This Week in Comics (My Pull List 9-18-24)

It’s election time again and time to take a serious moment away from arguing over who will bring about the fall of America as we know it, because they announced today the nominees not for some silly political thingie like President- The Strong Museum of Play announced who is up for inclusion in the Toy Hall of Fame. The 12 finalists were announced and after a vote by the general public three will make it. Here’s the official announcement:

For those who don’t like clicking on links, the 2024 finalists:

  • Apples to Apples
  • Balloons
  • Choose Your Own Adventure Gamebooks
  • Hess Toy Trucks
  • My Little Pony
  • Phase 10
  • Pokémon
  • R/C Cars
  • Sequence
  • Hobbyhorse
  • Trampoline
  • Transformers
Cecil and I visiting the National Toy Hall of Fame last year… I’m looking forward to returning again this year.

While some Toys seem like they should already be included, and others make you scratch your head (Is that really a toy?). This is serious business. So who will join last year’s inductees: Baseball Cards, Cabbage Patch Kids, the Fisher-Price Corn Popper and Nerf Toys? Some other notable inductees include: sand (2021), the ball (2009), the cardboard box (2005), Silly Putty (2001), LEGO Bricks (1998), and the stick (2008)? Yes, there are 84 toys currently in the Hall of Fame since it started in 1998. There is a long process that leads to the actual vote which goes on until September 25th. So Vote Now! You can vote once per day unlike the presidential election (no matter what one party continues to claim). Fortunately there will be no debates, rallies, or tweets filled with propaganda trying to sway your vote. The conservative and liberal media seem not to care. The current candidates have not weighed in, and probably won’t. Hopefully things will be better than in 2013 when there were all those scandalous posts about the rubber duck and its relationship with a certain muppet. 🙄 Like I said, some people take this seriously.


This Week’s Comics

Please note that these reviews tend to be after a quick cursory reading of the comic and while some people think “Comics aren’t real reading” it does take more than just reading the words to get all the subtlities infused in the words and pictures (It’s called “multimodal literacy” in the Ed Biz). So I apologize ahead of time for things I might glance over. I do go back and reread most of the comics I get each week, multiple times, unless I get busy petting cats. As you can tell, while I might enjoy a character, there are times in which I can tell (after decades of practice) that for me, the story isn’t worth more than a quick once over – usually these are tie-in issues in which I really don’t care about the massive universe ending tale they are connected to.

Superman #18 ( Absolute Power Tie-In) 🙄 – Blah, blah blah, Amanda Waller is bad, heroes need to stop her… Universes will change, heroes will make sacrifices, read it or you’ll be left out.


In this case Superman and Zatana are in a very warm place Dante wrote about and in order to get the map to find their way through they need to make a deal with the DC version of the devil – Who usually shows up in these “multiverse changing” events. Superman makes the ultimate sacrifice (you’ll need to read it to find out). Now it’s time to pick up the next issue of a comic you usually never read or the next key issue of Absolute Power to find out what happens next. Let me know once you find out.

Spider-Boy Annual #1 (The Infinity Watch Tie-In?) 🙄- I really have no idea where this annual fits in the grand scheme of things. Spider-Boy is on the boardwalk enjoying some time off when he decides to stop a thief who happens to have a dog’s face. Could he be another escapee from Madame Monstrosity? Hijinks ensue. Maybe not hijinks, but a fight and a team up with guys who currently have control over individual Infinity Stones- you know those things Thanos wanted in the Avengers movies. “snap!” By the end Bailey is back to enjoying his time and there is some sort of cliffhanger dealing with the Infinity Stone people if I was following the saga of The Infinity Watch, I might know more. Hmm… The Infinity Watch… I wonder what apps it comes with? Is it compatible with my iPhone? Does it keep track of the exercise and sleep patterns?

