Hemi does go to the “Spa” when we are away for more than a day.  After hearing that cats can take care of themselves for a weekend we found out Hemi is “special” he suffers from separation anxiety so if we are gone more than overnight he gets a little nervous.  This causes messes to be made, so the spa is his place.  It’s actually our vet, and they love have Hemi around since he sticks to any human- right now he is sitting on my scanner and won’t leave until I do.

As for the question about another cat… You’ll have to wait until Monday.

Heading Home…

Hemi does go to the "Spa" when we are away for more than a day.  After hearing that cats can take care of themselves for a weekend we found out Hemi is "special" he suffers from separation anxiety so if we are gone more than overnight he gets a little nervous.  This causes messes to be made, so the spa is his place.  It's actually our vet, and they love have Hemi around since he sticks to any human- right now he is sitting on my scanner and won't leave until I do. As for the question about another cat... You'll have to wait until Monday.

One thought on “Heading Home…

  1. I’d SOOOO like to see a Dalek on top of a MINI 🙂

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