Well, this week has been interesting… I joke that my students checked out about month ago and it has just gotten progressively worse as the weather has gotten warmer.  They are done trying to even pretend to learn, and even to be polite to each other.  Having taught 3rd, 4th grade & 5th grade you can definitely see a difference in the kids.  In 3rd grade most of the kids are… “nice” is probably the best word for it.  A lot of them remain that way in 4th… but unfortunately some decide it’s time to grow up and by the time the year is over as a teacher you can pick out who are going to end up being the rotten kids in middle & high school… the ones with “attitude.”  The ones in the cliques who terrorize everyone.  That’s when I know it is summer and it is time (as a teacher) to hit the “reset” button and go back to having polite and pleasant third graders in August.

This week marked the end of the 2009-2010 school year.  I know that a bunch of schools around the U.S. still continue into late June, but then again I’ll be back in my classroom at the beginning of August while they are hitting the beaches.  My student’s report cards have been handed out & unless a major catastrophe happens when I return to a quiet school building on Tuesday while I have a lot of work to do, without the “He’s talking to me!” “She’s messing with stuff!”  “Stop it!”  “Why isn’t she my friend anymore?” I should be able to get it done and my room moved before the end of the week- then Summer can really start.  But as they say “No rest for the wicked.”

No Rest…

Well, this week has been interesting... I joke that my students checked out about month ago and it has just gotten progressively worse as the weather has gotten warmer.  They are done trying to even pretend to learn, and even to be polite to each other.  Having taught 3rd, 4th grade & 5th grade you can definitely see a difference in the kids.  In 3rd grade most of the kids are... "nice" is probably the best word for it.  A lot of them remain that way in 4th... but unfortunately some decide it's time to grow up and by the time the year is over as a teacher you can pick out who are going to end up being the rotten kids in middle & high school... the ones with "attitude."  The ones in the cliques who terrorize everyone.  That's when I know it is summer and it is time (as a teacher) to hit the "reset" button and go back to having polite and pleasant third graders in August. This week marked the end of the 2009-2010 school year.  I know that a bunch of schools around the U.S. still continue into late June, but then again I'll be back in my classroom at the beginning of August while they are hitting the beaches.  My student's report cards have been handed out & unless a major catastrophe happens when I return to a quiet school building on Tuesday while I have a lot of work to do, without the "He's talking to me!" "She's messing with stuff!"  "Stop it!"  "Why isn't she my friend anymore?" I should be able to get it done and my room moved before the end of the week- then Summer can really start.  But as they say "No rest for the wicked."

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