Ultimate X-Men # 7 – I’m not really seeing any kind of arc as I read this. Not saying it’s bad, just in western comics it’s gotten to the point where after 6 issues you are used to some conclusion. Here we are still building things up. Making me want to find all the previous issues and go back and reread them so that maybe I can understand what is going on. I’ve got a month before the next issue comes out.

Huge Detective #2 – Giants and “dolls” aka humans inhabit the Earth, this crime drama we’re still trying to figure out the rules of the world and how everything works. What I know so far, there is a giant who serves as a detective along with his human partner. They are working on a case dealing with missing people and murder. In this issue a giant skeleton pops out of the moon and heads to Earth. Why? I guess we’ll find out next issue. With many comics I’m starting to think I’m getting too old to figure these things out… Now get off my lawn!

Flash Gordon #2 – I tend to say I started reading comics with Flash Gordon… When I would ride my bike during the age of “Be home before dark” I would stop at the drug store, which was more than a drug store, it also had books. One of them was Flash Gordon Volume 1. I was in second grade and I coveted that book. At some point I got it, my older brother got Volume 2. I read it over and over again. When other volumes of Alex Raymond’s original Sunday strips came out I bought those, unfortunately over a few moves I don’t have them anymore… I have replaced them, but different publisher, so all the nostalgia has leaked out of them. I’m currently reading Dan Schkade’s take on Flash Gordon by King Features which I have thoroughly enjoyed and look forward to every morning. (I really recommend it and wish I could find him at a Con. While it is not Alex Raymond’s style, it is awesome.

Now Mad Cave Comics has relaunched their take on Flash. I picked up the Free Comic Book Day teaser, but unfortunately missed issue 1 which I will ask about the next time I’m at Comic Carnival. It looks like after whatever happened in Issue 1, Flash is now on a prison planet with Ming the Merciless (who is also a prisoner). He is trying to get away and Ming offers to “help.” (Ming is never to be trusted… he earned the title “The Merciless” for a reason and it had nothing to do with his puppy dog soufflé.

There was some initial commentary about how Ming and the inhabitants of Mongo had been drawn in the Mad Cave FCBD teaser. It is definitely a more alien style, but that is up to the artist and by deviating from Raymond’s style defines these stories, (like Schkade’s) not as attempts to reproduce Raymond’s amazing artwork, but to honor the characters and the story of Flash Gordon. Basically, get over it.

Flash Gordon Quarterly #1 – These seem to be a conglomeration of stories either from the Flash Gordon Universe or a “Elseworlds” “What if” take on the characters by various writers and artists. The main story is about Vultan (King of the Hawkmen) and his son, a coming of age kind of story in which Vultan’s son tries to prove he’s not a little boy anymore in the face saving his father from the enemy.

The second story is a western… with Flash Gordon as the sheriff of a small derelict town going against the gang of bad guys led by Ming. Flash is, of course, saving the town and Dale from the evil clutches of the villain.

The final story is the 1930’s gumshoe detective tale. Flash is the Sam Spade like detective, the damsel in distress is Aura, Zarkov is Flash’s partner who makes gadgets for him. Dale is Flash’s informant in the Police Department. So who is after Aura, and in the process trying to kill Flash? I’ve read too much Dashiell Hammett not to be intrigued. I looks like these will be coming out quarterly so I’ve got some time to reread and figure out what clues might be hidden in the panels.

Shake of the Week

Taking Fandom Too Seriously?

I have noticed that the interwebs and social media have done a fantastic job of making sure the if you hate something you have a ginormous soapbox to shout to the hills about it. Within seconds of something being announced there are critics telling you how horrible it is, and how it is the worst thing ever. Many “true fans” are the worst. I once heard someone say the only way to be a true fan of Star Wars is to hate it. Do fandoms have their ups and downs? Sure. Are some movies better than others? Yes. Is it all based on opinion? Yup. Does your opinion carry more weight than mine? Sure, fine, whatever 🙄.

