Back in my elementary school days I had one of those teachers… you know, the kind that did whatever they wanted to get kids to learn, and really tied learning back to things they loved. It was fourth grade, and I had just moved into town. During that fourth grade year, I became an amateur coin collector, helped build a bench for our “Nature Garden,” provided musical backup in our class play “The Woolybooger” and (in order to do that) learned how to play the ukulele.
As I look back upon that year, while my parents attempted to support my interests, my dad would take to coin shops and we started collecting coins at home. and they bought me not only a beginner ukulele, but for Christmas, I got a banjo ukulele! I was on my way to becoming a Ukulele Superstar! and then the year ended and my interest faded, until recently.
While on a trip to Maui, Sue and I explored around and I picked up a ukulele. I brought it home and there it sat for years- and even after a ukulele workshop it still sits. My goal is to relearn how to play properly sometime over the summer.
Not me… but some day.