When Sue & I first started geocaching, back in the days when paperless meant you had a Palm Pilot or some other secondary device for cache information, I learned to not like multi-caches very much.  I know there are some wonderful multi-caches out there, but I had a problem with them.

You see when we would travel I tended to be (and still am) a follower.  Sue plans out the trip and I drive.  When caching this means that Sue has studied the cache page and knows why this is a cool place.  Cachers do find some of the coolest places and research as much as possible about it… I did not have time to read these things, so Sue would.

So Sue would have run the pocket query and loaded the our GPS units and at this time I would only know the GC# of the cache & the location, nothing else.  We would arrive at a spot and Sue would say “There’s a cache nearby”  I would be willing to take a short break and we would head out for a brief walk in some park to search.  After arriving at the cache I would then find out that it was a 57 stage multi-cache giving us a tour of the park (all 30 square miles of it).  My thoughts about a “quick stop” vanished as I knew that warm bed at the hotel 200 miles away just became a lot further away, as did lunch.

Therefore a rule was passed that we would skip multi-caches and puzzle caches when creating a pocket query for trips… some times a few slip in even today.  I’m just glad that I now can check on my phone exactly what we are looking for.  As for a multi- leading to a party… might be an interesting idea- at least we know the guest would arrive on time all trying to be FTF.

One of Those Kinds of Parties

When Sue & I first started geocaching, back in the days when paperless meant you had a Palm Pilot or some other secondary device for cache information, I learned to not like multi-caches very much.  I know there are some wonderful multi-caches out there, but I had a problem with them. You see when we would travel I tended to be (and still am) a follower.  Sue plans out the trip and I drive.  When caching this means that Sue has studied the cache page and knows why this is a cool place.  Cachers do find some of the coolest places and research as much as possible about it... I did not have time to read these things, so Sue would. So Sue would have run the pocket query and loaded the our GPS units and at this time I would only know the GC# of the cache & the location, nothing else.  We would arrive at a spot and Sue would say "There's a cache nearby"  I would be willing to take a short break and we would head out for a brief walk in some park to search.  After arriving at the cache I would then find out that it was a 57 stage multi-cache giving us a tour of the park (all 30 square miles of it).  My thoughts about a "quick stop" vanished as I knew that warm bed at the hotel 200 miles away just became a lot further away, as did lunch. Therefore a rule was passed that we would skip multi-caches and puzzle caches when creating a pocket query for trips... some times a few slip in even today.  I'm just glad that I now can check on my phone exactly what we are looking for.  As for a multi- leading to a party... might be an interesting idea- at least we know the guest would arrive on time all trying to be FTF.

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