So we still have an unnamed monkey… clone for those who are still following this.  As you have figured out I do have a bit of a soft spot for technology (especially Apple stuff) so of course someone out there had to develop a Monkey Naming App.  I just hope it will help.

So does anyone out there with an iPhone (or iPod Touch) have a favorite app?  I know there are a few that I like.  5 ft. Monkey is one.  It is a measurement conversion app, but instead of just telling me there 2.54 cm in an inch, this one also uses non-traditional units so- 36 inches is how many AA batteries?  17.9.  That’s easy, how about Alfred Hitchcocks? 0.55.  Now c’mon you can’t say this isn’t an incredibly useful app.  Then again there is iseismograph which turns your iphone into a device to record the movement of the Earth (or a demonstration of how you really need to go on a diet since you shake the entire house as you walk from room to room).  Any apps you want to share?

I’ll love him & squeeze him & call him…

So we still have an unnamed monkey... clone for those who are still following this.  As you have figured out I do have a bit of a soft spot for technology (especially Apple stuff) so of course someone out there had to develop a Monkey Naming App.  I just hope it will help. So does anyone out there with an iPhone (or iPod Touch) have a favorite app?  I know there are a few that I like.  5 ft. Monkey is one.  It is a measurement conversion app, but instead of just telling me there 2.54 cm in an inch, this one also uses non-traditional units so- 36 inches is how many AA batteries?  17.9.  That's easy, how about Alfred Hitchcocks? 0.55.  Now c'mon you can't say this isn't an incredibly useful app.  Then again there is iseismograph which turns your iphone into a device to record the movement of the Earth (or a demonstration of how you really need to go on a diet since you shake the entire house as you walk from room to room).  Any apps you want to share?

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