thinking I need to read the next issue- I just hope I remembered to put it on my pull list.

Amazing Spider-Man # 51 (Tony Harris Cover) – Peter Parker is now Spider-Goblin? He’s going after the Sinister Six while Norman (Mr. O), tries to play sane and normal… What about the now walking brain and his cadre of scientists? Who are they bringing in to help Peter from going completely off the deep end?

The Ultimates #1 – In the ultimate universe you had their version of the Avengers called “the Ultimates.” In this new version after the Maker was able to stop most heroes from being created (Accident + Radioactivity = Super Powers if you take out either the accident or the radioactivity you get nothing) Can heroes (thought of as terrorists- remember history is written by the winners) gather together who they need to stop the evil running the world? Great first issue recapping what happened to get us to this point and setting us up for even more.

Amazing Spider Man #51 (Skottie Young Cover) Peter Parker is now Spider-Goblin? He’s going after the Sinister Six while Norman (Mr. O), tries to play sane and normal… What about the now walking brain and his cadre of scientists? Who are they bringing in to help Peter from going completely off the deep end?
Yes, I did cave and buy two copies of this issue (curse variant covers!) One is an amazing cover done by one of my favorites- Tony Harris, and the other is done by another one of my favorites- Skottie Young. Completely different take, both are really amazing. Both on my HeroesCon short list. Sometimes, you do need two of the same comic, I’m not enough of a completist that I’ll ever need 33 copies of the same comic, but two isn’t that bad. The question is do I bring them to HeroesCon to get signed?

A Clueless Newbie at WonderFest 2024

When I was growing up (before internet and video games… fine, we had Pong) My father was into building plastic models. He was an airplane guy so he would put together models of various planes from typically World War II. Although I recall a U-2 and F-14 vividly. My brother and I would then play with them and break them. He was meticulous in making sure that everything was historically accurate and perfect. As we grew older my brother and I would also build planes… for me they weren’t great, but in my dad’s hands they were fantastic when he got done with fixing the ones I had cobbled together. I would have them hanging from the ceiling of my bedroom. As we got older we continued, until one day it all stopped. I can guess the reasoning, but they would only be guesses. I was as clueless about social stuff then as I am now. I recall decades later going into a closet at my parents house (long after they had moved from my childhood home) and finding a few boxes of model planes, some half completed and those were ones I recall from when I was a teenager so they hadn’t been touched in decades.

Yesterday I attended WonderFest in Louisville, Kentucky on a “whim.” I had heard about the Con from Michael Possert in one of my Rocketeer Fan groups. He had written a book on the making of Cirrus X-3 from the film (since he was part of the team that had done it) and it was now being published. He was presenting about the book and I figured it was close so I could stop by and pick up a copy. I’d like to remind everyone who thinks that I am some sort of a “Super Geek” who knows all about various geeky topics- I am not. While I am excited and passionate about a wide variety of things and willing to talk (and never shut up) about some things I have learned that there is always someone who is higher up the geek food chain than me. On a scale of 1-10 you might be a 1 or 2 on a topic and I’m a 5 or 6, when I go to conventions, I meet people who are 11’s! I shut up and listen or crawl into a corner thinking “I am not worthy to be here.”

WonderFest has opened a whole world of model makers to me. Like my venture to PowerCon last year’s where I learned about Toy Collectors Now I get to learn about model makers, an area I know absolutely nothing about. Being my first time I’m learning as I go and will still not figure things out by the time I end. I will probably call things by the incorrect name and being an introvert with poor social skills I won’t be doing much when it comes to any social events or actually taking with people (who are on the Geek scale 10’s to 11’s or event 42’s) While they might be the nicest person on the face of the Earth, for me I don’t want to sound as stupid as I know I am. Luckily Sue decided to join me on this sojourn (she wanted to go caching) so I had a reason to not hang around too much. plus I was only planning on a single day.

I dropped into WonderFest Friday evening to pick up a one day badge.  It was busy, registration was for badges and for those dropping off pieces to be judged.  Options included an early bird entry into the vendor halls.  Not knowing what to expect I went with a single day.  Now what is interesting is unlike many conventions WonderFest has no online badge registration.  You can only get your attendee badge in person.  You could buy a badge day of, but I decided I wanted to avoid that and be ready for Saturday morning.

As I’ve said before, each group of geeks (I use the dictionary definition here “geek: a person who is knowledgeable about and obsessively interested in a particular subject, especially one that is technical or of specialist or niche interest.”) has different levels, and also in the realm of pop culture multiple overlapping areas. You could be a Batman geek, but only focus on the 1966 TV show compound that with the toys related to the ’66 Batman show, or just toy iterations of the Batmobile… At WonderFest you had so many of these multifaceted geeks. People who love building models- but focus on classic horror films. Maybe it’s Star Wars (there always seems to be a Star Wars group) or Star Trek. If a model was made from a pop culture TV show, movie, etc. then there is a fan out there who has built it to the specifications outlined in the specific episode it appeared.

