Gee… I’m so nice, I bring in a new character and then go ahead and cause her pain.  If you can’t tell I’m still playing around with character design.  Cecil looks fine, I don’t.  So I’ll keep tweaking for a bit (or until Sue says it looks OK- since she is my most honest critic).  As I have posted before, you really don’t have a clear understanding of how bad the roads are in this country until you drive in a classic car.  they haven’t really improved the roads (or the way we build them) they (those nefarious unknown folk who probably work for Cecil) just have made cars cushier so you don’t notice.  Enough about that… let’s see if we can get Tink fixed.


Gee... I'm so nice, I bring in a new character and then go ahead and cause her pain.  If you can't tell I'm still playing around with character design.  Cecil looks fine, I don't.  So I'll keep tweaking for a bit (or until Sue says it looks OK- since she is my most honest critic).  As I have posted before, you really don't have a clear understanding of how bad the roads are in this country until you drive in a classic car.  they haven't really improved the roads (or the way we build them) they (those nefarious unknown folk who probably work for Cecil) just have made cars cushier so you don't notice.  Enough about that... let's see if we can get Tink fixed.

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