So this was how the evening ended for me. I had gone into the event with high expectations of rekindling old friendships just to discover that my memories of those friendships had left out a few pesky details (like they were all in my head). I learned a lot about myself reflecting on high school. There were some good times, but for me these were not my “glory days.” Especially since I really didn’t do anything in High School that was very interesting, I was the tag along.
After the class picture (we actually had two and I did scan both groups looking for a friendly face- never saw the actual fished photograph) I walked out of the reunion and we did head out to a local pub for some comfort food, without the pressure of the reunion and being “on” things were a lot better. I arranged to see my brother the next day and we had a great time hanging out, I avoided the “family picnic” set up for the reunion. I may have missed some friends who couldn’t make it the night before, but I didn’t want to press my luck and end up ignored and disappointed. As far as I know my class did not have a 25th reunion.
By the time you read this my class will have celebrated their 30th Reunion, something I chose not to attend. I had a bag full of excuses, but really I feel I learned my lesson at the 20th. I hope everyone had fun. After looking at the photos it looks like everyone did & I would have felt the same way I did at the 20th.
Sorry if it seems like I was whining… I do have a few stories like this that will get shared at some point, when I’m ready- I like to say doing a comic strip is cheaper than therapy. I promise the next arc will be more monkey filled fun and games… but it may not start until Monday, so see you then!