Yes, this is a true story… but it has not happened just once.  It has has happened almost every year I have been teaching.  I do try to my best, in this test driven society, to make sure that each and every one of my students are learning… sadly, like the old saying goes- “You can lead a horse to water”  There is a point in which the student no matter what their age needs to take responsibility, even that means just sitting up and paying attention to half the lesson.  From elementary school to college the story is the same…  What will I do?  I will work with each student in small groups and individually as needed to get them to where they need to be, no matter where we start from, for some we will be running all year to catch up, for others it might seem like we are strolling but they will end up learning things that mortals were never meant to know.  I am happy that parents are taking an interest in their child’s education, because there are days when I think I’m the only one.

Am I complaining?  Not about this… Now why the cafeteria thinks that breakfast makes a good lunch?  That’s my complaint for today… I hate it when they serve breakfast for lunch.  Why?  Because breakfast should ALWAYS include a thick slice of creme brulee French toast or it just isn’t breakfast.  Just wait until March when they serve Green Eggs and Ham… I won’t even walk into the cafeteria that day- I do not like green eggs and ham, I do not like them Sam-I-Am.

The needs of the many…

Yes, this is a true story... but it has not happened just once.  It has has happened almost every year I have been teaching.  I do try to my best, in this test driven society, to make sure that each and every one of my students are learning... sadly, like the old saying goes- "You can lead a horse to water"  There is a point in which the student no matter what their age needs to take responsibility, even that means just sitting up and paying attention to half the lesson.  From elementary school to college the story is the same...  What will I do?  I will work with each student in small groups and individually as needed to get them to where they need to be, no matter where we start from, for some we will be running all year to catch up, for others it might seem like we are strolling but they will end up learning things that mortals were never meant to know.  I am happy that parents are taking an interest in their child's education, because there are days when I think I'm the only one. Am I complaining?  Not about this... Now why the cafeteria thinks that breakfast makes a good lunch?  That's my complaint for today... I hate it when they serve breakfast for lunch.  Why?  Because breakfast should ALWAYS include a thick slice of creme brulee French toast or it just isn't breakfast.  Just wait until March when they serve Green Eggs and Ham... I won't even walk into the cafeteria that day- I do not like green eggs and ham, I do not like them Sam-I-Am.

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