Yes… I know ANOTHER late strip… my apologies, but work does get in teh way sometimes. I do have to pay the bills and with everything that goes on in my school district If I didn’t go to work, I’d run out of material (except for my family). I actually have given this topic to my students as an assignment. Instead of the typical “Write a two page essay about what you learned” I’m having them draw a nine panel comic strip about what happened on the trip. I’ll see if I can post a few here once they are finished. Truth is I did forget my lunch, but I tend not to bring a lunch on this trip since the teachers monitor lunch and therefore don’t have time to eat during the allotted lunch time.

As for late strips I’m pulling a doubleheader and should have Wednesday’s strip uploaded before my head hits the pillow tonight (pie crust promise). Those of you who are my friends on Facebook- just stop bugging me about the strip. Alright, I actually find it cool that people not only comment here (which is great) but also send notes. It really makes me feel guilty about not fulfilling my commitment to you. So once again, sorry… but I’m still new at this.

Field Trip Prep

Yes... I know ANOTHER late strip... my apologies, but work does get in teh way sometimes. I do have to pay the bills and with everything that goes on in my school district If I didn't go to work, I'd run out of material (except for my family). I actually have given this topic to my students as an assignment. Instead of the typical "Write a two page essay about what you learned" I'm having them draw a nine panel comic strip about what happened on the trip. I'll see if I can post a few here once they are finished. Truth is I did forget my lunch, but I tend not to bring a lunch on this trip since the teachers monitor lunch and therefore don't have time to eat during the allotted lunch time. As for late strips I'm pulling a doubleheader and should have Wednesday's strip uploaded before my head hits the pillow tonight (pie crust promise). Those of you who are my friends on Facebook- just stop bugging me about the strip. Alright, I actually find it cool that people not only comment here (which is great) but also send notes. It really makes me feel guilty about not fulfilling my commitment to you. So once again, sorry... but I'm still new at this.

One thought on “Field Trip Prep

  1. hi mr. nelson your comics are really funny

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