30 days of Drawing… Day 13


So today was the first day back to school and things went well.  Tonight was the GiG (Girl’s in Geocaching) monthly dinner, this time held at Gramboli’s Pizza.  Being a geocaching event, that meant it would go long because there are a lot of friendly people and because we as a group would overwhelm the waitstaff.  This means that I don’t have a lot of time for my daily drawing.  As you know I regularly draw on the whiteboard at Gramboli’s so to help people know where to go for the event I drew a quick drawing of Cecil and when the event was over I drew the famous Gramboli’s dog again.  Both of which not my best work, but I’m reminded that a fellow artist said over the weekend that his goal was to speed up his drawing, I think I really need to work on slowing down mine.  Who knows?  Maybe some day I’ll be able to take a day and work on just one drawing… nah! never happen!