As I think about it I just keep going back to taking things too seriously… Does it matter how one writer deals with the Star Trek Universe? Will the world change completely if another writer makes a change to Star Wars even if it was his story in the first place? (btw: Han did shoot first) Why should it matter what a movie’s box office was the first weekend, people could have had other things to do. Why take things so seriously? Can Star Trek have a musical episode? Sure, it was a hoot, and actually helped to build some of the characters. Can Star Wars make fun of itself? Probably not, unless it makes sense in the holy canon as approved by… whoever is now despised by Star Wars fans this week.

Yesterday the LEGO Group and Disney+ (the current studio hated by most Star Wars fans from what I understand) released Rebuild the Galaxy– a LEGO based cartoon set in the Star Wars Universe. The LEGO Group has been known to poke fun at Star Wars through various mediums. I’ll start off by stating of you are looking for serious Star Wars… nope. If you cannot laugh at yourself, you might not like this. I thought it was great.

I’ve been a fan of Star Trek since I was in elementary school and would watch it in reruns. I had the toys, the books, and then Star Wars came out. Most geeks of my generation look at Star Wars as a life changing event. Yesterday, Star Wars took a moment to laugh at itself while telling a somewhat compelling story. I’m not one for spoilers, but LEGO is notorious for giving things away especially when they release sets months ahead of movie release days. Which they did with Rebuild the Galaxy.

Spoilers Ahead, maybe, kinda sorta, but not really.

We are in the Star Wars Universe and Sig Greebling (our main character) loves to tell epic stories about the heroes he knows about (basically covering the entire approved canon). He’s a nerf herder -Which I thought was amusing and he might even be considered scruffy looking. His brother wants to leave their backwater planet and see the universe. Sig is fine with the way the world is, he seems to like telling stories, more than being a part of them.

As they are herding nerfs they stumble upon a lost Jedi Temple and go exploring. There we discover Sig has a connection to the Force. While exploring they find a glowing trans light blue 1×1 plate (element 3024). After some brotherly back and forth the piece gets removed, completely destroying the galaxy as they knew it. Yes, even Star Wars suffers from having a multiverse. Sig now must put things right and hopefully find his brother (Dev) in this crazy new galaxy. To help him he has Jedi Bob – a Force Builder his power droid, and the girl he kinda has a crush on. Oh my! Has the universe changed. Mon Calamari are now the base for Clone Troopers (Akbar Troopers) Yes, “It’s a trap!” and as we discover from the LEGO sets that have been released- Things are a bit backwards. Luke for example hangs out at the Mos Eisley Marina Cantina, and is a pod racer. The best was bringing Back JarJar Binks as a Sith Lord.

Current LEGO Sets:

The Dark Falcon Set 75389


A Few (not all) Character Based Inside Jokes

Sig Greebling- Greebling is the term used to describe putting small pieces usually on a spaceship to add detail to it. It comes from a term used when people would “kit bash” plastic models to make their own spaceships.

Bobarian Afol– AFOL stands for Adult Fan of LEGO. “Jedi Bob” was the original Jedi minfig put into the Republic Gunship set in 2002, he didn’t have an official name, he was called “Jedi Bob” by many.

Yesi Scala – Scala was a theme LEGO had in the early 80’s and brought back in then late 90’s to appeal to girls.

It’s better than a lot of things on TV right now

There are four episodes with (of course) a cliffhangerish ending in hopes that we will return to this version of a galaxy far, far away. All I can say, is it was clever and I hope they do more episodes and more sets… I want to have a herd of LEGO nerfs. The trailer (like most trailers) gives you more information than I did- except maybe the nerf herding part – sorry.

If you have some time, I would recommend watching this, it is amusing even if you aren’t a Star Wars fan, just come at it with an open mind. If you are a Star Wars fan you might just take your first step in a larger, and less serious world. And remember when you post things ask yourself- Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? Many fans seem to forget these, then again in this season, most politicians do too.

