The time draws near to Thanksgiving… my students are acting like squirrels as they count down the minutes until a four day weekend.  Just wait until “winter” break.  They aren’t that bad, but I think everyone needs a little break every once in a while to recharge.  Sue & I will be staying home for the majority of the break (although that has been known to change as we need to “get out of Dodge”).  Our families will be split between both coasts with us stuck in the middle.  As far as Cecil is concerned he has a plan… but we still don’t know how it will effect the fragile space/time continuum.  I guess he figures if Kirk & Picard can do it, why can’t he.

Are you ready for some football?

The time draws near to Thanksgiving... my students are acting like squirrels as they count down the minutes until a four day weekend.  Just wait until "winter" break.  They aren't that bad, but I think everyone needs a little break every once in a while to recharge.  Sue & I will be staying home for the majority of the break (although that has been known to change as we need to "get out of Dodge").  Our families will be split between both coasts with us stuck in the middle.  As far as Cecil is concerned he has a plan... but we still don't know how it will effect the fragile space/time continuum.  I guess he figures if Kirk & Picard can do it, why can't he.

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