When the moon is in the seventh house… & Saxon is the PM… then little squidlike creatures sitting in mechanized wheelchairs will rule the planets… & whining voices will shout “Exterminate!”  (sung badly to The Age of Aquarius).  After all the brouhaha about the zodiac recently someone (an expert) chimed in to let us know that “real Astrologers” (is is possible to be “real” in a psuedo-science?) actually use a different zodiac so all is well, & our signs had not changed!  To quote most teens (brimming with angst) “Whatever.”  Which is probably what anyone who does not have a rudimentary knowledge of Dr. Who is saying about today’s strip.

This weekend is the Exotic Feline Rescue Center’s Charity Auction.  It looks like it is going to be a great time and a chance to purchase a never before published strip by yours truly.  I was asked to do this a while ago, and finally got around to it this week. It’s amazing the things that would never get done if it weren’t for the last minute.

Speaking of that… Today’s strip was brought to you by a two hour delay in the start of school due to freezing conditions (windchill of -16 or something).

Age Of Ookwarius

When the moon is in the seventh house... & Saxon is the PM... then little squidlike creatures sitting in mechanized wheelchairs will rule the planets... & whining voices will shout "Exterminate!"  (sung badly to The Age of Aquarius).  After all the brouhaha about the zodiac recently someone (an expert) chimed in to let us know that "real Astrologers" (is is possible to be "real" in a psuedo-science?) actually use a different zodiac so all is well, & our signs had not changed!  To quote most teens (brimming with angst) "Whatever."  Which is probably what anyone who does not have a rudimentary knowledge of Dr. Who is saying about today's strip. This weekend is the Exotic Feline Rescue Center's Charity Auction.  It looks like it is going to be a great time and a chance to purchase a never before published strip by yours truly.  I was asked to do this a while ago, and finally got around to it this week. It's amazing the things that would never get done if it weren't for the last minute. Speaking of that... Today's strip was brought to you by a two hour delay in the start of school due to freezing conditions (windchill of -16 or something).

3 thoughts on “Age Of Ookwarius

  1. Love it! Cecil going to get a Dalek hat for real some day? Goggles yet?

  2. It’s nice to know that Hemi is an exotic feline.

  3. Still working on the goggles… I think the Dalek hat might be an easier thing to build.

    Any feline that lives with us has to be pretty exotic. 😀

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