This Week in Comics (My Pull List 6-19-24)

Well, you’ve already sat through my gushing over HeroesCon, so what else can I say? If you haven’t go back the read it.

This Week’s Comics:

Helen of Wyndhorn #3 – I’m really liking this story and am interested in where it will go from here. We’ve been dealing with a series of flashbacks as Helen learns that her father’s fantasy stories weren’t fantasy stories. Her grandfather is pretty much a fantasy hero and she’s now learning the family business. The thing that get’s me is the present day piece and figuring out how it will tie in… more to come.

Batman # 149 – Wait a second! After everything that’s been going on… and on… and on… This arc comes to a conclusion? Loose ends are tied up and amazingly enough it only took the death of Bruce Wayne. 😉 I’m curious as to what will happen next now that a new “normal” is being created and Bruce Wayne, is more in touch with his feelings and what is really important to him.

Titans #12 – The Titans against Vanadia- a super fan given powers and made to believe the Titans are in danger… from the Titans? But just as victory has been achieved she is destroyed. The Titans confront T.O. Morrow and Nightwing gets a little surprise too.

Ultimate Spider-Man #6 – Peter finally tells his family about what has happened- something about confronting Wilson Fisk and not being prepared for it… “Gee Dad? Did you get hit by a bus?” That and May just can’t keep a secret… although she was doing a pretty good job for 4 months. Yes, we finish the issue with Peter finally being called “Spider-Man”! 6 issues in and he gets his name!

Man’s Best #4 – Who’s a good boy? Our friends are off in search of Doc and the Captain, once they find them… we learn more than we had bargained for.

The Displaced #5 – How do you not disappear? stay together with the others from Oshawa… but that doesn’t always work, it seems Emmett is “The Special.” Which obviously means something, but we don’t know right now, what we do know is this isn’t an isolated experience- it will happen again.

Star Trek #21 – The Sisko takes the pan dimensional Gods head on as he tries to correct everything that happened during his fight with Kahless. Will he be able to save the Oregonians? More importantly, will Beverly be able to see Wesley?

The Amazing Spider-Man #52 – Peter Parker is the Green Goblin-Man?!? Can Peter be saved? Who will help peter and what do the Sinister Six and J. Jonah Jameson have to do with it?

Captain America #10 – Cap is still searching for change agents to save them from Death. I’m still kinda missing him fighting fascists. Here he comes up against one the change agents who is fine not being saved, and her reasons are enlightening.