I must thank Alicia (one of Cecil’s groupies) for pointing out that he would have been a little upset about not getting to sit in the big chair… even if it is only a game. So while my character is going through the basics and learning how to walk again Cecil decides to make his move…

I commented before that I have jumped on and quickly jumped off the MMORPG bandwagon. I finally decided what might be a leading cause to Bruce’s dismissal of computer games- helpful people. See I’m a constructivist by nature… for those non-education people this basically means I feel it is important to learn by doing, not by watching, lecturing or worse yet having someone do it for you. I deleted my original character in Star Trek because I had forgotten what to do and wanted to learn it all over again. I have already had requests from friends who want to help me out and get me to level up… that’s not what I want. It’s like my student’s parents who never want their child to fail- they want them to never have to experience the pain of failure. Unfortunately as a constructivist I believe the only way to really learn is to fail. You never learn anything by always getting A’s you never have to ask yourself “How could have done that better?” In the realm of computer games sure I could be the highest level character in just a few hours with some help- and yes, Borg would be a piece of cake to defeat… but what have learned? What will happen when I don’t have someone hanging around with a Death Star to help me out? “Resistance is oooooky”

My Chair

I must thank Alicia (one of Cecil's groupies) for pointing out that he would have been a little upset about not getting to sit in the big chair... even if it is only a game. So while my character is going through the basics and learning how to walk again Cecil decides to make his move... I commented before that I have jumped on and quickly jumped off the MMORPG bandwagon. I finally decided what might be a leading cause to Bruce's dismissal of computer games- helpful people. See I'm a constructivist by nature... for those non-education people this basically means I feel it is important to learn by doing, not by watching, lecturing or worse yet having someone do it for you. I deleted my original character in Star Trek because I had forgotten what to do and wanted to learn it all over again. I have already had requests from friends who want to help me out and get me to level up... that's not what I want. It's like my student's parents who never want their child to fail- they want them to never have to experience the pain of failure. Unfortunately as a constructivist I believe the only way to really learn is to fail. You never learn anything by always getting A's you never have to ask yourself "How could have done that better?" In the realm of computer games sure I could be the highest level character in just a few hours with some help- and yes, Borg would be a piece of cake to defeat... but what have learned? What will happen when I don't have someone hanging around with a Death Star to help me out? "Resistance is oooooky"

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