So yes we did survive cabin camping enough to make it to GC1YWMP and thanks to Lakedawgs (the event organizers) had a fantastic time.  For those who have never attended a bigger event like the Spring Picnic just expect to spend a lot of time chatting with people, “oohing & aahing” over geocoin collections and pathtags.  talking about caches you’ve found and ones you haven’t.  Eating some great food that everyone brought in… playing geocaching games like putting surveyor flags closest to the coordinates given, just a lot of fun.

As things were winding down Sue headed up our entry in the World Wide Flash Mob GC24EB6 in celebration of the first air mail flight everyone built and flew paper airplanes.  As for the fire… I realized what was missing- in every Boy Scout troop there is a kid who loves to set things on fire (it’s just the nature of the beast) I wasn’t that kid.

Geocacher's take flight! at WWFM VII

Indiana Spring Picnic 2010

So yes we did survive cabin camping enough to make it to GC1YWMP and thanks to Lakedawgs (the event organizers) had a fantastic time.  For those who have never attended a bigger event like the Spring Picnic just expect to spend a lot of time chatting with people, "oohing & aahing" over geocoin collections and pathtags.  talking about caches you've found and ones you haven't.  Eating some great food that everyone brought in... playing geocaching games like putting surveyor flags closest to the coordinates given, just a lot of fun. As things were winding down Sue headed up our entry in the World Wide Flash Mob GC24EB6 in celebration of the first air mail flight everyone built and flew paper airplanes.  As for the fire... I realized what was missing- in every Boy Scout troop there is a kid who loves to set things on fire (it's just the nature of the beast) I wasn't that kid.
Geocacher's take flight! at WWFM VII

4 thoughts on “Indiana Spring Picnic 2010

  1. Paper airplanes and a lit BBQ grill, it could not have ended any other way!

  2. Definitely a memorable weekend! So… how was that pizza? 🙂

  3. OMG! I just noticed the guy’s tshirt! That is awesome!

  4. t-shirt… what t-shirt. 😉

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