This Week in Comics (My Pull List 9-11-24)

This week’s commentary isn’t much. We had Star Trek Day on Sunday- which since little is really far enough along to have something to share they didn’t need to make it an extravaganza as they had in the past. Just posting a curated list of episodes on Paramount+.

We’ve had a presidential debate in which one side is claiming victory and the other side seems to be whining about how it was unfair. I watched it. ’nuff said. It’s hard to say that the moderators were biased when all they did was say things like “no dogs were harmed in the making of this debate” and “No state allows babies to be killed after birth.” Things you wouldn’t think needed fact checking, but in a world of “alternate facts” I guess anything is possible.

Oh, the winner in the race for the most alternate facts- was the person who helped to make role of fact checking into a serious career. Which may be why the moderators had to keep commenting after he said something, and he kept needing to ask for time to comment. I guess I just wish both candidates had time to actually discuss (like sane people) their policies and how they are different, not just soundbites, and spin. Although one candidate did seem to be doing a better job of that, than the other. Just remember the cats and dogs being eaten in Ohio, someone should really do something about that, I see a cookbook coming out soon- maybe a reality cooking show- Netflix- get on that it’s a guaranteed hit.

Today we also have the anniversary of the terrorist attack that really changed the world… and not in a good way. I just remember trying to keep people up to date with the news while they were teaching, I’d send updates via email to the staff. We couldn’t say anything about it in front of the kids, but the adults needed to know.

This Week’s Comics (oh and due to shipping issues, some of these might actually be from last week):

Justice Society of America #11 (Tony Harris Variant Cover) – Helena Wayne from Earth 2 has been through a lot. Parents dead, world destroyed… typical bad day for a superhero. Now we’ve got the Legion of Superheroes visiting from the 30th century to stop Modru from not turning evil and therefore ruining the timeline. Then there’s a secret bad guy and a guest appearance by the Legion of Substitute Heroes… confused? It might all end up well in the end…

Batman #152 (Absolute Power Tie In) – So being an absolute Power Tie in, it really has nothing to do with Batman. The story does have Batman and Catwoman off planet to get Amanda Waller’s Mother Box (It’s a Jack Kirby MacGuffin from his New Gods series). There’s a fight, Batman does what Batman does. I’m torn, because I liked the way the last arc finished, and how more empathetic Batman had become, and now we are in the middle of a multi universe altering meg event, so I’m still trying to figure out if I want to continue reading Batman.

Captain America #13 – Final battle Cap vs. Death. Death who just wants to destroy the world because he is sick and tired of escorting the dead especially since mankind has become really good at killing massive numbers of people without remorse. It looks like he’s got a plan and it may work, but will he survive and be able to celebrate with a show at the Front Door?

Batman & Robin #13 – Will Damian and Batman survive their little junket to Dinosaur Island? When last we left our caped heroes they had been fighting Bane and his daughter along with Kobra who’d developed an even better venom. It’s amusing that the interludes are Damian at school going over things with his Guidance Counsellor.

Amazing Spider-Man #57 – Tombstone in Jail?!? What are the consequences for putting him there? What about last issue’s foreshadowing and the lion cub? Can Spider-Man save everyone who needs saving and bring down the bad guy? Who is the bad guy?

Primer: Clashing Colors #3 – The final issue in the first arc after her origin. Ashley has been betrayed and now must fight Deathstroke to save the Teen Titans from certain death by slumber!

Public Domain #8 – The behind the scenes story of a comic creator who ends up getting the rights to his character and now wants to publish an updated version. Will they have an ashcan done in time for San Diego? Torn from the pages of reality when Marvel Comics stopped publishing the Fantastic Four and mutants stopped existing and became inhumans in the Cinematic Universe.

The Domain #3 – See Above for the backstory, this is issue number three of the comic that is being produced in Public Domain. Three friends find a crashed spaceship take the power bands and are trying to figure them out as the only alien who was saved rolls his eyes at how stupid they are, and the crew of the ship that shot down the ship with the power bands goes after them. Just remember the aliens won’t kill you… no really they won’t.

