A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1159

1159and so it ends, not with a “bang” but with an “ook!”

365 days ago I started down this path. “I’m going to post a Minion a day for the entire year!” I thought- “this is going to be easy” around the 200th MINIon it started to get more and more difficult. I thank all the crazy holidays that we have for helping me out on some of those really tough days. Did I miss a day? Yes, when I was away for my God daughter’s baptism, and when I was at my Grandmother’s funeral. I still drew but didn’t have the tech with me to post. Those were posted for the most part in one lump sum as sketches.  They may not have been finished, but they were drawn and posted.

Did I make a mistake or two? Yes, the one I know of- there is one badge number that I drew two different MINIons for- the funny thing about that one is I drew two different MINIons, but they were based on the same character! I don’t even know if I like one better than the other.  SO do I remember each one?  I would say I do, but after discovering that mistake I think it would be better to say kinda sorta, maybe. I have yet to do a formal accounting or have it checked by an accounting firm (if I pay them enough they’ll say whatever I want). So if I discover I just completely spaced a day- I’m sorry. You try to do something like this and see how long it is before you go a little bit insane.  here’s the funny thing- except for MINIons that were drawn for specific people, the number actually has something to do with the drawing.  For some it may just be the date I posted (wasn’t feeling too creative) for others it’s now up to you to figure out how the number is related… Today’s is pretty simple- 11:59 the last minute of 2015.  So see how smart you are or how good you are at searching the interwebs.

I’m expecting to take a little break from everything for at least a few days…  Then figure out what this year’s challenge will be (not drawing monkeys).  You’ll be the first to know since I will post it here.

I wish you all a safe & prosperous New Year!
