For those not “in the know” in the goecaching world there are these things called signature items. They tend to be things that people drop in geocaches to say “Hey! I was here!” while they can be simply a playing card or a marble they also get elaborate (and expensive). Some people may spend money on a personal geocoin that is trackable. These can be rather expensive. Then someone came up with the bright idea to make something collectible kind of trackable but like a geocoin. So Pathtags were born. About the size of a quarter they are collectible and going to any geocaching event you can find a group trading tags, I have about 25 designs out there – not just mine but for others (not including a bunch I have designed that have either never been made or are in the process right now). My first attempt was actually for the local MINI club when I was on the board. I thought of it as a
cool thing to dangle off your key ring. I took the logo I had redesigned and had some made. Then like any addiction it got worse and I was designing pathtags for Sue, and Cecil, joining various pathtag clubs and designing for anyone who asked. Recently I decided to stop (so I might devote more time to this comic. That said, I did just finish with the latest batch of tags for the crew here at My Geek Odyssey HQ. They arrived today and I thought I should share. You want one? Find a geocache We have been to or track me down where I am and you might end up with one.