Prodigy Slaves of Mars #2 – Edison has been framed, he’s escaped to his brother’s place, because we need two super geniuses to take care of this mess. Only to discover the secret stuff their father had been doing- now the title is starting to make sense.

Shake of the Week:

The Diary of Horace Wimp

Over the weekend Sue and I had a date night months in the planning. We went to a concert held in one of the many professional sportsball facilities that dot downtown Indianapolis.

Let me start off with this confession about me and music- I’m an idiot. For the most part when it comes to popular music I like songs but couldn’t, under threat of death, tell you the artist, or even the name of the song. So many people love music so much they can rattle off everything about multiple artists- that’s not me. I rarely go to concerts, I listen to random playlists from my youth (the 80’s) but for the most part I’ve been to maybe a handful of popular music concerts from two different artists and added one to that list Saturday. I have attended Billy Joel and Jimmy Buffet concerts multiple times, but outside of those two my discography tended to focus on film scores & soundtracks.

When I was in middle school my parents for Christmas or maybe my birthday bought me an album that had a spaceship on it. I think they went into a record store and basically no asked “What would a 12-13 year old boy like?” and was handed this. “Out of the Blue” the iconic album by the Electric Light Orchestra. It had a spaceship on the album jacket! With all the synthesizers it sounded science fiction, and I liked it. (Did I mention it had a spaceship on the album cover?) From there I bought other ELO albums, then cassettes, then CDs (the trials of Gen-X 🙄). When it rained- I played “The Concerto for a Rainy Day” in its entirety. Listening to the musical raindrops and thunder during real raindrops and thunder.

A few months ago there was an ad for an ELO concert in my newsfeed. I think Sue saw it first, and pointed it out to me, knowing I liked ELO, At that point we decided to buy tickets, kind of on a whim. Now normally this is what happens- we buy tickets to something we think would be cool to see when they are first available. While whimming is fun, some things you want to make sure you can do and those tend to sell out. So you jump on the opportunity. Then the event gets put on the calendar, tickets are printed out or uploaded and we wait. The day finally arrives and something happened during that day or week that makes going out seem like a chore. We then stay home and write off the cost as a lesson learned. For the most part these aren’t expensive tickets, just a missed opportunity. Sue and I shrug and move on.

This week was a bit interesting. Nothing too bad, but we’ve skipped things for less. So since time had passed and the ticket’s cost was a distant memory we could have skipped it. however, like I said earlier, there are three bands, artists, I actually have followed in my life. Jeff Lynne and ELO was one of them. Now could I name everyone who originally was in the group? No, like I said, I’m an idiot. (I think if pressed I could name the Beatles) I know and appreciate musicians, but after a failed attempt at piano lessons in 2nd or 3rd grade, music became a mystery that I could appreciate, but I’d stick with drawing. OK there was the ukulele in 4th grade, but I just know I have nothing that anyone would consider rhythm. I’m that nerdy white guy clapping at the wrong time to whatever song is being played. I have many friends who are master musicians, graduated from schools of music, teach music, play professionally… I am in awe of their talent and knowledge. Me? I doodle.

So Saturday we actually got excited about a date night and did head downtown to hear Jeff Lynne’s Electric Light Orchestra in concert on their farewell tour. Part was to escape the real world, part was because we both wanted to experience the concert and there was the part of just that original whim. But first we went to St. Joseph Brewery & Public House for dinner. I had seen it recommended by Geek Orthodox during Gen Con and Sue had figured out where it was located. The joys of needing out of towners for recommendations in your hometown. Great meal, massive fries and some very good beer started off the evening.

