Every day on MINI Takes The States is an adventure.  But even the adventure ends up becoming a highlight reel.  So many things happen and you try to remember it all, and some days just blur by.  It’s Sunday so this must be Chicago.  Today the highlights are pretty simple to those who attended, for those who didn’t here we go-

The wonderfully friendly LEO at Tabcat Creek Bridge pull off where everyone finished their run on the Dragon.  The guy in the lightning blue Coupe still owes me for having Cecil get his picture with said LEO which stopped them from being able to get a decent record of your speed.

In Tennessee & Kentucky there were sporadic showers caused by a localized weather system known as “Jim.”

After a day at Autobahn Country Club in Joliet the climax being a lap around the track (or two, or three) and some wonderful food including one of Cecil’s favorites- Giordano’s Pizza.

This was also the portion of the trip we stopped by home to drop off some dirty laundry and things we had picked up along the way, you don’t need to see my dirty laundry.

I’m going to stop apologizing for late strips.  Not that I’m not sorry, but until I can figure out a schedule with my new job, things are going to end up a little random.  I decided that today I would post without color so I could get something out… It’d much rather get strips out on a regular basis for the short term than worry about color.

Fast Forward…

Every day on MINI Takes The States is an adventure.  But even the adventure ends up becoming a highlight reel.  So many things happen and you try to remember it all, and some days just blur by.  It's Sunday so this must be Chicago.  Today the highlights are pretty simple to those who attended, for those who didn't here we go- The wonderfully friendly LEO at Tabcat Creek Bridge pull off where everyone finished their run on the Dragon.  The guy in the lightning blue Coupe still owes me for having Cecil get his picture with said LEO which stopped them from being able to get a decent record of your speed. In Tennessee & Kentucky there were sporadic showers caused by a localized weather system known as "Jim." After a day at Autobahn Country Club in Joliet the climax being a lap around the track (or two, or three) and some wonderful food including one of Cecil's favorites- Giordano's Pizza. This was also the portion of the trip we stopped by home to drop off some dirty laundry and things we had picked up along the way, you don't need to see my dirty laundry. --- I'm going to stop apologizing for late strips.  Not that I'm not sorry, but until I can figure out a schedule with my new job, things are going to end up a little random.  I decided that today I would post without color so I could get something out... It'd much rather get strips out on a regular basis for the short term than worry about color.

One thought on “Fast Forward…

  1. In Tennessee & Kentucky there were sporadic showers caused by a localized weather system known as “Jim.”

    Love it!

    While I really like the first two long MTTS strips, I also totally understand how much time and energy it takes to make that happen. I think all of your readers will be happy with what you can find the time to give us — even though we’ll always be hoping for more!

    Now, if we could just get some cooler weather in SoCal so I can wear my Minions sweatshirt . . .

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