So on my way out to MINI Takes The States 2014 I had to stop off for one thing… The Lego Mini Cooper. The kit was released July 18th to LEGO VIPs and that happened to be the day I was heading out. I waited for our local Lego Store to open and was the first person to purchase one. I built it on the road (not while I was driving). I even had a friend ( who does vinyl graphics create something for the trip I thought since it was MINI Takes the States “Minifigs Take the States” would be amusing so I filled the Mini with as many Minifigs as I could (31 without much effort) and went back on the road… I discovered that while LEGO stays together there are some ways you can pick something up and it will break. Over the trip I learned how to expertly pick up the Mini Cooper without much damage. Fortunately one of the first stops on MTTS 2014 provided us with a box lunch, a box that fit the Mini almost perfectly, so it wasn’t rolling around on the back ledge. Here is the complete album on Flickr While I didn’t “go all the way” or “Coast to Coast” or “Chowder to Chowdah” I did end up getting some nice shots of the Classic Mini while on the road.