We all have stories about our parents… this is just one of mine.  You have to understand something about my dad (first – “Love you, Dad-  I especially love your sense of humor”) My dad loves owning the top of the line, best gadget stuff.  When I was growing up we had to have someone come in and install our stereo system.  It looked really cool and was acoustically perfect. My dad could rattle off the specs and play a record that demonstrated how cool it was.  When it came to doing almost anything else- he needed help and my brother or I were called.  Now that I no longer live at home, every once in a while I get these calls and as I have posted previously when we visit it can be a busman’s holiday.

The funny thing is while he wants to have the latest & greatest he is not about to move beyond his comfort zone… in this case it is AOL.

Helpdesk… Can I Help You?

We all have stories about our parents... this is just one of mine.  You have to understand something about my dad (first - "Love you, Dad-  I especially love your sense of humor") My dad loves owning the top of the line, best gadget stuff.  When I was growing up we had to have someone come in and install our stereo system.  It looked really cool and was acoustically perfect. My dad could rattle off the specs and play a record that demonstrated how cool it was.  When it came to doing almost anything else- he needed help and my brother or I were called.  Now that I no longer live at home, every once in a while I get these calls and as I have posted previously when we visit it can be a busman's holiday. The funny thing is while he wants to have the latest & greatest he is not about to move beyond his comfort zone... in this case it is AOL.

3 thoughts on “Helpdesk… Can I Help You?

  1. *facepalm* Heehee… gotta love the ‘rents. 🙂

  2. My stepfather hooked a digital converter box up to their digital tv, because as he said “he could get more channels”. Even after telling him that it was not needed because the tv was digital ready and they already got those channels, and that hooking it up would actually decrease the video quality he still hooked it up. But he couldn’t get it figured out and finally gave up on it and disconnected it.

  3. Good comic Mr. Nelson.

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