Chapter 14
So Bella and Edward head back to her house after a day frolicking in the woods, and we find out a few scary things about Edward. Things like He’s a Peeping Tom, errr… Edward. and that he’s old- really old, like I mean older than me. We also learn about his family and that Dr. Cullen has kind of a “home for wayward vampires” who want to be vegetarians or something like that. So Edward spends the night with Bella (watching over her like an angel- a blood sucking angel with sharp fangs who turns into a disco ball when exposed to sunlight, but still an angel).

Facts to remember: Edward was born in Chicago in 1901 (no month given so don’t send any birthday cards, yet). He was about to die of Spanish Influenza when he was 17 so Carlisle made him a vampire to save him. They have moved around but settled in the Pacific Northwest because the weather was appealing.  Think about the comic “30 Days of Night” (no, I did not see the movie) and it does make sense, Barrow, Alaska would be a great place for vampires. As the vampire mythology has been changed around with this story now cloudy is cool.  So a little character development and backstory in-between descriptions of smells and Edward hiding from Bella’s dad.
Prediction: Not for this chapter, or even this book, Bella is going to do something in the future causing Edward to turn her into a vampire so she won’t die and they can be together forever (oh joy!)

Literary Review Step by Step – Chapter 14: Guardian Peeping Tom

Chapter 14 So Bella and Edward head back to her house after a day frolicking in the woods, and we find out a few scary things about Edward. Things like He's a Peeping Tom, errr... Edward. and that he's old- really old, like I mean older than me. We also learn about his family and that Dr. Cullen has kind of a "home for wayward vampires" who want to be vegetarians or something like that. So Edward spends the night with Bella (watching over her like an angel- a blood sucking angel with sharp fangs who turns into a disco ball when exposed to sunlight, but still an angel). Facts to remember: Edward was born in Chicago in 1901 (no month given so don't send any birthday cards, yet). He was about to die of Spanish Influenza when he was 17 so Carlisle made him a vampire to save him. They have moved around but settled in the Pacific Northwest because the weather was appealing.  Think about the comic "30 Days of Night" (no, I did not see the movie) and it does make sense, Barrow, Alaska would be a great place for vampires. As the vampire mythology has been changed around with this story now cloudy is cool.  So a little character development and backstory in-between descriptions of smells and Edward hiding from Bella's dad. Prediction: Not for this chapter, or even this book, Bella is going to do something in the future causing Edward to turn her into a vampire so she won't die and they can be together forever (oh joy!)

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