At C2E2 this year Sue decided to join me and actually attend the con.  In the past she either stays home, stays in the hotel, or (the first year) drives up later so she can hear Neil Gaiman.  This year she actually walked around the con, and this conversation happened.  She had ideas as where to go, what she wanted to see, and we ended up at the Charity Auction and she considered bidding on some items.  This is a long way from here laughing at the comic shop about some silly comic book called “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.” While she still doesn’t read comic books, she at least has kept an open mind.  Who knows?  Next year she might head out on her own.

Convention Newbie?!?

At C2E2 this year Sue decided to join me and actually attend the con.  In the past she either stays home, stays in the hotel, or (the first year) drives up later so she can hear Neil Gaiman.  This year she actually walked around the con, and this conversation happened.  She had ideas as where to go, what she wanted to see, and we ended up at the Charity Auction and she considered bidding on some items.  This is a long way from here laughing at the comic shop about some silly comic book called "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles." While she still doesn't read comic books, she at least has kept an open mind.  Who knows?  Next year she might head out on her own.

One thought on “Convention Newbie?!?

  1. I guess this strip confirms the rumor that at DePauw U. you both made it through English Lit via Classic Comics Illustrated – as many of us did at IU!
    Thanks for the memories!

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