Taking Fandom Too Seriously?

I have noticed that the interwebs and social media have done a fantastic job of making sure the if you hate something you have a ginormous soapbox to shout to the hills about it. Within seconds of something being announced there are critics telling you how horrible it is, and how it is the worst thing ever. Many “true fans” are the worst. I once heard someone say the only way to be a true fan of Star Wars is to hate it. Do fandoms have their ups and downs? Sure. Are some movies better than others? Yes. Is it all based on opinion? Yup. Does your opinion carry more weight than mine? Sure, fine, whatever 🙄.

As I think about it I just keep going back to taking things too seriously… Does it matter how one writer deals with the Star Trek Universe? Will the world change completely if another writer makes a change to Star Wars even if it was his story in the first place? (btw: Han did shoot first) Why should it matter what a movie’s box office was the first weekend, people could have had other things to do. Why take things so seriously? Can Star Trek have a musical episode? Sure, it was a hoot, and actually helped to build some of the characters. Can Star Wars make fun of itself? Probably not, unless it makes sense in the holy canon as approved by… whoever is now despised by Star Wars fans this week.

Yesterday the LEGO Group and Disney+ (the current studio hated by most Star Wars fans from what I understand) released Rebuild the Galaxy– a LEGO based cartoon set in the Star Wars Universe. The LEGO Group has been known to poke fun at Star Wars through various mediums. I’ll start off by stating of you are looking for serious Star Wars… nope. If you cannot laugh at yourself, you might not like this. I thought it was great.

I’ve been a fan of Star Trek since I was in elementary school and would watch it in reruns. I had the toys, the books, and then Star Wars came out. Most geeks of my generation look at Star Wars as a life changing event. Yesterday, Star Wars took a moment to laugh at itself while telling a somewhat compelling story. I’m not one for spoilers, but LEGO is notorious for giving things away especially when they release sets months ahead of movie release days. Which they did with Rebuild the Galaxy.

Spoilers Ahead, maybe, kinda sorta, but not really.

We are in the Star Wars Universe and Sig Greebling (our main character) loves to tell epic stories about the heroes he knows about (basically covering the entire approved canon). He’s a nerf herder -Which I thought was amusing and he might even be considered scruffy looking. His brother wants to leave their backwater planet and see the universe. Sig is fine with the way the world is, he seems to like telling stories, more than being a part of them.

As they are herding nerfs they stumble upon a lost Jedi Temple and go exploring. There we discover Sig has a connection to the Force. While exploring they find a glowing trans light blue 1×1 plate (element 3024). After some brotherly back and forth the piece gets removed, completely destroying the galaxy as they knew it. Yes, even Star Wars suffers from having a multiverse. Sig now must put things right and hopefully find his brother (Dev) in this crazy new galaxy. To help him he has Jedi Bob – a Force Builder his power droid, and the girl he kinda has a crush on. Oh my! Has the universe changed. Mon Calamari are now the base for Clone Troopers (Akbar Troopers) Yes, “It’s a trap!” and as we discover from the LEGO sets that have been released- Things are a bit backwards. Luke for example hangs out at the Mos Eisley Marina Cantina, and is a pod racer. The best was bringing Back JarJar Binks as a Sith Lord.

Current LEGO Sets:

The Dark Falcon Set 75389


A Few (not all) Character Based Inside Jokes

Sig Greebling- Greebling is the term used to describe putting small pieces usually on a spaceship to add detail to it. It comes from a term used when people would “kit bash” plastic models to make their own spaceships.

Bobarian Afol– AFOL stands for Adult Fan of LEGO. “Jedi Bob” was the original Jedi minfig put into the Republic Gunship set in 2002, he didn’t have an official name, he was called “Jedi Bob” by many.

Yesi Scala – Scala was a theme LEGO had in the early 80’s and brought back in then late 90’s to appeal to girls.

It’s better than a lot of things on TV right now

There are four episodes with (of course) a cliffhangerish ending in hopes that we will return to this version of a galaxy far, far away. All I can say, is it was clever and I hope they do more episodes and more sets… I want to have a herd of LEGO nerfs. The trailer (like most trailers) gives you more information than I did- except maybe the nerf herding part – sorry.

If you have some time, I would recommend watching this, it is amusing even if you aren’t a Star Wars fan, just come at it with an open mind. If you are a Star Wars fan you might just take your first step in a larger, and less serious world. And remember when you post things ask yourself- Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? Many fans seem to forget these, then again in this season, most politicians do too.

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