
A colleague sent me a link to a TED talk about the power of doodling-

something I have been aware of for years (see any notebook from any class, workshop, or lecture I have attended). but today I decided to settle back and do some refining of my characters. I’ve also considered adding a few to the cast as I expand stories.

While fiddling around with pencil and paper I did this little doodle that I felt was good enough to finish and post. I originally had Cecil holding a Newton (I still have one- it still works) but decided that would be a bit obscure. I then thought about a different caption- “with great power, comes great responsibility, and a black mock turtleneck.”

letting my mind wander with a pencil can be a dangerous thing.


Just playing- oh I pre ordered my iPhone 4S this morning… since my iPhone 3, while it still works, has seen better days.


From one Geek to Another…

As has been posted more times tonight than I care to repeat Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, has passed away. For me I started with an Apple II in middle school. My first computer that I could claim as mine was a Mac… purchased months after the release in 1984. “On January 24th Apple will Introduce ‘Macintosh’ and you’ll see why 1984 won’t be like ‘1984.’”

While it seems cheesy, it was an amazing turn of events in 1984, no computer did anything like what a Mac did.  It cost $2,495 when released… my choice as a high schooler was- European vacation, car, or Mac… I chose Mac (I’m a geek).
I still have the original commercial from the Super Bowl (heck, I still have my original Mac) I’ve joked about it, but I am an Apple zombie… I have never understood those who think Windows is a superior system. To me, it has never worked well. I recall my first training as a teacher on an IBM machine. It seemed archaic, and when it froze I was befuddled. The trainer looked at me said “just push ctrl+alt+del” like it was something you always did… I lost everything I had worked on and commented “In five years of using a Mac I have never lost anything or had the computer freeze- why did we but these things?” Here is Steve Jobs’ Philosophy something to think about and words to live by.

Today’s comic will be posted tomorrow… sorry long day.