After driving out to New Jersey MINI Takes the States started with a party… Prestige MINI held a kick off party with food trucks and shirts and stuff and people just gathering to chat about MINIs.  The crowning part of the night was the ice cream sandwiches… they made you forget about whatever concerns or troubles you might have.  and were to put it mildly yummy.

Day 1 started off a MINI HQ down the road and the world famous record breaking stunt drivers from China showing how they parallel park.  It was amazing.  After a few stops along the way (including a wonderful lunch in Philadelphia we finished off in Washington D.C. for fireworks on the Mall.  The perfect end to a wonderful day.

The best laid plans of mice…

I had this wonderful idea to do long form comics for MINI Takes the States 2012 and Day one is as far as I have gotten one month after the event ended.  I have a number of ideas, but I think to be fair to those who are not MINIons I might start to trim them down so I can get more out quicker.  This said specifically because if you consider the length of today’s comic that would be 3 weeks worth of comics.  With school started I have once again overwhelmed myself.

MINIons Take The States: Day 1

After driving out to New Jersey MINI Takes the States started with a party... Prestige MINI held a kick off party with food trucks and shirts and stuff and people just gathering to chat about MINIs.  The crowning part of the night was the ice cream sandwiches... they made you forget about whatever concerns or troubles you might have.  and were to put it mildly yummy. Day 1 started off a MINI HQ down the road and the world famous record breaking stunt drivers from China showing how they parallel park.  It was amazing.  After a few stops along the way (including a wonderful lunch in Philadelphia we finished off in Washington D.C. for fireworks on the Mall.  The perfect end to a wonderful day. The best laid plans of mice... I had this wonderful idea to do long form comics for MINI Takes the States 2012 and Day one is as far as I have gotten one month after the event ended.  I have a number of ideas, but I think to be fair to those who are not MINIons I might start to trim them down so I can get more out quicker.  This said specifically because if you consider the length of today's comic that would be 3 weeks worth of comics.  With school started I have once again overwhelmed myself.

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