OK my doctor has been on me for a while about not eating right, not exercising enough, etc… (from what I understand it is a basic mantra recited usually right after “Has your insurance coverage changed?”) I decided to make an attempt and do something that would guarantee that I would at least get out a bit.  My school has an after school running club that trains for a 5k (a little over 3 miles) so I joined it figuring that I would run.  As usual many things got in the way, the least of which was not figuring that I would need time to change (unless running in dress slacks is considered trendy).  I did make it to a few (that would be 3) sessions and was in the back of the pack for most of those.  On Friday we all came to school in our 5k shirts and everyone asked me if I was running.  My response was “walking… fast sometimes, slow other times.”  I did walk with one of my students who didn’t push herself until the last 50 yards when she sprinted- I’m guessing so she could tell everyone she beat me.  Today I hurt… so that’s what all that silly training was for.

5k? Exercise?

OK my doctor has been on me for a while about not eating right, not exercising enough, etc... (from what I understand it is a basic mantra recited usually right after "Has your insurance coverage changed?") I decided to make an attempt and do something that would guarantee that I would at least get out a bit.  My school has an after school running club that trains for a 5k (a little over 3 miles) so I joined it figuring that I would run.  As usual many things got in the way, the least of which was not figuring that I would need time to change (unless running in dress slacks is considered trendy).  I did make it to a few (that would be 3) sessions and was in the back of the pack for most of those.  On Friday we all came to school in our 5k shirts and everyone asked me if I was running.  My response was "walking... fast sometimes, slow other times."  I did walk with one of my students who didn't push herself until the last 50 yards when she sprinted- I'm guessing so she could tell everyone she beat me.  Today I hurt... so that's what all that silly training was for.

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