A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1910

1910A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, etc… some of you might not know I’m a Boy Scout (therefore not Jim Kirk). I come from a long line of Scouts, my Dad was an Eagle, my brother was an Eagle, and yes, I am an Eagle Scout.  I became an Eagle Scout a few days after my 13th birthday… Don’t ask, it’s weird.  For those who know about Scouts this might make some sense or might make me seem overly sentimental.  When I became a Tenderfoot Scout, my Dad gave me a coin with the Scout Oath and Law on it… I have carried that coin since.  As a teacher, I remember the push for “Character Education” years ago and all I could think about was instead of “Life Skills” why not just run with the Scout Law?  I have followed it as best I can since I was in elementary school- why should everyone kid consider it… oh, I forgot that the twelfth scout law is “reverent” and someone will be upset about that.

Who knows in the next 300 days, I might have something to say about my misadventures as a Scout… for now, let;s just say I have been and ever shall be a Boy Scout.  including being able to sing Tom Lehrer’s anthem by heart 🙂


One thought on “A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1910

  1. From a fellow Eagle: Bonus points for the Tom Lehrer reference!

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