Yes… I have lived through a bunch of pet experiences. I won’t even get started with the various dogs that were part of my family (sometimes for a very short time). the multiple fish aquariums including the emergency draining of a saltwater tank, or the issue my older brother still has over my walking into his bedroom (when I was in third grade) and accidentally stepping on a baby hamster.  He seems to have used that one event as justification for many other things- I didn’t realize that the hamster was going to grow up and cure cancer.  I apologize to the world for my error (at least it wasn’t a butterfly in the late Jurassic period). My family has had their phases with dogs.  There was the Shih Tzu phase, and the Cocker Spaniel phase… all started as indoor dogs and quickly became outdoor dogs (“Because they like it outside”).  Same goes for the cats.  Siamese, Persian, Calico, all started off inside and ended up outside when they became boring or did something wrong.

So why all this pet talk?  Sue has discovered a cat living in an abandoned house across from her office, she has also become a friend of the Humane Society.  Sue who has never owned a pet.  Today we are going to head out and see if we can foster a cat.  I’m sure this experience will end up here at some point- so stay tuned.


Yes... I have lived through a bunch of pet experiences. I won't even get started with the various dogs that were part of my family (sometimes for a very short time). the multiple fish aquariums including the emergency draining of a saltwater tank, or the issue my older brother still has over my walking into his bedroom (when I was in third grade) and accidentally stepping on a baby hamster.  He seems to have used that one event as justification for many other things- I didn't realize that the hamster was going to grow up and cure cancer.  I apologize to the world for my error (at least it wasn't a butterfly in the late Jurassic period). My family has had their phases with dogs.  There was the Shih Tzu phase, and the Cocker Spaniel phase... all started as indoor dogs and quickly became outdoor dogs ("Because they like it outside").  Same goes for the cats.  Siamese, Persian, Calico, all started off inside and ended up outside when they became boring or did something wrong. So why all this pet talk?  Sue has discovered a cat living in an abandoned house across from her office, she has also become a friend of the Humane Society.  Sue who has never owned a pet.  Today we are going to head out and see if we can foster a cat.  I'm sure this experience will end up here at some point- so stay tuned.

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