While in line at Banker’s Gainbridge Conseco Life Fieldhouse, I noticed the large amount of grey/white hair and sadly realized that I also fall into the “old” category. After grabbing the requisite concert shirt and finding our seats we waited for the concert to start. Rooney kicked things off. I guess I had been to too many symphony concerts because it was a bit annoying that people just kept coming in while the warm up act was playing. Like I said, I’m inexperienced when dealing with rock concerts. We stopped attending concerts like this because people around us would talk through the music. If I wanted to talk through a concert, I’d invite friends over and listen to the music in the background, not pay for tickets, parking and whatever. The Symphony has rules… and ushers make sure they are followed. 🤫

We had awesome seats and let’s just say whatever I paid for them, months ago was well worth it. It was not only an auditory experience but also a visual. The iconic spaceship (which Alex Ross used as part of Green Lantern’s orbital base in DC’s Kingdom Come comic- it’s a geek thing) was parked on stage and used as a backdrop and screen. With today’s technology, I really regret not attending an ELO concert previously just to compare.

They played most of the standards. As Sue and I agreed, so many songs we loved, and some that weren’t favorites, but still ones we liked. I actually knew all the words and while I didn’t “sing-a-long” like some, I did mouth all the words. The screen on stage added a visual aspect to each song, in some cases telling a story… multimodal literacy in Eduspeak for those who don’t know. Some tended to be almost like an animated graphic novel for some songs melting from image to image. “Evil Woman” morphing from one succubus like pen and ink illustration to another. “Living Thing” following the path of a butterfly through a rainforest… you get the idea. Oh, did I mention spaceships?

Overall, it was a fantastic evening bringing me closer to a band that I have loved their music since I was a pre-teen. With Jeff Lynne in his late 70’s I understand why this is a farewell tour, I’m glad I could say I’ve seen him once. For me, who isn’t much into seeing celebrities, that’s saying something.

This Week In Comics (My Pull List 9-4-24)

The times they are a-changin’ After a little of over a year of Whimventuring and embracing retirement, I’ve decided to go back to work😱. Now, understand, this has nothing to do with being bored (I’m not), it has nothing to do with wanting to return to education (I’m not that crazy… no, really I’m not). It has nothing to do with much of anything except that with the way the future looks… November will tell a lot about if it will be Star Trek or the Hunger Games. I decided that if I still wanted to go galavanting around, and not dip into my retirement savings, I might want to supplement my pension. This is not starting a second career… I know some people think that’s what they need to do (and maybe they do) but I’m happy just work part time without too much stress. We are not starving, we are not about to lose the house, we are not about to become financially destitute. I just want to be able to still go to conventions and buy stuff that strikes my fancy and not be worried about buyer’s remorse. You know, after you buy something frivolous and realize just how frivolous it was and go “Oh no, I probably shouldn’t have done that.” We have a basement that has some frivolous stuff in it, hence why it is in the basement.

I’ve held back on getting some things, because I don’t want to experience the “Doh!” feeling that comes with buyer’s remorse, and now I decided I want some “Egg Money.” For those who don’t understand the term. Back in the old days, when women weren’t allowed to have bank accounts, or own property – a time that some people actually want to return to… 🙄 Some women would keep chickens in their backyards and sell the eggs. This money was theirs and they could buy whatever they wanted without asking their husband’s permission. It could be something for the kids, it could be a nice pair of shoes, basically whatever.

I’m fortunate that Sue is still working, and we use that and my pension to deal with household expenses and most Whimventures®. Sue and I, over the years, have turned a blind eye to each other’s hobby spending. We both don’t go too overboard- if anyone does, it’s me. So I just want to be able to be silly and buy stuff – go overboard if I want. It’s me, not her, I don’t think Sue really cares as long as the electricity works and the cats don’t eat her.

