This Week in Comics (My Pull List 9-24-24)

This week was pretty heavy with some new ones, and others I had missed from previous weeks. I’ll do a big write up on Cartoon Crossroads Columbus (CXC) next week. So this post is pure comic stuff. Some of the comments are short, sorry, about that. Some stories are harder to review without giving away too much. Other stories just don’t have as many details in them. Good guy, punches, bad guy who then punches good guy back. Ultimate bad guy get’s nervous…

I Am Stephen Hawking – Ordinary People Change the World – If you have never picked up any of these books by Brad Meltzer & Chris Eliopoulos you are missing some of the best all ages biographies ever done in a graphic novel format. It’s gotten so big that PBS has the Xavier Riddle cartoon by the same team, in the same style. Basically take a famous person, pick a trait that people should embrace and use their life to exemplify that trait. In Hawkings case it’s “Defy Boundaries.” Yes, there are some of the more adult themed arts of his (and every person’s) life that get edited. but the idea is everyone can and should do things to make the world better.

Survival Street: The Radical Left #1 – Now for something completely different. I remember picking up the first comic in the Survival Street series and all I can recall was it was something like the Sesame Street Muppets in a post apocalyptic universe… That was a while ago. This comic continues the series and obviously I have forgotten a bunch. In this case we are dealing with a dystopian America run by the corporations and if you aren’t part of the ruling elite your life and that of your family isn’t great. This issue we follow our Happy and friendly PBS based characters as they go to rescue people from a corporate work camp. unfortunately after taking them to a city that can offer them a life, it isn’t great since they are refugees. Some actually want to return back to the work camp since it was simpler… Sadly, I see this as one of the possible futures awaiting America.

The Writer #3 – Still on the road to Solomon… as everyone figures out their powers Izzy get her sword (from Grandma) as they confront more demons and finally face Solomon himself!

Star Trek Defiant #19 – As the Defiant races to save their crew from the Romulans with the help of Chief O’Brien, there are other issues going on including the realization of the fate of the Romulan homeworld as seen in the Kelvin Universe and Picard.

Night Club 2 #2 – High school aged vampire superheroes… what kind of teenage drama could occur when love is involved?

Star Trek # 24 – Can the Theseus escape Pleroma after Lore has done what Lore likes to do? How will they save everyone on the ship and at what cost?

Minor Arcana # 1 – Jeff Lemire who has written some amazing stories many of whom deal with human drama no matter what the genre. This time he takes us home to Limberlost and the story of Theresa who is back to help her mother who is in failing health. Mom is the town psychic & fortuneteller and Theresa will have nothing to do with it… or will she?

Detective Comics # 1089 – I was sad when I looked at this issue and quoted a bowl of petunias “Oh no, not again.” This is fortunately the last story in arc in which Batman and his allies go up against the evil that has taken over Gotham City. I don’t know what else to say, but it has been a long road and I’m hoping things change next issue. Like Captain America venturing into the world of the occult, I’m not sure I’m into Batman taking this deep a dive into that pool either.

Magic Order 5 # 1 – The previous 4 series of “The Magic Order” have been amazing and as this one starts out I’m just trying to figure it out. Which is kind of what happened in the previous four iterations. Kids go missing, Cordelia Moonstone and members of the magic order get called in to help… then, well things get weird.

Lawful # 4 – In a land where if you break the law you get turned into a monster it’s pretty good reason to follow the rules you’d think. Like most perfect solutions there’s a catch, if you are in a position of power there’s a way to get those horns, claws and scales removed, magically.

Helen of Wyndhorn # 5 – It looks (sadly, like this may be the penultimate issue of this series, and that makes me sad. I really have liked it, and the actual story from our time period has me guessing as to how it will tie back, since it basically just follows what happens to most collectors as they get older. Their parents sell off their collection for pennies, not knowing what it may actually contain. As for Helen, she is still trying to figure out life without adventures, which is not fun. Her governess does finally intercede, and we wait to see what happens next.

Ultimate Spider-Man # 9 – Looks like Uncle Ben and J. Jonah Jameson have gotten their news site working well. “The Paper is a success and now (with a few more Spider-Man stories) can start covering other stories that are more important to the city. While Harry and Peter try to figure out how to circumvent and Stark/Stane interference with their tech only to discover that the King Pin has put a price on their heads. Has Harry gone too far in stopping one attempt… did he not read the “Great Power, Great Responsibility… oh, and don’t kill people” memo?

Amazing Spider-Man # 58 – Tombstone goes on the rampage and is going to kill his own daughter for betraying him… Can Spider-Man stop him in time and save her? And you thought there would be no ramifications from “Gang War.” I had a nice chat with the owner of my LCS on JR Jr.’s layouts and fart. While I’m not exactly a fan of his more rough and tumble style used in Spider-Man, I do have admit, this issue a great way to show people how it is done, no matter if you like the exact style, it is a beautiful thing.

The Flash #13 – Finally we are done with some of this weird stuff and now we just need to wait for the fall out. “It’s a boy? It’s a girl? It’s a non-binary universe?” I’m guessing this will tie into the “Absolute” titles like Flashpoint cause havoc in the DC Universe before that.

Action Comics #1069 – Superman faces his final opponent in this flashback story. Can he survive? Hint: He’s Superman.

Titans # 15 – So Raven’s dark side has joined with Trigon to take over the world… or has she?

Shake of the Week-