30 Days of Drawing… day 24


As we reach the end of this challenge, it is getting a little more difficult.  Mostly it’s about just finding the time to draw.  I’m behind on things like this comic, or finishing the comic for FTF Geocacher.  Fortunately for me,  the weather looks horrible for the weekend so I should be able to take the next two days and get those done.

As for today’s drawing- a while ago (not sure, a few years maybe) I thought about doing a comic about fairy tale characters attending a school.  I liked the idea but with “Fables,” “Once Upon a Time,” “Grimm” and other fairy tale based properties I figured someone had already done it.  Then I started reading things like JL8, so I moved on.  I still might try it sometime, but tonight (with “Grimm” playing in the background) had the desire to draw the red hood… Fine, Little Red Riding Hood- I thought about having her wearing a Joker t-shirt, and jeans.  Maybe next time.