It was interesting what happened at the beginning of 2016, the first thing was after drawing a year of monkeys, it seems my shoulder decided to start hurting.  Nothing life or doodle threatening, but I found it ironic that I finish this challenge and then drawing becomes painful.  I think it might be like, in teaching, where I tend to get sick on vacations.  My body keeps going until it has a chance to rest and then “Sproing!”

My desktop after I finished sorting.
My desktop after I finished sorting.

I have returned to the drawing board looking at what projects I need to pursue for 2016.  I’ve got some ideas, but planning and scheduling might be an issue, only time will tell.  Today though I went through all the files I had created for what I like to call “Monkey on my Back Project.”  I’ve divided them up by content and file type.  Here I posted .jpg files, I also saved .eps files at a higher resolution, and finally the .psd files of the original art from the scans and my coloring.  Basically, a whole lot of monkeys.  My first one dealt with (you guessed it) monkeys – I think I’m in a rut.

I’m planning on tabling at one Convention this year, one of my favorites – The Indypendent Show.  If you happen to be in the Indy area, stop by say “Hi” and play some games.  Games? The show is a part of the Who’s Yer Con.  Who’s Yer Con is a long running local gaming convention which runs from April 1 – 3.  The Indypendent Show is on that Sunday, April 3rd.  It should be a great time (as long as I’m not sick like I was last year).

I’ll be updating the site as I work on more projects throughout the year.  Who knows? there might even be a comic strip or two posted.

Back to the Drawing Board

It was interesting what happened at the beginning of 2016, the first thing was after drawing a year of monkeys, it seems my shoulder decided to start hurting.  Nothing life or doodle threatening, but I found it ironic that I finish this challenge and then drawing becomes painful.  I think it might be like, in teaching, where I tend to get sick on vacations.  My body keeps going until it has a chance to rest and then "Sproing!"
My desktop after I finished sorting.
My desktop after I finished sorting.
I have returned to the drawing board looking at what projects I need to pursue for 2016.  I've got some ideas, but planning and scheduling might be an issue, only time will tell.  Today though I went through all the files I had created for what I like to call "Monkey on my Back Project."  I've divided them up by content and file type.  Here I posted .jpg files, I also saved .eps files at a higher resolution, and finally the .psd files of the original art from the scans and my coloring.  Basically, a whole lot of monkeys.  My first one dealt with (you guessed it) monkeys - I think I'm in a rut. I'm planning on tabling at one Convention this year, one of my favorites - The Indypendent Show.  If you happen to be in the Indy area, stop by say "Hi" and play some games.  Games? The show is a part of the Who's Yer Con.  Who's Yer Con is a long running local gaming convention which runs from April 1 - 3.  The Indypendent Show is on that Sunday, April 3rd.  It should be a great time (as long as I'm not sick like I was last year). I'll be updating the site as I work on more projects throughout the year.  Who knows? there might even be a comic strip or two posted.

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