Earthcaches are wonderful ways to learn about Earth Science through geocaching.  Some are really fascinating and help to illustrate some difficult concepts especially for students.  Hence highlighting Earthcaches at the National Science Teachers Association’s Conference.  Earthcaches by nature tend to have other logging requirements which ask you to report your findings, take a photo, in most cases they can be rather complex and time consuming.  Unfortunately like any cache there are some clunkers in the bunch.  My favorite, I will not name, but those who have visited the yellow rock next to the fire hydrant will understand.

Searching for the illusive Earthcache

Earthcaches are wonderful ways to learn about Earth Science through geocaching.  Some are really fascinating and help to illustrate some difficult concepts especially for students.  Hence highlighting Earthcaches at the National Science Teachers Association's Conference.  Earthcaches by nature tend to have other logging requirements which ask you to report your findings, take a photo, in most cases they can be rather complex and time consuming.  Unfortunately like any cache there are some clunkers in the bunch.  My favorite, I will not name, but those who have visited the yellow rock next to the fire hydrant will understand.

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