Some of you might think that I was not happy with the start of school… Actually nothing could be further from the truth.  After such a fantastic summer I was ready to head back and embrace a new year.  Unfortunately sometimes the bureaucracy gets in the way.

In these days of data, and accountability, teaching as stopped being an art, and is now a science.  The only thing is everyone is looking for a silver bullet and in my class I can say I have 25 varieties of werewolves so one bullet won’t work.  The main idea now is if we gather enough data we will be able to develop a program that will improve test scores… anyone notice anything missing?  Like kids?

I really have no reason to complain, I do teach in a great school, I have a great class.  The principal portrayed in this comic is a blend of many other principals I have know whose only goals were to make the Central Office happy so they would save an office for them, not my present principal.  As for not sending kids to the office for discipline without a form… truth is stranger than fiction (it just isn’t the dreaded 27B-6).

Start of School Meeting

Some of you might think that I was not happy with the start of school... Actually nothing could be further from the truth.  After such a fantastic summer I was ready to head back and embrace a new year.  Unfortunately sometimes the bureaucracy gets in the way. In these days of data, and accountability, teaching as stopped being an art, and is now a science.  The only thing is everyone is looking for a silver bullet and in my class I can say I have 25 varieties of werewolves so one bullet won't work.  The main idea now is if we gather enough data we will be able to develop a program that will improve test scores... anyone notice anything missing?  Like kids? I really have no reason to complain, I do teach in a great school, I have a great class.  The principal portrayed in this comic is a blend of many other principals I have know whose only goals were to make the Central Office happy so they would save an office for them, not my present principal.  As for not sending kids to the office for discipline without a form... truth is stranger than fiction (it just isn't the dreaded 27B-6).

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