Yes… so Cecil is giving us a bit of information, but continues to be his not so helpful self (always beware of a caffeinated evil monkey). When it comes to names that is an issue with teachers- You can pick almost any name and I will give a reason why I really would never name a child that. Some do carry good memories, but usually there is something that makes me cringe when I hear certain names. No… most of the names listed are not on the absolute never in a million years list. In fact a couple of them I’ve actually had some nice kids carrying around those names. I decided to avoid the names that have really been problems recently (wouldn’t want to “name names”)- but I’m sure my students (present & past) can pick out at least one or two names from each class that could be on “the list.” and people wonder why Sue and I only have monkeys and don’t have any kids… just blame (put horrible, wretched child’s name here).