One of the cool things about geocaching is visiting interesting places you might not know about.  While caching over Spring Break there were many times when I would tweet “eww… I just stepped in history”  It seemed like you couldn’t take three steps without being someplace where a founding father slept (they seemed to have slept in a different bed every night), or some historic battlefield.  Almost all of these places had a geocache.  It did bring history to life for a few of us, and I thank those people who did the research to teach about the importance of a location to the history of this country… but yes, a few lampposts and guardrails were involved-  there is no stopping progress.

Again, sorry for this comic not being in color- I figure I will be able to go back and add color once the school year is over-  I’d much rather everyone get a comic on time than risk another long break.

Exploring History

One of the cool things about geocaching is visiting interesting places you might not know about.  While caching over Spring Break there were many times when I would tweet "eww... I just stepped in history"  It seemed like you couldn't take three steps without being someplace where a founding father slept (they seemed to have slept in a different bed every night), or some historic battlefield.  Almost all of these places had a geocache.  It did bring history to life for a few of us, and I thank those people who did the research to teach about the importance of a location to the history of this country... but yes, a few lampposts and guardrails were involved-  there is no stopping progress. Again, sorry for this comic not being in color- I figure I will be able to go back and add color once the school year is over-  I'd much rather everyone get a comic on time than risk another long break.

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