Whimventure® Awaits!

Time to head off into the great unknown. Probably won’t be able to post anything here while we’re away so plan on following Cecil’s Facebook presence, or maybe my Instagram (if I can remember to post there- I know you’ll at least get a hotel hallway photo or two). Now the tough question- How many shirts does Cecil really need for this trip?

This Week’s Comics:

Ummm… First it’s only Tuesday (so DC might be available, but that would just confuse people), and secondly, I won’t be able to get to Comic Carnival so I won’t be able to do my “highly intellectual, evidence based, spoiler free summaries and commentary” until I return. I don’t even know what I will be getting this week, so look forward to a “double-sized” post sometime next week along with a little bit on this week’s Whimventure®!

Enjoy your week and stay safe in this crazy world. For those of you ending your school year- Congratulations! Enjoy the “off season” I will miss my cats, but they are being well cared for.