While I don’t necessarily speak from experience I have been on a couple caching runs which have made me think twice about my love of geocaching.  I once had a rule when friends would suggest going anyplace-  I would drive.  That way I had the keys and I had some say in when the day was over.  I had forgotten that rule a couple times when caching which has lead to days like Cecil’s.  One such day I remember commenting that I was thirsty.  The driver said “Oh, let’s get one more cache and then we’ll stop for a drink”  One more cache seemed logical- they didn’t tell me the cache was 45 minutes away and nowhere near anything so we ended up getting 15 caches, just to get to a gas station to pick up a bottle of water.  So like Cecil, I now avoid “cache runs.”

It “depends” on your timing

While I don't necessarily speak from experience I have been on a couple caching runs which have made me think twice about my love of geocaching.  I once had a rule when friends would suggest going anyplace-  I would drive.  That way I had the keys and I had some say in when the day was over.  I had forgotten that rule a couple times when caching which has lead to days like Cecil's.  One such day I remember commenting that I was thirsty.  The driver said "Oh, let's get one more cache and then we'll stop for a drink"  One more cache seemed logical- they didn't tell me the cache was 45 minutes away and nowhere near anything so we ended up getting 15 caches, just to get to a gas station to pick up a bottle of water.  So like Cecil, I now avoid "cache runs."

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