The thing here was the art and craft of the model. Anyone who has ever tried their had at model making know it takes some skill to do it right. My brother and I were developing that skill, my dad had mastered it. To this day if I try to build a model I will end up with a glue fingerprint someplace on it that I will have to address. Then comes the modifications that, in the past, required a lot more creativity. Now you can 3D print anything you can imagine and design on the computer. Before that you would have to hand sculpt or find parts from other kits to meet your needs.

Saturday rolls around and I get dropped off (the parking lot is packed, the show doesn’t officially open for about an hour) and I step into a full hallway with people lining the walls and a long line of folks carrying boxes or pushing carts. The convention is divided into a number of areas: Exhibit/Vendor Space Hall A & B, a Special Area set aside for bigger names (yes, like any convention they brought in a few celebrities), Rooms set aside for classes and presentations, and a ballroom devoted to the Model Contest. The Hotel is currently under renovation so it was a bit of a challenge to navigate, I think it might have be harder for those who had previously attended since I didn’t know how to get anywhere in the first place.

The Vendor/Exhibit Halls

So what can you buy? The vendor halls had the some of the typical stuff at any Con, but most of it focused on model kits. I’ve seen a few of these kits at comic book shows, but model making was definitely the focus – Although there were a few booths selling comic books (almost as many as Indiana Comic Con 🙄) There were a few booths selling toys, others selling jewelry and pins, some selling artwork and books. Mostly it was model kits and the tools of the trade – brushes, paints, airbrushes, etc. For me, it was understandably overwhelming. I came into the con to learn and decide what my next steps would be. At PowerCon I left with the peace of mind that toy collecting was not in my future. Here at WonderFest I’m not sure. I did not buy any kits, but I thought back on my past life teaching CAD to kids and some of the stuff I had created. I thought about 3D printing and making things that no one else had thought of- my take on something. Turning my drawings into 3D pieces, I’ve got a long way to go, but…

While people were selling things, there were also some displays some were challenges, others were just things that were cool. The challenge this year was to take the Class F Shuttlecraft from Star Trek (the TOS Shuttlecraft “Galileo”) and have fun with it. Start from the model kit and then- whatever. Being a fan of humor, whimsy, and not taking things too seriously, I loved this.

Learning Opportunities

Lots of classes and I really wanted to try out the “Make it & Take it” room, but I’m a bit older that 16 and didn’t want to take a chance away from a kid. There were also airbrush seminars and how to work in various mediums. On Friday, They had a full day course on Blender (CAD) but I no longer have a laptop and with this being my first time I didn’t want to invest the money (around $200) for the class. Mostly I didn’t want to investment in a laptop. At least at GalaxyCon I didn’t feel that bad paying for the Howard Chaykin Workshop, all I needed was a pencil and paper. There were sessions throughout the day, some just listening to professional model makers talk about their careers, also some history lessons (The Ray Harryhausen Foundation was present) Due to some overlap I only attended Mike Possart’s presentation on the Rocketeer rocket pack. Which was awesome and gave me the chance to see up close (and actually touch, one to the screen used packs! *squee!*). It just made me want to get the stuff to cosplay the Rocketeer even more.

The Model Contest

Wow. While there were some amazing things and displays in the exhibit hall, the over 800 displays made by the attendees were awe inspiring. Divided into categories, some of which I had little interest in, each piece was amazing. Maybe it was just me, but the thing I thought was cool as a Star Trek fan, was the representation from that franchise. Usually, you end up with a boatload of Star Wars stuff, and yes, there was Star Wars stuff, but there were some amazing pieces from the Star Trek Universe. Also so many unloved or forgotten franchises were painstakingly recreated by people who obviously were fans, and wanted to share their love of a specific property. As I said almost 900 models, I missed a bunch. Just make sure you’ve got your badge in a pocket on not hanging in front of you… it would be bad if you damaged some of these by being careless.

The typical question and what most people post about is what they bought… For me it was simple- I about a pin for Sue (I want to pet all the cats in the world”) two books: Michael Possert’s Rocket Factory Book & Fantastic Worlds: The Art of William Stout. So not a massive haul, but for a first timer with no clue, I held back from buying any kits, since I was afraid that I might fall down a rather costly rabbit hole, maybe next time after I decide to cut back on a current expensive hobby. Should I have spent another day? Hmmm… I think if I had, I might have gotten more interested and probably bought a kit, while that isn’t bad, I do think I got a taste of the hobbit of model making is about and I’m now curious to learn a bit more. The issue I have to ask myself is where would my finished stuff go?

Of course, the big question is, will I be back next year? I really don’t know, it matters how much more I get pulled into 3D design and what sessions they might be offering. I older brother says he’s interested in attending, and it is more up his alley currently than mine. He’s in the process of making Klingon D’k Tahg daggers. The biggest positive is that it is a convention dedicated to a specific group and their needs, not one just trying to drag in people for profit. So many Cons are all about bringing in celebrities for costly autograph and photo ops, while there were celebrities here, I’m not sure the average person would recognize them or their work which makes WonderFest even more special.