So this week I started my “onboarding” at a retail store associated with a maker of a highly sophisticated interlocking brick system. Yes, I have worked there before, but I took my onboarding seriously, things had changed and my last time time “training” was minimal at best. Unlike being a public school teacher where I was legally required to go through hours of annual online training on my own time, here I clocked in, and watched the videos, answered questions, and played the related games to prove I learned stuff. The insane part- I was paid to do it. Yes, the administration at school says they give you time, but really they give you time, and then a hundred other “really important” tasks to do during the same time while dealing with kids, and parents, so the only time you have is at home. If they wanted you to do this during your school hours, the videos would only be available at school and you would have time set aside instead of having to go to meetings that could be done as emails, or analyzing data that really isn’t telling you anything you couldn’t observe. So this small company from Denmark has it set up where I really don’t have access to anything, except at work. The other thing I asked about was (now that I have a company email if I could access it from my phone- nope internal only and not outside of work hours. So when I’m not “at work” I don’t worry about it. OK, I did go home and watch some related videos- but Dreamzzz on YouTube, was my choice and it was rather entertaining… of course now I want to buy some LEGO sets.

Oh, and this doesn’t put an end to Whimventuring® Sue and I are still going off to strange and interesting places. A few different things on the horizon including a junket or two. More on that later…

This Week’s Comics

Due to Labor Day there was an issue with shipping so DC comics was late, and then it was taken to another location, so DC will arrive next week. This week had a some nice books and other ones.

Star Trek 500 – A nice anthology comic covering multiple series and time periods from the franchise. If you like Star Trek- there is something here for everyone including following the emotion journey of love and loss taken by a tribble.

Helen of Wyndthorn #4 – After another amazing adventure with her grandfather Helen wants to learn how to use weapons to “defend herself.” So her grandfather gives her one year to train. Afterwards, Helen goes off on more adventures only to end up… The current day story just follows the progression of the original tapes of the interviews and how they keep changing hands, now being sold off at a small comic con.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #24 – Miles is a vampire – because they needed to have something important happen during the “Massive Multi-verse Changing” even known as… what was it called again? Blood Hunt? Actually this is one of those issues that deals with character building and has to do with Miles girl friend “Starling” and her relationship with her grandfather. It doesn’t go well since Miles is a vampire and is getting really hungry and gets into a fight with her grandfather (who was actually going out to take care of the problem of Miles). Oh, and vultures are not birds of prey, they are actually classified as scavengers and carrion-eating raptors. I guess if Miles is a vampire and therefore classified as “undead” then he should be concerned about carrion-eating raptors.

Spectacular Spider-Men #7 – Guess what? AI is evil and will lead to bad things… The computer system set up by the bad guys: Mentallo & Arcade (paid for by Hammerhead) to give people their fantasies is now sentient. and after reading peoples minds Which opened up some weird sub-conscious wish fulfillment before deciding that villainy is the way to go and it will wipe out anything that gets in its way- even if that includes a silent “K” just so it can have a cool acronym based name.

Spider-Boy #11 – FINALLY!!! The world remembers Bailey (Spider-Boy, not my cat who still lives in obscurity). This includes his mom. Who has decided that she has neglected her parental role for too long and does this mean “Spider-Boy No More”?!? I’m actually concerned about Boy-Spider, but I’m sure that will come up sometime soon.

Ultimates #4 – In this universe lots of weird things have happened keeping the Marvel Universe from becoming the Marvel Universe that we know and love. All thanks to the “Maker” the twisted version of Reed Richards from the original Ultimate universe. So what happened to this world’s Reed Richards? What about Doctor Doom? Find out in this issue which has been uniquely put together with four different timelines overlapping in some places. A trip to read initially, but then again the Fantastic Four has always down things differently.

Shake of the Day:

You wonder why I am tired of “Epic Multiverse Changing Events” that after a short time just bring things back to the status quo? Here’s one from a decade ago by DC. Does anyone remember the jaw dropping ramifications of this event? Does anyone even care? DC/Warner Bros. was just happy to have gotten a little more of my money so I could keep up with everything that changed comics as we know it FOREVER!